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So Apparently I was messing with admin rights.

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Also can you explain your actions on the server...

Repeatedly connecting to block up the chat to ruin other peoples enjoyment ?

22:17:09 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:10 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:11 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:11 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:12 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:12 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:13 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:13 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:15 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:15 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:16 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:16 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:17 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:17 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:18 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:19 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:20 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:20 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:21 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:21 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:22 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:22 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:23 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:23 | Player #29 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:25 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:25 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:26 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:26 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:27 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:27 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:29 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:29 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:30 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:30 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:31 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:31 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:33 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:33 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:33 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:33 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:35 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:35 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:36 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:36 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:37 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:37 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:38 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:39 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:40 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:40 | Player #30 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:40 | Player #3 J. vd Berkmortel disconnected
22:17:41 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:41 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:42 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:42 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:43 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:43 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:44 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:45 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:46 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:46 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:47 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:47 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:48 | Player #18 RickyX disconnected
22:17:49 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:49 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:50 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:50 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:51 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:51 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:52 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:52 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:53 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:53 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
22:17:55 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (xxxxxx) connected
22:17:55 | Player #3 Aggressive Cobra (-) has been kicked by BattlEye: Admin Ban (Messing around with Admin Rights on TS)
I've done that so you can see how silly it sounds like. It has nothing to do with the game! Get it right!

so then that was a stupid reason to ban someone as you did not complete the permissions properly, furthermore how does teamspeak have anything to do with ingame arma? you had already banned him from teamspeak and 30 minutes later he gets a ban in game which does not add up

So instead of saying... hey guys! you might want to fix this... you go ahead and play with the team speak server... We do not know what actions you were going to take hence the ban from teamspeak and the ban from the server...

Yes they are connected they are all part of AltisLife.co.uk the community

You then kept connecting to the server because "I've done that so you can see how silly it sounds like."   Sorry thats not a valid excuse, it does not sound silly atall

In terms of the timing of the ban Frenchy I have been away from my desk to come back and be told this took place.

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not like to get involved, but it seems you are asking why the daddy punched you when you only punched his daughter and not his son.

only because it is two different person.

I gotta say that the strategy of calling the admins f**king c**ts, and continuing to whine, blame-shift, and generally be disrespectful, rude and deny that anything wrong was done, is always a guaranteed winner.

To hell with saying "sorry, yeah, we shouldn't have messed with TeamSpeak, we realise it was a silly thing to do, and we won't do it again", because that's for wimps and gaylords, right?

Far better to prolong the thing and crank up the global perception of foolishness, whilst ensuring that all bridges are burned. That's the heroic strategy which always opens doors back in to the family, isn't it?

Good luck with that.

All the same, it was a pleasure to roll with you AC, while I had the chance. Thanks for the fun and the advice.

Hello, I am one other "fucking cunt".

Look at my avatar. Thanks. Now you know how I look like right now (yes, I turn asian when people do stupid shit). You force me to speak verbosely (sorry, german common sayings translated into english), because no one will understand why we are acting how we are acting without knowing the full story.

I have been working as a community manager for a long time (I know, it gets old). The community where I have been employed for years had over 2 million registered users. When I meet people online, I can say for sure that I can quickly categorize them. During my few weeks in this community, my judgement regarding other members has always been right. Same thing regarding your person, Cobra.

The way you came across after your application showed me that you are sometimes too convinced of yourself. You have a lot of skills regarding how to drive your vehicle, fly the helicoper or how to shoot a weapon in the game. But when it comes to the communication between your fellow mates from the police force, your weak points show up. You quickly went on and gave instructions no other people with the same rank as yours. It didn't take a long time until you dared to question decisions from higher ranking members. You were even giving me instructions on when to restart the server, what to do when xy happens, etc. 

I don't mean that in a bad way. It is just you. You want to take things in your hand and you have a slight problem with higher authorities, longterm-ish. 

I knew this would become a problem at some point. Members started to complain about you, about your attitude. Today you were leaving the polcie force to become a rebel. You had 800k on your account. That made me suspicious and I checked the logs, because that amount was highly unusual - it was just too much for a cop. 

