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Some Changes have to be made


Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
This post won't really follow the "traditional" formatting and I apologise in advance for that y'all!

So some things i've noticed since starting to actively play again, these will be broken down in segments to hopefully make the outlined issues a bit clearer, again these are changes I feel need to occur based on my experiences within RPUK since 2021 (Granted, majority of my time has been as a cop main or a civ/small time crim main)

- Gunplay

As is stands at the moment a lot of groups (Yes including Police until very recently with new, stricter changes) focus a lot on Gunplay, credit and grants given where due, firearms are definitely fine to own/use as long as they are used spareingly and as a last resort, it always seems to be the first resort for most situations that have unfolded recently this shouldn't be the case in my eyes however this is a mentality change that needs to change.

- Roleplay Standards

There is a pretty clear cut standard set by the great Staff Team here and I feel as though it is starting to slip more and more and that's not just new players, veteran players of the server have also been slipping down a slidey slope of offering Poor Quality Roleplay.

- Random Robbing

This is a BIG one that i've noticed, there are groups going around random robbing people, granted this wouldn't be such a bad thing IF they provided high quality Roleplay with it instead of the usual bollocks of "Hands now, don't touch your panic drop all your stuff", it's boring, it's repetetive and it's only fun for one side.

Now onto my actual suggestions for combatting some of these and other unlisted issues.

- Whitelisting

This is a big one and one that I know the idea had been toyed with before, but I feel as though a 5 question application would be more than sufficient to root out the poor/low quality players from those that are here for the right reasons. Some questions you may ask me is "Who would sift through these applications and approve or deny them?" To which I respond - A dedicated hand picked team of trusted players from RPUK that have proven to not only provide great Roleplay but have also shown their worth to the community.

- Server Wipe

This one may result in some negative comments and i'll happily address each one as they come but I do feel as though a lot of players have reached their end with regards to cash flow, I propose a full wipe of the servers economy, characters etc, this will allow for a fully fresh start for players to rebuild their characters, rebuild their RP friendships and relationships and also allow the Dev Team to remove the IRL vehicles that remain in the server, I see very few downsides to this aside from the odd moan about requiring to grind their way to the top again.

- Fresh Content

The players have recently spoken about how they would love to see fresh content on the server, whether that be jobs, crim activities or other great things to keep players busy with their friends, this task isn't the easiest and I know that as mentioned below, but it's something to definitely keep in mind should the wipe go ahead, it'll keep players engaged within the server and hopefully help retain players a bit more, perhaps even cycle the jobs around per restart, for example Taxi work and Mechanic work from 2pm till 6pm then maybe allow chopping, Transport and other jobs from 6pm until the following morning, it's all about keep things fresh.

I know that this is a rather large undertaking from the relatively small dev team (When comparing Devs to player ratio that is)

I appreciate any of y'all that have taken the time to read this suggestion and of course, thoughts and additions are more than welcome, I much like most if not all of you, don't want to see RPUK continue on this slippery downward slow and want to bring RPUK back to it's prime, when things were amazing, when RP was plentiful and when things just... made sense ya know? Take care all of you lot and I hope you all had an excellent holiday!

Signed ya favourite dickhead

PC Alec Hunter | Lord Philipe Trumper | Mitch Greene | ???

Most ppl in the police lean to get their firearms training and even join firearms for the sake of what‘s mostly happening on the server.

Is that not an issue with police mindsets? Is it possible that they themselves only want the gun fights and not to actually roleplay as police? I don't understand how you can try flip this onto "crim" mains that police choose to rush their training just to shoot.

End up either getting shot or robbed.

This mindset is what i'm talking about. How about instead of thinking like that try thinking about the way's "you" as police can better roleplay standards for "crims" and keeping things fresh and fun.
Is that not an issue with police mindsets? Is it possible that they themselves only want the gun fights and not to actually roleplay as police? I don't understand how you can try flip this onto "crim" mains that police choose to rush their training just to shoot.

