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Star Citizen Group?


Professional Stalker
United Kingdom
Myself, Mattjamco and ChocoRobz have been absolutely smashing Star Citizsen recently. We have each a ship to our own and a larger crew ship. We have set up an organization and was wondering if anyone else in the community is playing?

We'd be happy to invite people to our Org and get everyone ingame at some point to cause some carnage. 

Also, if anyone has one of the larger crew ships (like the constellation) we'd like to give that a test fly if you could kindly lend us it one play session. Cheers! <3

Anyone wanting to sign up can use my referral code (cheeky, I know) and you get 5,000 UEC (in-game currency) - STAR-VMSS-SB2M

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I think you're the only three guys in the community who can actually run the game  shh
With the latest patch they've actually optimized the game a lot. People will find running it on High is a lot less taxing than it was before. If you have it, it's worth trying it again! 

this is all alpha, optimisations are not really in yet.

this is all alpha, optimisations are not really in yet.
The game received a small patch a couple of days ago that boosted FPS by around 5-10 on some systems, everyone seemed to be quite pleased with that. Still a way to go, it's definitely playable however. 
