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Sovereign[UNMC] - (Rejected, Reason given)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  Sovereign[uNMC]
Time & Date this happened:  10/21/2014 2:00 AM Eastern
Description of what happened:  We were in the process of apprehending Sovereign and his cronies, then a firefight broke out.  Sovereign[uNMC] was arrested/restrained, and shortly after he glitched out of his handcuffs and killed PSCO Frosty.  The video starts after the first suspect was apprehended.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:  No. I don't believe this is something that we can discuss and have him apologize/explain. He exploited, there is no explaining that away. He knew what he was doing.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

The relevant bit starts at 1:30 mark.
Is another angle from Frosty's POV, though it starts after the fact.
(Video is going through Youtubes' Processing phase, will be a moment.  Also, the audio is a good 10~ seconds out of sync, but the video is what's important anyways. Trying to get that fixed though).
Video will be amended shortly, it's currently uploading. Posting now so PCSO Frosty can comment.
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What does that have to do with Frosty being killed by the same person he just finished handcuffing?...

PCSO Frosty restrained the man, then the man killed PCSO Frosty moments later.  I'd assume if the restraints are going to go away after he dies, it would be irrelevant if the man in restraints is also the man who killed him...? Video is almost done uploading.

Yeah basically what doohicky said after doohicky had restrained the first suspect i moved in to give him a hand and took fire from sovereign (unmc). I shot and hit him moved in and restrained him and took cover behind his car as i spotted another suspect behind another vehicle as i did so sovereign was not finshed and stuck a couple of bullets in my back while restrained.

Velten has video which he will be uploading. It was damned close. He told me I was firing as he restrained me. I'm off to bed I'll see it all in the morning.

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Good morning everyone  :D

So here is the video from my perspective, and it clearly shows, that sovereign got tazed and after the "taze" effect weared off he got up and shot him. The officer that got killed didn't restrain him, as far as i can see or hear.  :)


Velten has video which he will be uploading. It was damned close. He told me I was firing as he restrained me. I'm off to bed I'll see it all in the morning.

I wouldn't call a 3-4 second gap between you being restrained and you killing him as being a close one, but we'll see.


After seeing Velten's video all I can say is that it looks like some bad De-Sync. 

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If you look in the video Velten uploaded it didn't say Sovereign got restrained at all. 

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right so wouldn't that suggest that velten  had bad desync? more tomorrow.

bed time for me.

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Them dam Americans with there high ping

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I does Clearly say Sovereign was restrained by frosty


Frosty was killed by sovereign

Lol, that use of comms while in restraint 10/10. 
Well he can still use his comms, he just got in handcuffs, they didnt pull out his earwig, and the scrambler thingy is only in police cars. + No clear rules stated with this..

Well he can still use his comms, he just got in handcuffs, they didnt pull out his earwig, and the scrambler thingy is only in police cars. + No clear rules stated with this..
Or he could use direct chat and roleplay? Who would've imagined that.

No its them al night chassing PCSO and try to capture them or even killing them. And this happend to me to. But with another group. And the guy was saying.

and i quote: O oo sorry miss click. But he emptied his mageze on me. So its not desinc or lag. No just bad roleplay and RDM. RDM Means: Random Dead Match. 

And i have seen this aloud. If you switch weapons and sit and stand you glitch and you dont have your cuff on anymore.

Sensire Mike

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The wierdest thing.. In both video's, you can see the same situation. In the one of the cops, you hear the guy talk about getting killed and THEN the messages appear (delay?) that he restrained Sovereign and then got killed by him. You dont actually SEE this happening, you just hear him say it and see the chatlog.

In the other video you SEE sovereign get knocked out by rubber bullets, see the cop moving in on him, he stands op and kills the cop. There is no message of him being restrained in the logs, and also not in what you see happening.

If it were my guess, I'd say the difference in ping may have caused this?

Edit: Porave, you tell others in your post what RDM means yet you don't understand yourself. At most, this was glitching. Never RDM. The roleplay already started, it was a showdown, commands to put down weapons were issued. That means it is a legit standoff and no shots fired come even close to RDM. As you said, it means RANDOM death match. R A N D O M. So, with no reason, with no warning, with no roleplay. Walk up to someone, pull out a gun, shoot em in the head. Clear RDM. Some people however seem to think every kill is RDM unless you explicitly tell someone he is gonna get killed or somethn...

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No its them al night chassing PCSO and try to capture them
Sorry what? we were doing a drug run they showed up we killed them, last time I glitched out of restraints I didn't mean to and I put my gun away and let them take me so don't start talking shit.

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