Staff Lead
Staff Lead
Dev Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Police Trainer
Gruppe 6
- Location
- In Gordon's Cardboard Box

You had to have seen this one coming...
Stuart has been a fantastic asset to the team, not only performing well with his own staffing "duties" but also in welcoming new members to the team and offering a helping hand in training the new staff. He's been consistently going above and beyond in what we expect of the staff team, and we feel that this not only deserves recognition, but also a position with the staff lead team.
The community have shared an enormously positive opinion of Stuart and we believe that given the growth that we've undergone since moving away from Altis Life, it's about time we look to expand our leadership team to allow us to better support our staff team and the community. What this will hopefully transpire as is an improved ability for us as leads to further grow the staff team to hopefully provide a more prompt and effective response to tickets, in-game OOC chat, actions on the forums and just about everywhere else throughout the community.
Show @Stuartsome love in the replies below

The state of Roleplay...
Just those words alone give me flashbacks to Altis Life, where "initiation" was all that mattered and if you had "FRIENDS AND ALLIES IN THE AREA" you were safe. FiveM has always been intended to nurture a more realistic approach, pushing for a higher standard of RP than what may have been accepted in days gone by and I'm ashamed to say that as a community we appear to have started to let our standards drop. That's not to suggest that there isn't an awful lot of our community that are absolutely top-notch, but there's an increasing number of players who do not provide what we recognise to be "High Quality RP". As a team, we're keen to push back on this, we want to do our best to ensure that every interaction is of high quality, and where it isn't, that we're looking at how we can educate and improve.
We'll do all that we can as staff, however, that's not to suggest that this isn't a problem that we can all tackle as a community. Show people how it's done! Give a friendly (out of character) reminder if required and help people if they're struggling! Not every rule-breaker does so maliciously, a lot simply don't know any better. Let's do what we can as a community to raise our standards!
With all that being said...
It has been an absolutely manic past few months within the staff leads team, so we appreciate your patience with us, and we wanted to give a final mention to the rest of the staff team who have worked tirelessly behind the scenes. The Staff team don't get nearly enough praise or recognition for all of their hard work that they put in. We wouldn't be able to function as a community without you, so sincerely, thank you.
Take it easy, stay safe, #RPEverything
//Staff Leads - Stuart, Stavik, Bowen, Drew, Gordon.