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SPC The Shadow (Rejected - Reasons given)

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Community Banned
On a roof in Kavala
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): SPC The Shadow
Time & Date this happened: Over the course of a few days
Description of what happened: I'm hoping this stays out of the IPCC as I was under the impression every member of this community gets treated the same was as another member. This is a violent of the rules and should therefore result in the appropriate action being taken by an admin and NOT buried amongst plenty of other posts of people defending them for their actions.
The first screenshot shows SPC The Shadow combat logging when killed by a member of PLF, something which was against server rules pre-5.1 and as far as I'm aware, is still against the server rules.
In the video, several PLF members had spawned into VIP Store & some had flown there. Within a short amount of time, Mitch & The Shadow turned up, restrained all of them and put them in a police car. While we tried very much to get an answer as to why they were being restrained, the only answer was "Because they have illegal weapons". They were all brought to the Athira HQ to which I was able to obtain the recording, apparently he "chose the wrong spawn".
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I attempted to contact Mitch at the time of the arrest, I asked him if we can discuss why several members were sent to prison for being in the VIP store, his reply was "no". We couldn't contact The Shadow as he was offline.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here

fucking stupid... he is reporting me on a screen that shows me rage quitting (when we didn't have to pay for gear and i had no intentions of trying to keep my gear) and a video that is 16 seconds long.

Get some real evidence you fucktard

fucking stupid... he is reporting me on a screen that shows me rage quitting (when we didn't have to pay for gear and i had no intentions of trying to keep my gear) and a video that is 16 seconds long.

Get some real evidence you fucktard
Well, if a medic reviewed you, you could be taken as a hostage. (That's why I think that police should't combat log)

fucking stupid... he is reporting me on a screen that shows me rage quitting (when we didn't have to pay for gear and i had no intentions of trying to keep my gear) and a video that is 16 seconds long.

Get some real evidence you fucktard
Maturity must have skipped a generation in your family.

Under any circumstances at all, combat logging is against the rules. But if you look at the minimap you'll notice the new zones introduced, this means you did indeed have to pay for your gear.

fucking stupid... he is reporting me on a screen that shows me rage quitting (when we didn't have to pay for gear and i had no intentions of trying to keep my gear) and a video that is 16 seconds long.

Get some real evidence you fucktard
no need for that language tho. combat logging is still combat logging. 

Maturity must have skipped a generation in your family.

Under any circumstances at all, combat logging is against the rules. But if you look at the minimap you'll notice the new zones introduced, this means you did indeed have to pay for your gear.
Hmm was this screen taken on sunday night?

I'm asking this because just recently (sunday at approx 1am) i was told off for not using a rubber bullet gun by maratek, i then took a rubber bullet gun out with me and got into a fire fight at the prison with PLF  trying to break people out. i used the rubber bullet gun on a PLF member and shot a full clip into him and it did nothing, he then turned to me and shot me with a silenced 7.62mm rifle... after this event i said fuck this and instantly hit  ALT  + F4 in rage and then disconnected from ts without saying a word to the person in my channel (mitch) and went to bed.

outcome of me trying to use a rubber bullet gun that does not work, I'm never going to use them again.

Come one Kris give it a break mate im sorry I think if you get killed for example by a car crash and disconnect I do not think that is a combat log combat logging only applies if you are in restraints and you exit that is a combat log
We clearly have very different ideas of combat logging, we can also bring up quite a few reports of police reporting other civs for combat logging when dead, if you'd like to go into that.

fair enough, ill take that one.

Mitch was drunk IRL and decided to run into a wall  at about 200km/h so i just disconnected to save me 5 mins waiting for the respawn button or 30 mins or more waiting for a medic to revive me (if they come to revive you, because just recently they all stay in kavala grouped up so no one gets revived around the map but kavala).

yes its wrong what i did just to save me 5 mins waiting for the respawn button but i did it knowing that i wouldn't be cheating the game to get extra money or keep the gear because i could have just brought it all back for free.

just keep it up.. i knew a gang leader just like you, gets mad at the police for making him loose imaginary money and starts reporting them all. 

he is no longer on the server because admins got tired of him and his gangs shit.