The logs showed me, that you cashed in over 250k within three hours a week ago. So I asked you about it, but without telling you the full story. I asked for the first 50k you cashed in within 30 minutes. "I busted some drug dealers". Then I asked you about the other 100k you cashed in within the next 60 minutes. "A friend gave it to me". And when I asked you about the other 50k you cashed in just 12 minutes later, you started discussing with me, like "What do you imply?" or "Why do you even want to know?". You refused to answer my questions regarding these transactions at all. That was the point where I decided, that my choice to remove the 800k and leave you with the starting money of 100k was the right decision.

You explained to me that you wanted to be a rebel who is helping the civs. Like a cop-rebel kinda. Your first action although has been to come to Kavala, kill me and then drive off in your Ifrit again. Well, that's a clear message, isn't it? I'm fine with that. You had a rebel license and there was nothing I could do about it, admin-wise. You continued killing me one more time and kept showing presence in your Ifrit in and around Kavala. That was an act of vengeance, nothing more. You coundn't accept what has happened. 

The way you react; the join-spam after you got banned, the way you talk and argue - it shows that you are who you are. You bend rules, you think too high of yourself (in my opinion) and you can't accept authority of any kind. 

The last person I have known who showed some similarities with your behaviour was kicked from the APD and banned from the servers. It was the Police Chief Assistant. The highest ranking player right after me. And believe me when I say: I dealt with him a lot faster than I dealt with you. I gave you a lot of chances (you might not have noticed), but that one was the last one. 

You are banned and it will stay that way. I will not ban your user account, because we are giving everyone the opportunity to defend themselves. But it would not surprise me if I wake up tomorrow and the forum is full of spam post from you, because it would suit your personality. 

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You were screwing with my group pretty badly, we were in the middle of something pretty heated and we all got spammed on the TS channel by whatever the hell you lot were doing, it was annoying, it didn't happen once and you were blatantly doing it purely to piss us all off.

So instead of saying... hey guys! you might want to fix this... you go ahead and play with the team speak server... We do not know what actions you were going to take hence the ban from teamspeak and the ban from the server...

Yes they are connected they are all part of AltisLife.co.uk the community

You then kept connecting to the server because "I've done that so you can see how silly it sounds like."   Sorry thats not a valid excuse, it does not sound silly atall

In terms of the timing of the ban Frenchy I have been away from my desk to come back and be told this took place.
Well, I wanted to check if it's true that it's public and report it to you. But another admin jumped into conclusions without allowing us to say a word and banned us instantly. How's that fucking fair? This is ridiculous, what's up with all the bumsucking? I've not done anything wrong. I wanted to report it but an admin jumped straight into the room and starting banning us 1 by 1 without allowing us to speak and he was giving us a bad attitude. I don't believe that is acceptable but if someone pay's you it's cool init. Shove it up!  :wub:  I'm still innocent. Since this community isn't very well made. I'll be skipping. Remember, only 11 year old kids who get butthurt by the admins banning them will cry. I see plenty new servers on my list to enjoy. I don't feel like I'm missing out much here.  :wub:   Goodbye!  ^_^  Mitch, you can blame the admins for that. Not the people who had access to do it.  :p

Well, I wanted to check if it's true that it's public and report it to you. But another admin jumped into conclusions without allowing us to say a word and banned us instantly. How's that fucking fair? This is ridiculous, what's up with all the bumsucking? I've not done anything wrong. I wanted to report it but an admin jumped straight into the room and starting banning us 1 by 1 without allowing us to speak and he was giving us a bad attitude. I don't believe that is acceptable but if someone pay's you it's cool init. Shove it up!  :wub:  I'm still innocent. Since this community isn't very well made. I'll be skipping. Remember, only 11 year old kids who get butthurt by the admins banning them will cry. I see plenty new servers on my list to enjoy. I don't feel like I'm missing out much here.  :wub:   Goodbye!  ^_^  Mitch, you can blame the admins for that. Not the people who had access to do it.  :p
Good luck is all i can say... any community will ban you the moment you start mucking around with things you should not.

With your quote about this community not being very well made i remember your police application where you mentioned your server failed.

The quote " I don't believe that is acceptable but if someone pay's you it's cool init. Shove it up!"

if thats a dig at our donators then you obviously do not understand they get no speical treatment apart of the good feeling of helping to keep the servers funded and the ingame perks they get.

From the attitude you have have given and the number of feathers you have ruffled in the space of less than a week i can see you wont go fair in making many friends on this game or being a long term part of any community.

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