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Snackbar - Unban Request (Denied)

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You hurt puppy.... no one... NO ONE HURTS PUPPY!


You have to give someone 3 minutes before executing them? When did this server rule come in?

You have to give someone 3 minutes before executing them? When did this server rule come in?
more for hostage ops than anything, for example if you take a hostage you need to inform them you'll be executing them, 3 minutes later you can execute them. I said it as well, stating to someone in chat "you've got a gun, I'm going to kill you" and then shooting them directly afterwards isn't my idea of role play.
Puppy, how about you fuck off you soppy faggot
Not cool, Snackbar. Not cool. 

I will not be hiding any more posts before admin review so I suggest you keep insults to yourself. 

Ok lets get this one out the way.

Firstly sending a text the police and using side chat to say you are going to start killing people with weapons is not allowed and unless you keep announcing it over and over people who have just connected to the server or didn't read side chat will be, as far as they are concerned, RDM'd by you. That is why these things need admin approval so we can send admin messages out periodically to ensure all players are aware of the events.

Ok apart from that lets look at the other rules you have broken which can be found Here.

Rule 0: An Adult Community

We are proud to see our-self as an Adult community, this doesn't mean you need to be over 18 to play here... it means you cannot act like a complete douche!

We will ban people for bullying, racial hatred or just being a complete idiot towards other members.

if you don't agree with someone or something someone has said then disagree in a adult manner rather than shitty comments or trying to start a flame war.

Keep things civil keep things friendly and this community will be a very welcome place for all, after all we are here to have fun not cause drama!

We have had our fair share of drama makers here in the past... and as you see they are not here anymore just keep that in mind before posting on the forums, speaking on TS or on the server.
I don't think I need to say anything else really as we can see your attitude is not really compatible with the majority of rule 0.

Rule 2: Admins
2A) Any decision that the Admin(s) state are final.
2B) Abuse, spam and attacks towards the admin(s) is not acceptable and will result in a permanent ban.
2C) Admins are not available via team speak for the following issues: reporting a player, suggestions , comp requests, police whitelisting or unban requests. Instead please open a topic on the following forums.
Links:  Report a problem | Report a player | Make a suggestion | Un-ban request | Altis Chat
2D) Please refrain from private messaging admins unless they invite you to do so.
2E) Wilco ingame is there to be an admin only, If someone is on roleplaying as Wilco then this is not Wilco... you will usually find Wilco wearing a ghille suit with some scary looking gun in the middle of citys we are working on an admin tshirt.
I didn't want to have to abuse/embarrass you like this for everyone to see but if didn't want to sort it like a normal human being on teamspeak and admit your mistake this the route I ultimately had to take.
You admitted to admin abuse, you were lucky Kris even answered you TBH and I think he has kept a level head through all of this.

In conclusion: A little bit of humility goes a long way and you have shown nothing except arrogance here.

I will give you one last chance at some humility before I deny this.

(This is the bit where you say sorry, that you've read the rules and promise it won't happen ever again. Also include your GUID, Snackbar.)

(This is the bit where you say sorry, that you've read the rules and promise it won't happen ever again. Also include your GUID, Snackbar.)
Not quite sure anyone wants him on the server again, I personally would not like him to be on the server again... he hurt puppy...

Not quite sure anyone wants him on the server again, I personally would not like him to be on the server again... he hurt puppy...
Not my call, Lemmen. It's up to the real admins who wield the ban hammer. But trust me, if he crosses Vladic Ka he is royally f****d! 

Vladic, I agree it could have been approached better but when you have people trying to climb into admins arseholes all the time it does get frustrating and If you're going to stick to rule '0' like a bible then I think 'Kris' has broken them rules too.

Lemmen mate, it's not real life, it's a mere fantasy. If you and your boyfriend can't handle some banter then I don't think you should be allowed any social interaction.

Yes Reverend you're right this is the point I apologize so here goes, you ready? Good. Sorry for not actually breaking any rules before I was banned I may have crossed into a grey area since then but when you get banned and you know you haven't broken any rules it does royally piss people off and I'm also deeply sorry to anyone I've abused and in turn may have given low self esteem.

I hope to see you guys back in game and we can all be one happy family again. Lots of love always 'Snackbar' xxx

My ID is 76561198049780134

As you have not admitted to breaking any rules I see this as a non apology. Also you have been previously banned in this thread:

Unban request denied.

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