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It was myself Palmoz and Borris at the prison, you shot at me from the stands, and got me down to 5% hp i didn know rubbers damaged, i then move into a house and waited till u moved towards the bush and finished u with a vermin :p

just keep it up.. i knew a gang leader just like you, gets mad at the police for making him loose imaginary money and starts reporting them all. 

he is no longer on the server because admins got tired of his and his gangs shit.
I didn't lose any money involved in any of this? I saw you breaking the rules, I reported you, you acted in a manner I'd never expect anyone to see on a Serious Roleplay Community act in.

The irony being, just a few hours prior to this I was having a conversation with Wilco, explaining to him that I've got a lot of respect for most of the police force, I remember what they had to go through in terms of RDM, VDM, etc.

Simply put, it's those who break rules I dislike.

Get some real evidence you fucktard
Real evidence you say.. I feel obliged to answer to that.

A few days back me and Blaze were picking weed at the weed field. We were almost done when we saw a hummingbird making his first flyover. We proceeded to drive way, when it did the second one. It then landed, a bit downhill from the HEMTTS driving away. bout 150-200m-ish from the trucks, two guys get out of the Hummingbird and instantly opens fire on us. Tracer rounds. We tried to drive off, but the wheels got disabled, so we pulled them on the side and killed both people inside. Yes I know, metagaming was involved from our side but only AFTER they opened fire, and in no way to use in roleplay, we just wanted to know the names so we knew who it was.

This is pure attemptive RDM, clear as it gets. There was no provocation, no shots being fired at the heli, no direct threat to the heli or the people in it. We weren't even running around with weapons, we were driving away.

So.. Shadow.. Also fucking stupid??

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I dont remember any of this.


However the PLF situation needs the full video about the donator store as we was only there for a stolen heli, in which you then surrounded shadow. I actually spoke to like 8 of you by myself, and then went to get back in my car without arresting you. We was gonna let you get away with it until you started the RP of "we took the heli" i which obviously as cops we had to follow up.

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ahhh see, people twisting things again...

we did a flyby using the loud horn we as police get to notify people of our presence, as we flew over we noticed that you where kitted with UNMC uniform and was armed with large weapons.. as we come around for another pass we saw you running to your trucks and making an escape (this is where you started recording). so i put the chopper down at a distance so i didn't risk the chopper in any way and proceeded to try and disable your trucks, this plan was a failure because Mitch only had a vermin and i only had a MXC both bad at long range.

if you listen carefully as we fly over the second time just as you start recording or where you have cut the video too you can hear Mitch trying to communicate with you.

Our intentions where to arrest you not to kill you, like i said we where shooting to disable the vehicles until you killed me.

This evidence is void because you have cut a key part of the video out.

Edit :- As many admins have commented on reports before you need to supply a video that shows the before and after of an event you are going to report.

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ahhh see, people twisting things again...

we did a flyby using the loud horn we as police get to notify people of our presence, as we flew over we noticed that you where kitted with UNMC uniform and was armed with large weapons.. as we come around for another pass we saw you running to your trucks and making an escape (this is where you started recording). so i put the chopper down at a distance so i didn't risk the chopper in any way and proceeded to try and disable your trucks, this plan was a failure because Mitch only had a vermin and i only had a MXC both bad at long range.

if you listen carefully as we fly over the second time just as you start recording or where you have cut the video too you can hear Mitch trying to communicate with you.

Our intentions where to arrest you not to kill you, like i said we where shooting to disable the vehicles until you killed me.

This evidence is void because you have cut a key part of the video out.

Edit :- As many admins have commented on reports before you need to supply a video that shows the before and after of an event you are going to report.
 Trust me. Maybe it was desync, but on both our screens there were NO sound horns. And even if there were, as far as I know, the police code of conduct does not grant you the right to proceed to shooting it without any verbal warning (except as you say, the horn on the heli, which was not heard by any one of us.)

I am willing to believe it was used, but shoudn't the police be a bit less aggressive and use more warnings? A airhorn is hardly a propper warning. We did not hear any part of Mitch trying to communicate. I will try to see if there is video from before where this one started.

I myself have got a lot more aggressive towards rebels from the way I have been treated by them I'm the past, and as long as they have the weapons they have and the more the police get downgraded in terms of weapons I will not be any less aggressive.

In terms of you (UNMC) I will always tase you on sight where possible, armed or unarmed.(obviously identifying you with the uniform, if you want to enter a policed town you need to wear civ clothing and go undercover) since sovereign made his territory unbreachable by police without warning I am treating you as invaders if I see you anywhere past your checkpoint.

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