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SPC The Shadow (Rejected - Reasons given)

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And yes, as me and Mitch looked back at the footage you posted it does look really bad I admit that but if we would have landed next to your hemmts you would have jumped out and killed us on sight for being police because you was doing drugs. That's why we kept at a distance and tried to disable the vehicle. There was lack of communication but like I said we couldn't have got any closer without you shooting us before we even left the chopper. (Maybe you wouldn't have but we didn't take the chance)

I suggest maybe adding a siren to the hummingbird alone as it is a well used helicopter by everyone and people can't realy tell it's us apart from the horn that apparently people can't hear.

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It doesn't matter what the RP situation was, you combat logged and it's as simple as that. If you weren't a police officer, you would've been absolutely slaughtered by the community for it. If we see any cop disconnecting post 5.1 I'm confident 99% of the community will treat it as a combat log. Just because you enforce the law, it doesn't mean you're above the rules. People who weren't cops have been banned for it before.

EDIT: I can see the video evidence has been cut, which is in violation of the rules regarding providing evidence. However, if what the police say happened before the cut happened, then it's still irrelevant.
Do you know why the rule combat logging was invented by servers?

It was to prevent people that pay for gear logging off after a death to keep gear that they had brought and to stop people duplicating money, this server rule has no relevance to someone that does not pay for gear. Now I'm not saying it is not bad I'm getting my point across that it's a more serious offence if you pay for your gear or trying to duplicate money in my opinion.

The screenshot has you combat logging after 5.1 was released, which means you paid for your gear.

The screenshot has you combat logging after 5.1 was released, which means you paid for your gear.
Do not post in here if you are not the officer reported or a high ranking officer

this goes for all officers

it is awaiting action your input is not needed.

SPC the Shadow can post and the chain of command.

The screenshot has you combat logging after 5.1 was released, which means you paid for your gear.
Yes I did, but that was a moment of rage because I was told off by maratek for constantly wielding a lethal weapon.. I used the rubber bullet gun and it failed to work therefore getting me killed in the process, I rage quit from game and ts like I said before it was not meant to be a combat log and not did I keep my gear I spawned in as a standard combat live saver and had to sell all of the gear that I had on me, anything we can't buy in the shop we get £0 for when we sell it.. I did not profit from this in fact I lost what the rubber bullet gun cost 10k pluss I had a silencer on it which cost 150k plus any other things I brought on the night.

Yes I did, but that was a moment of rage because I was told off by maratek for constantly wielding a lethal weapon.. I used the rubber bullet gun and it failed to work therefore getting me killed in the process, I rage quit from game and ts like I said before it was not meant to be a combat log and not did I keep my gear I spawned in as a standard combat live saver and had to sell all of the gear that I had on me, anything we can't buy in the shop we get £0 for when we sell it.. I did not profit from this in fact I lost what the rubber bullet gun cost 10k pluss I had a silencer on it which cost 150k plus any other things I brought on the night.
Regardless if on one of those occasions the gear was free, you've broken several server rules to which everyone has to abide by. You've also gone ahead and broken a police rule by firing on those HEMTT's within 3 minutes. Your reply to this thread says a thousand words to be honest.

Yes the 3 min rule is for police but opening Fire early can happen and should be fixed right away

Yes the 3 min rule is for police but opening Fire early can happen and should be fixed right away
A police guideline correct? However surely if he (and apparently myself at the time of being in the force) thought it was a needed action in order to stop these hemitts you can do so. We (shadow) saw they were armed, and having 2 / 3 hemitts on the run could have been stopped by taking out the tires? Surely there is a time and a place for a car chase and if needed you can stop the cars early?

*Fades into oblivion* 

Right, so here I am stuck with this plonked in my section, let us keep all posts relevant now please chaps and I will sort through the white storm that is the contents of this thread. I see a fair amount has been trimmed by mr Neo but there seems to be some more pruning needed. Once I am done horticulturaly organising this post I will look over it this evening and come to make a decision.

So from this point forward cut it out clear relevant posts we are all guys having a good time someone has been wronged I see that but there are enough toys thrown out enough prams for me to have to clean up one to many messes.


