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Snackbar - Unban Request (Denied)

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I haven't played this server in awhile but I have many many hours on this server as a police officer and a rebel, according to 'Kris' I didn't roleplay and when I asked him how I could have roleplayed it more he didn't have an answer. I  told people in direct as well as side (i know side inst for in game just wanted the people that didn't hear my direct chat to know) and I also texted the police 10 mins prior, I was alone and stayed in character the whole time. When 'Kris' finnaly plucked up the courage to speak to me on TS he couldn't give me a specific reason as to why he decided to kill off any fun but put god mode on and teleported into the crowd that I had forewarned. He could have easily restrained me and spoke to me but decided to go on a power trip and ban me (y) 

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So, while I was in Athira spectating several persons of interest I received messages from a high ranking police officer stating a group naming themselves after an actual terrorist group ISIS has attacked Kavala HQ and are now stating they run the city. 

I then saw side chat when you had claimed 'ISIS' has taken over Kavala and anyone seen with weapons will be shot. I warned you that attacks on cities have to be approved by admin before hand. I then decided to relog into Kavala to see a large string of kills from yourself, knowing that likely I'll be shot on sight I enabled Godmode and walked towards the garage when you decided to pop up and lay a bunch of rounds into me, surprise surprise. 

There's several reasons why I felt a ban was necessary, from the lack of role play (absolutely none), the fact that you named yourselves ISIS and the fact that you felt it's okay to carry out attacks on the city despite me already telling you it's not permitted.

Once banned I received several messages asking why you were banned from a friend of yours, despite the rules being pretty clear. Directly afterwards I was informed there was a possibly hacker on the server, to which (I believe) would be a priority for any member of the staff to deal with. Once I had the chance I dragged you to my channel to explain exactly why you were banned if not already clear, to which you would not let me speak at all. I explained to you that you did not engage in any role play at all and RDM simply is not acceptable in a serious role play community. 

I explained to you that if you wish to kill people, simply engaging them in role play would be a helpful start and unless they're a direct threat to you or your personal belonging then you have to give someone 3 minutes to execute them, yet still you did not listen and when I advised you (no less than the 5th time) that you should open an unban request, you thought it was appropriate to insult me and swiftly disconnect teamspeak before letting me say anything else.

Upon reading the Teamspeak chat, heres some more:

<19:53:33> "Snackbar (WANT ADMIN)": I know the rules I used to be a police officer, I've been on the server longer than you

<19:53:47> "Snackbar (WANT ADMIN)": Un ban me you killjoy
A video is available on request and the only suggestion I have for you, if you have been here for as long as you state you that, that I'm ashamed you feel this kind of play is permissible, if your idea of 'fun' on a serious role play community is to gun people down in the middle of Kavala, I suggest you find another server - this is not Call of Duty or KOTH. 

I was present on the server when the announcement was made. The police were spread so thin outside of Kavala that it was pretty much impossible for us to provide any back-up; which just made this situation all the more worse. Even without seeing your side of the story, it's plain and simple that you rdm'd people. 

All the warning that the police got was a text, that's it. a text. Forgetting that it's against server rules for a sec, you didn't exactly attempt to negotiate or give us any sort of relevant warning

I was present on the server when the announcement was made. The police were spread so thin outside of Kavala that it was pretty much impossible for us to provide any back-up; which just made this situation all the more worse. Even without seeing your side of the story, it's plain and simple that you rdm'd people. 

All the warning that the police got was a text, that's it. a text. Forgetting that it's against server rules for a sec, you didn't exactly attempt to negotiate or give us any sort of relevant warning
Thank you for reminding, just to clarify - you did inform me a warning was issued to the police. Unfortunately, the people you were killing were not police officers and cannot view 999 calls.

Thank you for reminding, just to clarify - you did inform me a warning was issued to the police. Unfortunately, the people you were killing were not police officers and cannot view 999 calls.
I wasn't a part of this, I was a CSO on a ridealong when all of us got the text. We had no way of informing the civillians in Kavala as to what was going on, and because the blue line was so thin at the time we really couldn't provide backup to deter the killings. 

