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Slightly Decrease Server Player Limit

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Probably an unpopular opinion, but here we go:

Brief Summary: Decrease the limit of the server from the current 361 it holds at the moment

Detailed Suggestion: I’d like to suggest the thought of the player limit being reduced back to what it previously was a while ago. I’d like to suggest back to around 250, but even if it can get reduced a bit less, i’d probably take it. Hope this would help the server run smoother and even might increase RP Quality

The Pros: Server running smoother, Potential to have higher quality RP more consistent. Would probably even put a stop to the rare ‘hop on squad’ incidents we see, as they would have to wait in a queue for a bit before joining.

The Cons: Those long queues we used to dread would return. Most likely a lot of people would be disappointed having to wait in queues again if they don’t make the original join upon restart, which then would probably result in more suggestions like this, suggesting the count to get put back up.

Even if it got trialled for a bit, see what the difference is?..

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Reducing Server population might increase performance slightly but I can't see it improving the quality of RP.

The shit RPers are just as likely to queue for the server than the good RPers. The only way to improve RP is through tighter access control to the server (whitelisting - probably won't happen. Has been needed for a while tho imo) or through stricter punishment for those who aren't up to the good RP standard (get rid of fair ban system and if people fuck up, they appeal). 

probably a -1 from me, will just lead to all the aids that was caused by the massive queues previously. If the server can support more players in a stable fashion theres no reason to limit it.

I actually agree with connor. -1 @Logan

To be honest people are complaining a lot about lag recently (I know I experience it from time to time) and it’s only recently with the new car dealers

the server has run fine for a long time till the introduction of all these new second hand car dealers - coming round AE corner and rendering it 45 cars normally causes your game to freeze or being to blink in and out of existence because it’s too much at once

now combine this with the other two dealers who do the exact same, display EVERY car they own out to sell it causes a massive shitfest in legion

i understand why they are there and how it brings a lot off RP to the areas, but place a limit on how many assets out at once and you’ll notice the lag die down 

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The lag and desync is very annoying but I think at this point we all more or less got used to it and I don’t think that the reduction to 250 players is gonna increase the performance that significantly that the cons overweight the slight increase of performance so -1 from me too 

I do agree with this as before when the server was at 256 cap there was no lad and Dysnc and yes some of the people who do like to RP will be stuck in a queue but at the same time could also improve the server stability while doing so.

I have downvoted this one ( sorry mate )

As said before server limit wont stop poor RPers from joining.

I also dont get any stutters at all running at 1440p with realism graphic mods at 60 to 150 FPS. and when I say no stutters, I dont have any issues at Legion or any crashes anywhere. I sometimes loose the texture on the mountain by Coalition but a quick restart of the game sorts that.

My PC specs

Me flying through the city ( ive also bummped my quality settings up since then )


the server is fine, if anyones having issues will usually be PC performance

I have seen the server from being maximum of 60pl on at a time to there being a 100 player queue, I never once thought to decrease the amount of people who can enter the city. It makes no difference to rp when there is a queue. What really happens is people forget about the server due it always having a queue 


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