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Regardless if on one of those occasions the gear was free, you've broken several server rules to which everyone has to abide by. You've also gone ahead and broken a police rule by firing on those HEMTT's within 3 minutes. Your reply to this thread says a thousand words to be honest.
The 3 minute rule is not a rule, its a guideline we can shoot your tyres out as soon as you try to evade the police if we wanted to.

sometimes we let you get away so we can have a good chase.

I'm sorry but this thread really just turned into the "Target a player" thing again, when a gand/ group of people all target someone because they don't like them, grabbing all the evidence possible to try and get them kicked from the Police or banned from the server. The usual that happens with most gangs on the server eventually.

I'm sorry but this thread really just turned into the "Target a player" thing again, when a gand/ group of people all target someone because they don't like them, grabbing all the evidence possible to try and get them kicked from the Police or banned from the server. The usual that happens with most gangs on the server eventually.
Wait, so let me understand this. Because an officer of the this force broke rules, it's suddenly a 'target a player' issue and not relevant at all? Please, CI.. keep your opinions away unless they have factual evidence.

Wait, so let me understand this. Because an officer of the this force broke rules, it's suddenly a 'target a player' issue and not relevant at all? Please, CI.. keep your opinions away unless they have factual evidence.
When did I say any of this was not relevant? I simply stated it looks like all you guys seem to be teaming up on Shadow. Posting a load of different things you guys have collected over time in an attempt to get him kicked from the Police/ Banned. It's happened in the past with other Officers and is happening again now.

When did I say any of this was not relevant? I simply stated it looks like all you guys seem to be teaming up on Shadow. Posting a load of different things you guys have collected over time in an attempt to get him kicked from the Police/ Banned. It's happened in the past with other Officers and is happening again now.
teaming up? We operate as a gangani had a screenshot of it, and someone sent me a video, I don't consider that teaming up to try and get him banned, I see that as a community doing what I should be doing.. working together.
Ultimately it comes to down to one thing. Don't break rules.

I myself have got a lot more aggressive towards rebels from the way I have been treated by them I'm the past, and as long as they have the weapons they have and the more the police get downgraded in terms of weapons I will not be any less aggressive.

In terms of you (UNMC) I will always tase you on sight where possible, armed or unarmed.(obviously identifying you with the uniform, if you want to enter a policed town you need to wear civ clothing and go undercover) since sovereign made his territory unbreachable by police without warning I am treating you as invaders if I see you anywhere past your checkpoint.
I feel obligated to make several clarification statements here,bearing in mind natural aggression I can understand within the rule set and police seem to have misconceptions.

-Shooting on sight with non-lethal is only plausible if a weapon is out as this excuse is used by police for their life being in danger which is logical in RP.

-Tazing anyone unarmed is an act of abuse unless are fleeing from a visually seen illegal activity or it's a troll. 

-Furthermore tazing a specific group on sight is targeting and unto this statement of uniform identification and your belief of us having to switch into civilian clothes to enter a city unabated is false.(Would would in an RP event if it called for it,but it is in no way required or illegal.) Uniforms themselves have never been illegal in the entirety of this servers existance. 

-UNMC territory unbreachable is false. If your referring to the base we have the same whitelisted base rights as you do(request an attack.) and the fated incident that occurred where I had to enforce it was the third incident regarding our base to which I discovered after the fact that none of the admins told the police these rules even though warnings were issued to former CSI Mitch in the two prior incidents to pass on,which TFU later told me he did not in a 3-4 hour discussion that followed with myself TFU,DEA, and Athira Police.

-In the case of the checkpoint and the wall,you can attempt initiate RP to attempt to take it over or do what I have seen police do and infiltrate the land via helicopter on multiple occasions.

-Additionally there is a rumor that police have been told not to go into our zone. This was a preference I've heard stated by CSI Maratek as it is incredibly hostile as it should be in RP to police as it is filled with rebels and drug smugglers who know your not supposed to be there as opposed to the normal parts of the map. As I've stated to police who have mentioned this to me,you can go there,but very bad things will happen to you,so enter at your own risk.  

