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Sinder (Action: Ban Issued 11/11/2014)

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Active member
Name of person you are reporting(ingame name):


Time and date this happened:

30th of October, 20:15

Description of what happened:

The server just restarted me and PC Bacon were on a pat roll and we saw a guy just get a truck out of the garage. We thought thay he may be using it for a drug run or have drugs in it because its a bit suspicious getting a truck out in paros as most trucks in paros have drugs in them. So Bacon, because he is DEA searched the vehicle and found over £100000 worth of drugs in it. We then got acused of meta gaming as soon as we said that he had drugs in the truck. I have footage of the whole event also. He was screaming at me saying he was going to report me for metagaming and I simply wanted to role-play. The video quality is a bit bad but PC Bacon has a screenshot of the incedent with a bit better quality.

have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I have not because I have not seen him anymore in game or in TS.

Sorry about not having the template but for some reason I cannot copy and past into forum topics.

I will ask Liquid to put the link to the video in the comments.

Video is banterlicious btw.

Ok Every cop car has a ANPR. And when the owner of the car is wanted. We will search it. So this is not metagaming or powergaming and if you guys dont now what meta game is. Google it. It wil help you guys out aloud. And when you go online @ peak hours in a city what do you expect if you driving schuch trucks.!! Its big and almost evry one uses these truck for drug transport

Greets Mike

I am a member of parros unit and if you dont now what is going on on the radio channel dont say the are metagaming. Because u dont now what is going on in the police channels.

Greets Mike

Me and PC BAcon just thought, that we will search a vehicle and see if we get lucky, and we did, just bad lukc for him that he happened to be the guy that we searched and that he lost his truck. at the end of the day if he was pissed (which he was) he would have tried to contact me on TS or on the forums and he shouldn't of combat logged.

Ok Every cop car has a ANPR. And when the owner of the car is wanted. We will search it. So this is not metagaming or powergaming and if you guys dont now what meta game is. Google it. It wil help you guys out aloud. And when you go online @ peak hours in a city what do you expect if you driving schuch trucks.!! Its big and almost evry one uses these truck for drug transport

Greets Mike
I'd just like to point out a flaw in that. Most large trucks and HGV's are used for transporting other goods in actual life. You cannot play a cop under the impression "he's driving a HEMTT, it's probably fill of drugs" and think more on the lines that he could be delivering TV's, food or furniture.

It's similar to the entire RDM rules. While on patrol, you encounter a PLF member carrying a weapon. You shouldn't approach him with an attitude like "meh, if he shoots me it's RDM", you need to apparoch with extreme caution as you do not know who this person is or what they will do.

Fair enough if the person is wanted, but judging the contents of the vehicle based on the vehicle itself or because it's a drugs route is wrong. It's also a city and cities have a lot of import.

Fair enough in the UK and other countries where there are not as many drug fields and stuff. But in role play, altis is an island that has a lot of drug locations and a truck is more than likely going to be used in drug trafficking. A truck could be searched at random by a DEA member whenever they want if they can suspect anything illegal in the truck.

Fair enough in the UK and other countries where there are not as many drug fields and stuff. But in role play, altis is an island that has a lot of drug locations and a truck is more than likely going to be used in drug trafficking. A truck could be searched at random by a DEA member whenever they want if they can suspect anything illegal in the truck.
I completely appreciate that it's not the UK, I've been to my fair share of drug rampant countries and even so, you'll still have a lot of export and import. It just so happens that police on Altis Life already suspect someone prior to being proven to be a seller. Part of the idea of role playing as that it needs to be less suspect and more unknown. We as the player pretty much know already that drugs are rampant and most people are carrying, but in Altis it should be treated as a rarity.
I'm going to ask this....

Spenny you left DEA.

Liquid, you're not in DEA.

What grounds did you have to believe their were drugs in his vehicle?

What was he wanted for?

Also, Please never break RP in VON, type if you must... or take it to teamspeak.

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 A truck could be searched at random by a DEA member whenever they want if they can suspect anything illegal in the truck.
I actually tested out a theory about the police abit over a week ago about getting stopped in kavala with a Hemmt and with/without a bounty or drugs. (i like doing stuff like that)

All of these tries exept the last one (cause i was flat broke after buying the 6mill chopper) i was acting suspicious on purpose.

With Bounty and drugs: police officers and BH`s instantly turned around checking me out when driving past. cop cars and BH cars searching for me when im driving around the back of NHS. getting searched and arrested.

Without bounty and drugs: Police officecrs and BH`s turning around checking me out when driving past. no Cop cars or BH following me or searching for me around the back of the NHS (wich supposedly is a known parking place for when ur selling drugs)

With bounty and a friends Hemmt and no drugs: Police officers and BH`s turning and following me, patrolling the back of NHS. got arrested for armed robbery.

Without bounty and a friends Hemmt and drugs: Police officers and BH`s turning and following for a while, then left. managed to sell all my content without encountering the police, found one BH that was trying to ambush me, but managed to get behind him and stop him.

my point beeing: I dont mind if the searches are random, or if you are following/stopping a random truck.. but please let it be random. and not from after you have checked the person you just saw.. 

this is not a complaint btw and im not at all voicing my own opinion on this matter, im just saying this as objective as i can.

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Clear combat logging 

Report Approved. Awaiting Ban-action as of  11/11/14 

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