This mindset is what i'm talking about. How about instead of thinking like that try thinking about the way's "you" as police can better roleplay standards for "crims" and keeping things fresh and fun.
Mate i'm just bringing examples from my prespective and im not implying what I said on crims only. not sure if you read what I said I mentioned above, we have shit tons of firearms units on patrol usually and only 1 or 2 response. we are here to talk as one community mate just bring anything you got and not attack each other. I do also agree with you on everything regarding police, in police we do have that mentality and to fix it is not from command it is from the whole RP quality on the server.

and to once that is done trust me the whole crim and police will ease up and everyone will follow RP over gun play.
Is that not an issue with police mindsets? Is it possible that they themselves only want the gun fights and not to actually roleplay as police? I don't understand how you can try flip this onto "crim" mains that police choose to rush their training just to shoot.
Police are reactive in nature, so the more guncrime that happens in the city the more officers have to be equipped and ready with guns, if the guncrime was to go down then the cops would follow suit and carry less often/keep them in the boot untill needed

3 years ago I hardly ever see a gun in the city, now I can find someone waving around one after 5mins of connecting

Tho the changes for less guns would also need the 2 groups that controll the supply of magazines to probably throttle the supply to make them more scarce
There are literally no civs on the server its just police vs crims. No good roleplayer would say „ ah yes I can begin a great busniess story on this server as the foundation allows“
There might be more crims than civs but to say there are literally none is mad cap.

Keep in mind this is a GTA based server not VRChat so there are going to be a lot of crims.
There might be more crims than civs but to say there are literally none is mad cap.

Keep in mind this is a GTA based server not VRChat so there are going to be a lot of crims.
Thought you are my Uber - eats driver 👀
There are literally no civs on the server its just police vs crims. No good roleplayer would say „ ah yes I can begin a great busniess story on this server as the foundation allows“
This makes no sense and is clearly an incredibly biased view. I have mained a civilian character for over 1000 hours, although the odd crime is committed, it's not the foundation of the character.

There are a ton of civilian characters who pride themselves in being legal. Take people like Joe Scrub, Teej & Anne McGee, Chris Noble, Samuel Shire, Blue & Chris from lucky Plucker, Marcus Smith, Felix Williams (minus that "the people" business), Silas Green (minus the Marlowe adventures), just to name a few (sorry if I didn't mention you). Take most of the NHS & Rangers (and maybe even G6, although they sometimes sacrifice the odd prisoner). Some of these have worked months/years to build a foundation for a business or create a brand around themselves by doing a certain legal job over and over again.

There isn't a single party/group to "blame" as we're all in this together.
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This makes no sense and is clearly an incredibly biased view. I have mained a civilian character for over 1000 hours, although the odd crime is committed, it's not the foundation of the character.

There are a ton of civilian characters who pride themselves in being legal. Take people like Joe Scrub, Teej & Anne McGee, Chris Noble, Samuel Shire, Blue & Chris from lucky Plucker just to name a few (sorry if I didn't mention you). Take most of the NHS & Rangers (and maybe even G6, although they sometimes sacrifice the odd prisoner). Some of these have worked months/years to build a foundation for a business or create a brand around themselves by doing a certain legal job over and over again.

There isn't a single party/group to "blame" as we're all in this together.
No doubt to that mate and yes I should edit what I said there‘s for sure few people who worked hard and put time, it is all appreciated of course and wish there are more who would create a great rp story which is the current issue we having.

Now this thread is more about the disappointment of low quality rp on the server and find ways to solve this and I gave my police character prespective to it in my daily duty. So if you have anything to add regarding that please do and thanks for the correction <3
Is that not an issue with police mindsets? Is it possible that they themselves only want the gun fights and not to actually roleplay as police? I don't understand how you can try flip this onto "crim" mains that police choose to rush their training just to shoot.

When I had a police character it was very frustrating when I only had a taser and depending on the night, only thing I could do is just sit and wait around as the only crime that was committed was firearms related. I would've loved to have a chase or respond to a shop alarm etc but that wasn't happening and I often found myself either logging off or going on a different character cause there was nothing to do.

