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Star Citizens! - Anyone here?

The Tali is a wonderful ship. I think it'll make Idris and Javelin owners be thankful for LTI.
I think the Banu is a very undervalued ship. It's built as a solid blockade runner that can push through anything.

Right, upgarded to taurus, it was actuallymuch more expensive than I thought but whatever :D :p

think its time for me to invest in an SSD the load times are horrendously long

Recently went into arena commander with the WIP Drake Cutlass. Even with only 3 guns and no turret or missiles it is ridiculously maneuverable and effective. I had to decrease my sensitivity to manage aiming it turns so quickly.

@Sovereign, I've just dropped your org an application as a [REDACTED] member. Can't be seen to openly associate with you, after all :p

Is star Citizens like a mmo or do you join different servers or something? i remember i saw it a long time ago.. looks realy interesting

Is star Citizens like a mmo or do you join different servers or something? i remember i saw it a long time ago.. looks realy interesting
Its currently in development. At the moment, there is Arena Commander - dogfighting. You have access to racing, free flight and various forms of fighting (Team Deathmatch, Capture the Core). In the final game, there will be what's known as a persistent universe. A world where you can free roam around featuring many different planets which you can land on and walk around on. They are working on implementing a FPS module and Squadron 42 which is the campaign. Go to https://robertsspaceindustries.com/about-the-game/universeto read more about it :)

Its currently in development. At the moment, there is Arena Commander - dogfighting. You have access to racing, free flight and various forms of fighting (Team Deathmatch, Capture the Core). In the final game, there will be what's known as a persistent universe. A world where you can free roam around featuring many different planets which you can land on and walk around on. They are working on implementing a FPS module and Squadron 42 which is the campaign. Go to https://robertsspaceindustries.com/about-the-game/universeto read more about it :)
Okey sounds cool! then i might buy this. is https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Aurora-ES something worth buying? seems like the cheapest thing to buy.

Okey sounds cool! then i might buy this. is https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Aurora-ES something worth buying? seems like the cheapest thing to buy.
It really depends on what you want to do - if you want to be a trader, explorer, bounty hunter. Each ship is tailored to a specific role. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Mustang-Alphais one of my favourite cheap ships. Holds more than Aurora and has a nice interior. It is for personal transport just like the aurora you picked out. There are varients of most ships. Some auroras are for transport, some are for fighting

It really depends on what you want to do - if you want to be a trader, explorer, bounty hunter. Each ship is tailored to a specific role. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Packages/Mustang-Alphais one of my favourite cheap ships. Holds more than Aurora and has a nice interior. It is for personal transport just like the aurora you picked out. There are varients of most ships. Some auroras are for transport, some are for fighting
Okey thanks for all the information, will read some more about each ship and may come back with more questions another time  :D

I read the December Report and we might have the first public alpha/buggy version of the FPS module by February. Solo vs AI just like Vanduul Swarm,but with Marines and Pirates. Weapons include pistol,SMG,electric shotgun and laser assault rifle.

why not both?
Exactly. They are both two very similar, yet very different games.
ED is out now, and playable, but is still a WIP.

Star Citizen is being released in modules.

ED only has first person view.

Star Citizen has both first and third.

ED ships are all (at the moment) single person.

Star Citizen has many ships that require multiple people to function properly.

Elite: Dangerous is very much a current gen space game. Yes, it has a nice dynamic economy and many other people, but the technology behind it is not as cutting edge as the work that has been put into Star Citizen, which is a next gen space game and is pushing the boundaries of what it can do.

They also have very different control schemes. ED is old school classic arcade, whereas in SC you can keep your forward moment, turn your ship around, and blast at whomever is following you.

Just some thought.

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Oh, I just got given 'Bug Moderator' status. I get to post in awesome green now, so there :p