-"Without warning." This statement breaches all aggressive RP rules established on this server. Nobody can fire any weapon without warning(with the exception of tazer vs opposition weapon out scenario,though a warning should be issued if possible as a guideline for rebels believe it to be unfair since they must issue a warning at all times in comparison.) All police HQ raids,UNMC HQ raids,city attacks,robberies,hostage taking and executions must be initiated with a warning. Nobody is exempt.

Quite frankly I'm disappointed since you've been here almost as long as Cardoso. I would have even explained this to if you wanted to raise concerns to me,but instead you outright declare here that you will shoot on sight a faction, which nobody is entitled to.

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I feel obligated to make several clarification statements here,bearing in mind natural aggression I can understand within the rule set and police seem to have misconceptions.

-Shooting on sight with non-lethal is only plausible if a weapon is out as this excuse is used by police for their life being in danger which is logical in RP.

-Tazing anyone unarmed is an act of abuse unless are fleeing from a visually seen illegal activity or it's a troll. 

-Furthermore tazing a specific group on sight is targeting and unto this statement of uniform identification and your belief of us having to switch into civilian clothes to enter a city unabated is false.(Would would in an RP event if it called for it,but it is in no way required or illegal.) Uniforms themselves have never been illegal in the entirety of this servers existance. 

-UNMC territory unbreachable is false. If your referring to the base we have the same whitelisted base rights as you do(request an attack.) and the fated incident that occurred where I had to enforce it was the third incident regarding our base to which I discovered after the fact that none of the admins told the police these rules even though warnings were issued to former CSI Mitch in the two prior incidents to pass on,which TFU later told me he did not in a 3-4 hour discussion that followed with myself TFU,DEA, and Athira Police.

-In the case of the checkpoint and the wall,you can attempt initiate RP to attempt to take it over or do what I have seen police do and infiltrate the land via helicopter on multiple occasions.

-Additionally there is a rumor that police have been told not to go into our zone. This was a preference I've heard stated by CSI Maratek as it is incredibly hostile as it should be in RP to police as it is filled with rebels and drug smugglers who know your not supposed to be there as opposed to the normal parts of the map. As I've stated to police who have mentioned this to me,you can go there,but very bad things will happen to you,so enter at your own risk.  

-"Without warning." This statement breaches all aggressive RP rules established on this server. Nobody can fire any weapon without warning(with the exception of tazer vs opposition weapon out scenario,though a warning should be issued if possible as a guideline for rebels believe it to be unfair since they must issue a warning at all times in comparison.) All police HQ raids,UNMC HQ raids,city attacks,robberies,hostage taking and executions must be initiated with a warning. Nobody is exempt.

Quite frankly I'm disappointed since you've been here almost as long as Cardoso. I would have even explained this to if you wanted to raise concerns to me,but instead you outright declare here that you will shoot on sight a faction, which nobody is entitled to.
Yup as stated no one is to enter the zone without My permission not till a Clear set of guidlines and an idea is set out for what we can expect there.

I'm getting tired of this bullshit just because I'm a bit more aggressive than other cops you come crying to the forums, just ban me already...

Rejecting this report and here are my reasons.

At this date cops still didnt pay for there weapons please blame the admins and dev for this, this however is now in place so combat logging for police has never been an issue as they didnt pay a penny and dealt with a number of frustrating trolls and idiots that came on the server it became a very acceptable thing if you had enough going forward it is of course like anyone else a ban-able offense.

Looking at the video i can only go by what i see not knowing the full police circumstances... I know at the time there was alot of issues with a certain police officer and i feel the shadow was easily lead... that is the truth and sorry if that offends anyone.

Based on the shadow being here for 8 months (one of the first players here with Cardoso/TinyBigJacko and a number of others) this is the first report on him and the vast majority of time he has outstanding gameplay and roleplay on the server.

Dealing with this as an admin and not as a friend i am leaning towards a warning before a ban, Shadow has admitted to me that he did this and that gives some weight in my decision.

If there are any other reports of RDM like any other player i will issue a ban but based on the loyalty and the amount of time he has been here with such a good record as rebel and as police its a stern warning this time around.

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