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Staff Team - New members

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Do not go gentle into that good night
Staff Team
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Firefighter

To try something new this year of 2021 we are wanting to announce our new members of staff when they join our team.
Show your appreciation to these and of course get to know them!

-Staff Leads
@Drew, @Gordon, @Stavik, @Bowen

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This time we have looked into people that have been in the team before and had a wish to rejoin. There are lots of others to also go through but we also have next stage for applicants coming up within the next few weeks. So, keep an eye on your inboxes for the ones that have applied.

And to kick this of today and the first one this year, i would like to say welcome back to the staff team;


Allow them some time to get back into things and of course show them some appreciation in status updates to each and every single one.

Staff Leads

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Oh my, what a few weeks it's been! Insane numbers on both game servers and a F***ton of stuff to do! We have gone through the first round of interviews
and now finally accepted our new members of staff! A big old welcome to;

Please congratulate them by sending them a status update or even a PM 🙂

Bit of a fun fact for everyone reading this. About 1 month ago we had our Discord Support Tickets system put in, and since then we have dealt with 650 support tickets.
This is insane and really fun.

What comes next? Well, we are still looking at the applications and the interview process and it will proceed as norma. If you want to apply, you can do so here;

If you have applied recently or a few months back, we are still working on the applications from that time. If you have a questions about your application and want some answers, please message any of the leads.

Fresh blooooood! 
It's been a  while since the last intake! Many things have happened!

A big congratulations to our new members of staff here on RPUK!

Please congratulate them by sending them a status update or even a PM  🙂

Discord? We've just reached 10k Discord users in our Discord!
ITS AMAZING! And since February we have had 5000 discord tickets with various calls for help!
The Staff Team can not thank this Community enough for its patience and understanding as we work on not only getting better but bigger to make sure everyone can #RoleplayEverything.

Do you feel like you have what it takes to join our Staff Team? Apply here:

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Hello everyone! What a few weeks its been! Server is hella busy, tickets everywhere, staff interviews and even real life! But now, we are at a point with two major announcements!

For his incredible dedication to the staff team and his willingness to help @Bowenhave been invited to join the Staff Leads Team as the number 4! 
This will for sure be an incredible addition to the team because it will benefit not only us and the staff team, but the community. It means we can do more, quicker.
So, big warm welcome to @Bowento the "top" brass and we wish him good luck.

During this latest application and staff interview stage we realized that the quality of the people applying was quite high. After a bit of back and forth we came to the conclusion that a big intake is really the only sensible thing. We landed on 12 new staff members. This is to date our biggest intake ever.
A big warm welcome to our new level 1's!

Training on these are done this weekend and next week so please do give them some slack until they get the hang of things. Other than that, wish them a massive good luck in PM's or even forum updates or tags on discord 🙂

Applications and going forward

Some people are still awaiting their staff interviews  and some new people have applied in the time between. Have no fear, we will get to you. Just allow us some time to get our level ones sorted and we will come back to the apps/interviews. If there are any questions about it, please send us a message.

We have grown in so many areas and we encourage everyone to apply to the staff team. What we would like to see more off in the future are applications from the ladies in our community. So if you are interested but haven't applied, please apply.

On a more serious note..
It has come to our attention that some members off the community think that members of the Staff Team will just get away with things cause "thats just the way things are".
Under no circumstance is this true. The Staff Team are held to a much higher standard because of the level of trust and their position and we will take all complaints serious.

Does this mean you should make a complaint every time something happens? Well no. Use common sense for what have just happened. But as stated above, we will take complaints very serious. Make sure you provide your side with the evidence of whatever the issue is so it would help us to do our investigation.

How do you raise a concern about a member off staff or decision?

  • Make a Ticket on Discord, let the staff team know that you want only leads to be present and they will know what to do.

Now, if there are any questions you would like to ask us.. Please do ask us. If we don't answer right away we will eventually get to you at some point.
Thank you for time and dedication to our servers and we are forever grateful for having you!

Staff Leads
Drew, Stavik, Gordon, Bowen

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Hello again! New year and countless new oppertunities for roleplay! Myself and the Staff Leads hope you are all well and the server continues to give you some proper roleplay!
Before we move on with some new additions to the team i would like to adress that over the christmas/new year some members of staff left us. We wish them all the best for the future and we are incredibly grateful for the time and effort that we have received!

Applications and 2022!

The Staff Leads have decided that this year we are scrapping all applications from 2021 to start everything abit fresh for us. 

  • If you have applied in 2022, do not worry! But if you have applied but recieved no reply from when you applied in 2021 we ask that you write a new one
    Have not applied and wish to give it a go? -->PRESS HERE<--

New members of the Staff Team!

Please welcome 6 new members of Staff

Please give them a warm welcome and we are looking forward to not only train them up but also see what good they can do!

If there are any questions, please make a ticket or DM us. We might not answer straight away but we will try our best!

Staff Leads
Drew, Stavik, Gordon, Bowen


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Hello everyone! It is that time again, we are here to welcome some new staff members! BUt before we do so, here is some information!

As per last post and applications, we reset all applications at the time and we now only have applicants from 2022 and onwards. This made our system alittle cleaner and we are ready make sure we stay properly up to date. Regarding this batch of staff members, it is only the start. We still have applications ticking in and more interviews to do. So dont be disappointed just yet.

If you feel like you can contribute to this community not only on the Roleplay side, throw an application in: ->PRESS HERE<--

Now, without keeping you waiting, welcome to our new staff members.

Please give them all a warm warm welcome!

If there are any questions, please make a ticket or DM us. We might not answer straight away but we will try our best!

Staff Leads
Drew, Stavik, Gordon, Bowen


And we are right back here again in the not too distant future and what do we have! More staff!?!?!
We've been busy with a royal shitton of things to do but did in fact squeeze some time to get some additionals to the team.
There are more interviews to be done but time.. we just need to find it!

Thank you everyone for attending that stream for Sam and Drex. We all enjoyed chatting with you lot and answering questions. Remember that you can still ask us questions we will answer to the best of our ability.

Without further ado, warm welcome to;

If there are any questions, please make a ticket or DM us. We might not answer straight away but we will try our best!

Staff Leads
Drew, Stavik, Gordon, Bowen


It's been a while, but we are back! Still busy, still tons to do. 
But we are doing our best!

We do have a few new members of  Staff, these are!

Please wish them a warm welcome!

Anyone that have applied, do not loose hope for an interview. 
There is quite abit to go through and we will do them as quick as we can! If you have any questions feel free to send us a  message!

Staff Leads
Drew, Stavik, Gordon, Bowen

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