In my opinion there should be something done with the gun situation cause I've heard that it is possible to get a firearm in just an hour of creating a character and that shouldn't happen. Firearms should be a luxury item and very rare. If people wouldn't have so easy access to firearms police characters wouldn't rush to get access to the pistol.

This mindset is what i'm talking about. How about instead of thinking like that try thinking about the way's "you" as police can better roleplay standards for "crims" and keeping things fresh and fun.

I feel like you don't like the police, if that's your opinion I'm not gonna try and change that, but I feel like it needs work from both sides. Yes it can be annoying getting a taser or a firearm pointed at you pretty instantly while doing a shop robbery or told to leave some space between you and the officer but also police doesn't want to be apart of the vending machine RP or just dull kidnap RP that a lot of crims provide (zip tied or downed, shoved into the backseat or worse the boot and people just not talking to them at all and the only words that come out of their mouths is when they talk on the radio while getting transported).
When I had a police character it was very frustrating when I only had a taser and depending on the night, only thing I could do is just sit and wait around as the only crime that was committed was firearms related.
I would say you're looking at it completely wrong, you are only FOCUSING on the firearm related crime instead of all, I'm sure there were many people running red lights or driving without road worthy vehicles for example. Try CREATE RP as a police officer instead of waiting for other's to do something that you can respond to!

If people wouldn't have so easy access to firearms police characters wouldn't rush to get access to the pistol.
I agree to a certain extent, I do feel as though firearms are far too easy to maintain for a UK based server.. however, I do still feel like officer's would rush to get their pistols/ar's to have the upper hand and get that shooting urge out!

I feel like you don't like the police, if that's your opinion I'm not gonna try and change that,
What an odd and just wrong assumption to make, police are essential to this server, just as criminals and citizens are. The best role-player to touch this server is a police main.. Avion Solar.

Yes it can be annoying getting a taser or a firearm pointed at you pretty instantly while doing a shop robbery or told to leave some space between you and the officer but also police doesn't want to be apart of the vending machine RP or just dull kidnap RP that a lot of crims provide

This again is what I feel is causing poor RP standards across the board in this server. You're going into ALL scenarios with past experiences in your head, could it be possible you're providing "annoying" Rp as a police officer simply because you have felt hard done by in the past by completely other criminals than the ones you're dealing with now? I'm sure there are lots of RP routes you could go down with after being kidnapped instead of holding a constant grudge towards the rest of the criminals whom try their best to provide good RP.
I would say you're looking at it completely wrong, you are only FOCUSING on the firearm related crime instead of all, I'm sure there were many people running red lights or driving without road worthy vehicles for example. Try CREATE RP as a police officer instead of waiting for other's to do something that you can respond to!
I have tried it many times but after a binman saying "fuck off" or something similar for the 10th time in a row cause I am interrupting their min-maxing time isn't very enjoyable.

I do still feel like officer's would rush to get their pistols/ar's to have the upper hand and get that shooting urge out!
There are definitely bad apples in police as there are in other groups but most go for ASPs/tasers before even thinking about a firearm (obviously this is situation dependent), I've even seen firearms officers run with their ASPs out chasing a suspect.
What an odd and just wrong assumption to make
I've just said that based on the replies I've seen from you when a police topic is discussed across the forums. If I have offended you with it I do apologize.

You're going into ALL scenarios with past experiences in your head, could it be possible you're providing "annoying" Rp as a police officer simply because you have felt hard done by in the past by completely other criminals than the ones you're dealing with now?
Unfortunately most crims provide poor kidnap RP and you kinda have to have it in the back of your head that there's a chance you have to sit in silence for an hour or even maybe more without getting any roleplay from anyone.
I'm sure there are lots of RP routes you could go down with after being kidnapped instead of holding a constant grudge towards the rest of the criminals whom try their best to provide good RP.
I am not holding a grudge against anyone. I agree that there are RP routes and I have tried every time when I have been kidnapped but if it's not reciprocated there's only so much I can do. I have kidnapped people on my crim for bank heists from the city and by the time we've reached Paleto they are excited about being a hostage and laughing cause I actually talk to them.