Okay a few things, Ill start off by correcting you then I'll add my own points.

1) It wasn't a group just me

2) I didn't attack HQ or intend to

3) I didn't say armed people I said a threat/hindrance

4) The in game group ISIS was made months ago

5) Making a group called ISIS and taking over towns would be classed as rp, even if it is in bad taste, its a game for 18+ and as I said in sidechat to you 'wind your neck in and get over it'

6) You never told me it wasn't permitted and if you read point one you'll know I was alone

7) That whole third paragraph was a waste of time, why did you even write that?

8) I did let you speak you just had nothing to say only clutching at straws

9) You don't need to tell me anything mate, who even are you?

10) You're in some position of power and responsibility and yet you're acting immature, I can vent my frustration and so can you but you need to stay classy 

11) I roleplayed it as much as literally possible, even you can't think of how it could have been done differently/better  

Right now I've cleared that up I want to further make it clear that your only point of me not roleplaying is simply incorrect, what do you want me to do? put black flags up everywhere and put your head on a stick? It was a police matter and it should have stayed like that, there were 15+ of them including more than enough high ranking officers to deal with the situation but yet you didn't even give them a chance. It could have been a lot of fun for everyone but no, you had to go prove you're a big man because you got abused by everyone on sidechat. I didn't want to have to abuse/embarrass you like this for everyone to see but if didn't want to sort it like a normal human being on teamspeak and admit your mistake this the route I ultimately had to take.

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You insist on correcting a fallacy in order to save your own neck, but while doing so you've admitted that you do not have any understanding for the rules. This will be the last time I explain this to you.

Okay a few things, Ill start off by correcting you then I'll add my own points.
1) It wasn't a group just me
2) I didn't attack HQ or intend to
3) I didn't say armed people I said a threat/hindrance
If actually not part of a group, why was the admin message system spammed by someone under the name 'Ali Ackbar' after you were banned?

You'll need to forgive me, I believe the words coming from one of the DI's of Kavala HQ over someone who finds killing anyone he can see in the name of a terrorist group.

At this point in time, I'm surprised you're still accusing me of lying. Other people within this thread have already stated their feelings for you.

4) The in game group ISIS was made months ago
5) Making a group called ISIS and taking over towns would be classed as rp, even if it is in bad taste, its a game for 18+ and as I said in sidechat to you 'wind your neck in and get over it'
6) You never told me it wasn't permitted and if you read point one you'll know I was alone
I don't care when the in-game gang was made, none of the admins here have time to scan through every single gang within the database.

This is another point that shocks me, you state that you were once or currently is still a member of the police force here, yet you have no idea of the community itself and how it reacts to people like yourself. Just a few months ago a group attempted a similar idea to you, before they could go gunning everyone down, they decided to ask permission if they can use actual terrorist names similar to 'ISIS', however they were given 24 hours to change their names. It's not "bad taste", it's immature, irresponsible and the only justifiable actions of a child. You genuinely don't think people will take offense to that?

7) That whole third paragraph was a waste of time, why did you even write that?
8) I did let you speak you just had nothing to say only clutching at straws
9) You don't need to tell me anything mate, who even are you?
"When 'Kris' finnaly plucked up the courage to speak to me on TS"
You thought I was too afraid to talk to you on Teamspeak? That's cute.

Unfortunately for you, I'm Kris - I'm the ingame administrator who banned you for several accounts of RDM, attacking a police HQ, attempting to role play in side chat, abuse to an administrator and using a clearly offensive terrorist groups name in order to have some "fun" as you would put it.

Which one of those straws do you feel like I'm clutching too?

10) You're in some position of power and responsibility and yet you're acting immature, I can vent my frustration and so can you but you need to stay classy 
11) I roleplayed it as much as literally possible, even you can't think of how it could have been done differently/better
You can vent your frustration, but if you've ever decided to take a look at the rules themselves, you'll find there are rules in place to prevent abuse towards an admin. As far as I'm concerned, you've broke several rules and your childish behaviour and demanding to be unbanned just added towards that.

