- Location
- The Big Bank
With the introduction of the new Street Credibility system over the past few weeks i've had the pleasure of grinding it out quite a significant amount. With things settling down and managing to create patterns in the new system, I would like to bring forth some suggestions that i think would improve the system, having reached a fairly high street cred level and gathering some experience and knowledge therefrom on my character.
- Street Credibility: Prison
When a character is sent to prison, their street credibility is lowered. I believe that this should be changed so that the street credibility is either unaffected or increased a small amount.
Though i haven't been in prison in real life, it is my assumption that your "street credibility" isn't decreased by the fact you went to prison. People in the environment won't sit and think "this guy went to prison, he's not gangster". Additionally, i think that people doing street credibility might alter their roleplay knowing that going to prison would make them lose say, up to one level of street credibility, adopting a "win mentality", where they refuse to go to prison because it will have an effect on their experience levels in Street Credibility.
- Bagging at cutting tables (QoL change)
This is, in my opinion, fairly straight forward. When a person with street credibility bags up cocaine or crack cocaine at a cutting table their street credibility is lowered. With majority of the drug manufacturing, street credibility is lowered when your chemistry is raised, and i think this is totally fair because it makes it so people cannot take on both roles of being both the supply and the demand. However, I don't think bagging drugs should alter your street credibility, as this is largely an issue in regards to QoL and timesaving, due to the fact that people with street credibility now have to bag drugs by hand, when not long ago people would be able to bag drugs at cutting tables to then go out and sell it. Additionally, putting drugs into a plastic bag shouldn't necessarily be something that takes skills in terms of chemistry, so i think it should be unrelated to Street cred and chemistry.
- Street Credibility for Gus runs
This one is a bit more subjective and i'd completely understand if people disagree with this, but I think people doing Gus runs should get a small amount of Street Credibility for unlocking the Gus packs. Gus packs are largely a benefit for the chemists of the group you are in, and I think that it would make sense if people with Street Cred saw value in going to the island.
- Failing to sell drugs lowers street credibility
While i understand that some people might think this is fair, I would respectfully disagree. The fact that there is a one-to-one ratio of experience gained and lost when succesfully selling and failing to sell is not fair in my opinion. Yes, while selling at hotzones, majority of the time you will succesfully sell the product, so it's not that big of a deal, but i still don't think it makes sense in roleplay.
Couple of suggestions i think would improve the system and make it more fun. With all this being said i am very happy about the new system and i look forward to the new content that may come with it in the near future.