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Skydiving Glitch (Completed 07/10/2014)

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Well-known member
In-game name:

[sCO] Sam

Your player ID (copy from your Arma 3 profile):


What was lost:


6 Vermin Mags-£6000
4 Four Five Mags-£3600
Plate Carrier Vest-£7500
Guerilla Apparel-£5000
Value of item/money lost:


Quick description of what happened:

(Sorry about the audio and the watermark, didn't set up the recording properly and I am too tight to pay for the bloody software just to comp request and stuff)

As you can see in the video, I jump out the helicopter, and the game/server closed the parachute about 215m off the ground. 

Same happend to me when i bought the "500"£ parachut thing at donator shop, worst mistake ever ;D

Happened to someone I revived north of Athira. Said their parachute failed to open.

you need to open it later :) ArmA parachutes will only be open for a certain amount of time. Good luck skydiving next time :)

Roughly about how long does the parachute stay open, on average?

Ah, ok. Might just stay off it altogether just to be on the safe side.

who fully kits up then goes sky diving lol..

This bug and the mohawk bug are on our list to fix... skydiving is pretty cool in kavala trying to land on the SS Wilco or in kavala square so its a prority

Was doing it to try and impress a client. Sadly the only thing I made an impression on was the ground. I'll try it in Kavala at some point. 

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