If that's your idea of role play, take it somewhere else.

Right now I've cleared that up I want to further make it clear that your only point of me not roleplaying is simply incorrect, what do you want me to do? put black flags up everywhere and put your head on a stick? It was a police matter and it should have stayed like that, there were 15+ of them including more than enough high ranking officers to deal with the situation but yet you didn't even give them a chance. It could have been a lot of fun for everyone but no, you had to go prove you're a big man because you got abused by everyone on sidechat. I didn't want to have to abuse/embarrass you like this for everyone to see but if didn't want to sort it like a normal human being on teamspeak and admit your mistake this the route I ultimately had to take.
15+ High ranking officers? Have you bothered to read what other people are saying within this thread? Who happen to be those very officers that were dealing with Kavala that night. And what abuse on sidechat? I genuinely have no fucking idea what fantasy land you're living on, but the only person you're abusing and embarrassing is yourself..


Why is anyone commenting on this other than Kris? You're not adding anything worthy to this thread especially 'CSO Connor', I'm not even talking to you so just delete that last comment it's irrelevant.

Anyway back on subject, 'Kris' I thought you'd bring up 'Alan Ackbar' or whatever his name is, if you check the logs he joined just before you banned me and was an unarmed hobo, yes I do know him but he in no way assisted me.

I could go through and play down all your points yet again but I would simply be repeating myself, I broke no actual written rules rather I just hurt a few peoples egos and feelings who can't deal with a joke in a 18+ serious roleplay community. You say I have no idea of how the server works but trust me I have many many hours on here and as an officer it can get dull at times and if you don't agree you're in denial. if someone had started what I did it would have been a highlight of the week as an officer and im sure many of them old timers would agree. 

Its not my fault who's online and where they where but there were more than enough in kavala to deal with one person especially since I gave plenty of warning. To the others who are mentioning of other people using the name 'ISIS' I don't know what goes on with other people and other threads nor do I care. I don't visit here that often, it's not even against the rules. Even so this isn't about the name its apparently about the lack of roleplay which is obvious to everyone not true.

In that whole reply the only noteworthy thing you mentioned was 'Unfortunately for you, I'm Kris - I'm the in game administrator who banned you for several accounts of RDM, attacking a police HQ, attempting to role play in side chat, abuse to an administrator and using a clearly offensive terrorist groups name in order to have some "fun" as you would put it.' But yet if you'd read my previous list of corrections you'd know I didn't RDM it was roleplayed as much as physically possible, nothing of value was lost for the people I shot so they can't be too heartbroken, I was in a house at the car shop, how could I have attacked the HQ?, I told everyone in the area in direct chat whilst in character what was about to happen and why, I simply added it to sidechat so others knew 100% and even if I was roleplaying in sidechat that's not a bannable offence and neither is having a gang called ISIS. So you've got nothing on me and if you think you do prove it, upload your video and the server logs. Yes I've given you shit but I'm sure you didn't lose too much sleep over it, It wouldn't have happened if you weren't on a power trip

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This has gotten a little out of hand and i would be very interested to know what your police name was,

but as it stands unbans arnt at the top of the priority list at the moment and i am only here as the thread was made evident i had to look at it.

So if you would keep all information relevent now chaps. This will be dealt with in the usual turn over time.

I've hidden irrelevant posts (Mostly mine) with my newfound Forum Mod powers. Congratulations. Let's keep it a good clean, fight. 

OK, comments hidden for now. But for the record, admins can see those hidden posts and if Connor was directly involved then I would have left them up. He's simply explaining things from the cops side - But I can see it's not directly related to the incident. 

Best of luck and be patient: An admin will pass judgement soon. 


Why is anyone commenting on this other than Kris? You're not adding anything worthy to this thread especially 'CSO Connor', I'm not even talking to you so just delete that last comment it's irrelevant.

