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Some good old guns and other stuff


In a quadbike dealership
Hi, I'm Jonatan Hoax and this is my Gun Shop. 

I've decided to sell all of my items inside of my house, please bid responsibly, and visit gambleware for further information. Please do not fake bid. 

you can find all the items listed in this picture below or you can read the list.


3 black mxm's

1 mk-18

2 mk-1 sand

2 protectors

1 rangefinder

1 sspar 16

1 black MX SW

2 mk-20 c

1 mk-1 camo

1 spar 16-s

3 black bipods

6 5.5 suppressors

3 Shemags white

3 Kahila (old)

2 laser pointers

1 Uav terminal

7 dms's

1 Arco (normal)

2 radios

2 mrco's

1 Aco (green)

1 aff bipod 

1 9mm suppressor

5 rco's

3 7.62 supressors

4 flashlights

1 black ERCO

1 MTP Nato bipod

1 carrier rig

1 light combat helmet (dessert)

1 black ARCO

14 3gl smokes

7 7.62 10 rounds mags

3 5.56 mags and 4 6.5 mags 

1 150 round 5.56 mag (for the spar 16-s)

7 6.5 suppressors

-Hoax the hobo

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How much for uav terminal, I feel like I need that for some reason. 200k?

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350k 3 mxm blacks
sorry not selling 3 of them for 350k Nevermind I just relised it's halfprice 350k sounds good you can message me on teamspeak when you're able to :)

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