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Spike strips

Scott S

Are police allowed to spike your car without any initiation or sirens, this happened to me so I'm just interested

Yeah in the same way a rebel is if they have a spike. There is no need to specifically roleplay in order to spike someone as long as you don't treat getting spiked as enough "roleplay" to shoot back.

I'm sure you've been spiked on devil's bend without any roleplay before, you can't roleplay with a moving vehicle!

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If the Police are in a pursuit of a vehicle, they do not have to initiate in order to place spikes. You must recognise that the vehicle is failing to stop for the Police and then you can place a spike. For example;
PC Picker Nose is pursuing a Black Quilin for being wanted. The Quilin is a main road only vehicle and only sticks to the main road. PC Pickernose puts his sirens on but does not initiate. The Quilin can still get spiked. 
Hope this helps.

Yeah, in the same way, a rebel is if they have a spike. There is no need to specifically roleplay in order to spike someone as long as you don't treat getting spiked as enough "roleplay" to shoot back.

I'm sure you've been spiked on devil's bend without any roleplay before, you can't roleplay with a moving vehicle!


In addition to this, the main server rule is:

(7.1.6) Spike strips - When spike strips are used by any player RP has not been initiated, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.

We'll also routinely use spike strips at checkpoints to catch those trying to go offroad to evade. We will, and should repair your vehicle after quality RP ;)

Slightly off topic, but does this mean you can't shout at a vehicle to stop or tyres will be shot ?
Actually a very fair interpretation of what I said. Within reason. If you are laying a spike, one would assume you are moving at speed and are reasonably far in front of him and therefore beyond the range that is reasonable for roleplay to take place.

To answer your question, yes, but you need to think about if it's audible or not. I made a degree of assumption when I said what I said.