Anyway back on subject, 'Kris' I thought you'd bring up 'Alan Ackbar' or whatever his name is, if you check the logs he joined just before you banned me and was an unarmed hobo, yes I do know him but he in no way assisted me.

I could go through and play down all your points yet again but I would simply be repeating myself, I broke no actual written rules rather I just hurt a few peoples egos and feelings who can't deal with a joke in a 18+ serious roleplay community. You say I have no idea of how the server works but trust me I have many many hours on here and as an officer it can get dull at times and if you don't agree you're in denial. if someone had started what I did it would have been a highlight of the week as an officer and im sure many of them old timers would agree.

Its not my fault who's online and where they where but there were more than enough in kavala to deal with one person especially since I gave plenty of warning. To the others who are mentioning of other people using the name 'ISIS' I don't know what goes on with other people and other threads nor do I care. I don't visit here that often, it's not even against the rules. Even so this isn't about the name its apparently about the lack of roleplay which is obvious to everyone not true.

In that whole reply the only noteworthy thing you mentioned was 'Unfortunately for you, I'm Kris - I'm the in game administrator who banned you for several accounts of RDM, attacking a police HQ, attempting to role play in side chat, abuse to an administrator and using a clearly offensive terrorist groups name in order to have some "fun" as you would put it.' But yet if you'd read my previous list of corrections you'd know I didn't RDM it was roleplayed as much as physically possible, nothing of value was lost for the people I shot so they can't be too heartbroken, I was in a house at the car shop, how could I have attacked the HQ?, I told everyone in the area in direct chat whilst in character what was about to happen and why, I simply added it to sidechat so others knew 100% and even if I was roleplaying in sidechat that's not a bannable offence and neither is having a gang called ISIS. So you've got nothing on me and if you think you do prove it, upload your video and the server logs. Yes I've given you shit but I'm sure you didn't lose too much sleep over it, It wouldn't have happened if you weren't on a power trip
I'm not entirely sure what this power trip is. Like others have stated, naming yourself after an infamous terrorist group is a pretty big no-no. I've coconfirmethis with several admins. Further that, from the side chat you killed 4 people within a very short time space, I then walked out and you started shooting me for no apparent reason without role play. If it wasn't for the fact that I enabled godmode you would have RDM'd myself. If that was any other civ, you'd be on the report a player forum in no time. You then abused an admin when spoken to on Team speak. We can also see that you've been banned before. Perhaps the best way to go about this is apologising and expressing yourself in a different manner. Video I'd attached to my ban log for any admin to see, I won't be posting it here since it shows the admin pannel.

No you teleported into the group of people that had been there the whole time, i.e were aware of what was happening, you were wearing a police uniform and after a few initial shots where fired at you I realized you had godmode on then I was insta banned and wasn't even told why. I don't have a problem with anyone, I'm actually a nice guy but not willing to but up with your bullshit 'Kris'. I've said everything I've wanted to say It's down to the admins as to whether this is resolved correctly 

No you teleported into the group of people that had been there the whole time, i.e were aware of what was happening, you were wearing a police uniform and after a few initial shots where fired at you I realized you had godmode on then I was insta banned and wasn't even told why. I don't have a problem with anyone, I'm actually a nice guy but not willing to but up with your bullshit 'Kris'. I've said everything I've wanted to say It's down to the admins as to whether this is resolved correctly
Like previously stated, I spawned into Kavala from Athira, considering I'm a rebel leader I cannot wear police gear and I'm not white listed to do so. The video proves this.

To the server admins who review this, you can contact me to view the video at any time.

My bad, it was dark and you definitely had a gun and either a wet-suit on or other similar looking gear. It's irrelevant either way because if you were actually there the whole time you'd know it wasn't rdm, you should have tp'd to my location witnessing me stay in character the whole time, I was even shouting to the people in character during the shooting. You could have easily restrained me spoken to me in game

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