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Speed Camera mini game!


Well-known member
Gruppe 6
Los Santos Rangers
Hell or Auto Exotic is there a difference?
So as most people know Rachie is notorious for cutting the cities ANPR Cameras they're simple to cut and just as simple to repair... My suggestion is this:

When cutting a speed camera instead of it just be a %bar maybe it could be a Mini game instead for cutting the wires in the correct order and in the time frame or something and if the mini game is failed you get an electric shock of some sort. Currently it only alerts the police once the camera is cut giving more than enough time to get away without police seeing you however if the mini game was imposed it could also alert the police if you fail that the camera has been tampered with giving the police more of a chance to catch people in the act.

#CamerasNeedLoveToo :D
I feel like Rachie would need convincing to not start chewing the wires out of frustration..

Great idea!
+1 Assuming it isn't the circle mini game.
TBF If it was the normal mini game yous would forever catch rachie being electrocuted cos i canny do them to save my life =D takes about 5 attempts to hotwire a car!
When you mine, the more mini game bars you hit the more you get back, when smelting the more bars you hit the faster you smelt.

So if you was to add the mini game to cutting cameras, could just increase the speed of the percentage bar.
But if you was to implement a new mini game, for example physically cutting the wires that would be good, change up the dynamic of all the mini game stuff you find on the server.
Cutting wires seems like a fun suitable minigame for disabling cameras. Only issue might be with using coloured wired for colorblind users. Could do what Among Us (i think?) does, have shapes associated with each coloured wire for redundancy.

+1 this
Makes it a bit more harder, and can be a good creation for some good RP with the police!
This would be good, I feel the mini game we have at the moment gets very boring because it’s used to much for so many different things. Would be nice for something new.
