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Signature is bugged

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Fetty Wap

Rich Hobo
United Kingdom
I tried to edit my signature to remove the Police section but after realising I no longer have Police tags I am unable to have such a large signature so I then went to delete that part and make a new one but no matter what I do even if I delete the whole thing it won't save. Im not sure if someone is able to manually remove the Police information from my signature, If so that would be great!


I tried to edit my signature to remove the Police section but after realising I no longer have Police tags I am unable to have such a large signature so I then went to delete that part and make a new one but no matter what I do even if I delete the whole thing it won't save. Im not sure if someone is able to manually remove the Police information from my signature, If so that would be great!

Having the same problem but with donator

Nope, hasn't been 30 days, haven't had any donator privileges since I purchased it.
Ok that means it didn't dish out your tag so you don't have the permissions I can sort you out your donator tag on Teamspeak but anything forums wise will need to be done by @Wilco

Ok that means it didn't dish out your tag so you don't have the permissions I can sort you out your donator tag on Teamspeak but anything forums wise will need to be done by @Wilco
Yeah I got Fuel to sort my teamspeak tag out, but yes the forums permissions weren't applied for some reason.

I can't seem to save any signature due to the " Signature spans too many lines " error message.

All I tried to have was "Mr. Smith in game, journalist for Altis Free Press"

I can't seem to save any signature due to the " Signature spans too many lines " error message.

All I tried to have was "Mr. Smith in game, journalist for Altis Free Press"
Signature is a donator perk :)

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