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Should we really have a Red-Zone?

Keep the ability to only get illegal weapons in the red zone and i say bring it back, probably one of the major reasons the last red zone was so sparsly used was its size and the fact that youd ge coult the redzone stuff from either the MM or aegis base

And police drives to their police station's meaning blue zones? Everyone run's where they feel safe mate that argument is senseless...
well if people are doing this, u have the rights to report them.

As bluezones are getting greenzones.

They need a redzone for the trigger happy. Altis is fucking massive, doesn't cost a lot to stick a red zone in there. Kids can battle it out in the redzone without disturbing RP sessions going on elsewhere.

I've been a Cop and a rebel and iv'e always liked the Red zone, i know its not an RP area but it's a place that rebels control and don't get pestered by police. Right now rebels are having to go to all the towns carrying their guns around and all it does is cause arguments as they have nothing to do anymore.... im sure everybody has noticed the rebels diminishing, soon enough there will be none left. just the UNMC and police...

Bring it back.

well if people are doing this, u have the rights to report them.

As bluezones are getting greenzones.
Police Stations are to be RP'd as though they are full of officers, police are allowed to take prisoners to the blue zones if necessary as this is a more accurate representation of what occurs in the real world.

The Redzone is almost the same concept, except that we are able to enter the redzone to engage criminals, if we can gather a large enough force.

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personally I don't feel a server who's as dedicated to roleplay as aluk should have a red zone ,also people have an inability to keep there rivalries inside the dedicated zone, I mean we've seen it spill over into other areas of altis many times with innocent players just trying to rp having there game time ruined, however if there must be a red zone keep it small and out of the way

Maybe have a rule where someone on their own should be left alone unless they fire first or declare their intentions as being hostile?
How are you to know they're alone? They could be one person in a vehicle but have comrades scattered everywhere nearby all on their own :p 

The whole point of RZ is to kill on sight if you want, shouldnt be restricted in how it can happen.

People complaining about a red zone being added, who've not stepped foot in the area it's being added to once this month. 

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Red zone is not needed, specially to a roleplay server.

Blow steam off? Go somewhere else than a roleplay server, and if you feel the need for being allowed to RDM then maybe this server isnt for you? I have very often been mistaken RDM'd because people thought that a closeby town, or just in general places were RDM zones. There is in no way a redzone can be used for roleplay purposes, so I'd rather suggest getting the UNMC back, a place where the police dont go, but still following serverrules.

Also I'd like to use the whole map for roleplay and trips without having the risk of being RDM'd
You want to roleplay? You dont need guns for that. Its a serious roleplay server, but guess how many people will stop playing then. You know why? Because games are meant to be fun for everyone and to blow off steam.


And to add, please let me know if there is any place on earth you wont be punished for murdering someone, a place you can go and do whatever you want
Its funny that you think the whole world is all flowers and sunshine, but if you want to claim something, do the research first.

The fact that people always bring the "realism" card while walking around in a police uniform with a bulletproof vest and a fully automatic weapon makes me wonder what kind of a country you live in.

You want to roleplay? You dont need guns for that. Its a serious roleplay server, but guess how many people will stop playing then. You know why? Because games are meant to be fun for everyone and to blow off steam.


Its funny that you think the whole world is all flowers and sunshine, but if you want to claim something, do the research first.

The fact that people always bring the "realism" card while walking around in a police uniform with a bulletproof vest and a fully automatic weapon makes me wonder what kind of a country you live in.
Oh I'm sorry for wanting the roleplay server I play on to be the more realistic as possible.. Yes, games are to have fun with by other blowing steam off, but theres differences between a game and a server, so I dont mind you blowing steam off on Arma 3, but the fact that there should be a need of a redzone where people can do something else than following the rules, when you rather can go on a fitted server to do this on.. I dont see the sense, again roleplay server.

No, the world is a bitch, didnt say anything else, but there is no place (unless you can clearly prove it to me with evidence) where ie. murder is allowed, and you know exactly what I mean by that, not the fact that you wont be punished for it on the server, but that you are allowed to in this case to RDM.

The last one is simple. Police have to dress themselves after the situations, if theres a lot of shootouts a certain place, wouldnt you see police go around with proper guns and bulletproof vests in real life? Personally I'd prefer not having to go around with rifles and bulletproof vests all the time, but how the server is layed out now with access to guns, the amount of crime etc makes us having to, because I can't remember last time I went on a patrol without being shot at, at least twice.

And police drives to their police station's meaning blue zones? Everyone run's where they feel safe mate that argument is senseless...
But that violates server rules.. You can report them for that. Rule 6F.

Oh I'm sorry for wanting the roleplay server I play on to be the more realistic as possible.. Yes, games are to have fun with by other blowing steam off, but theres differences between a game and a server, so I dont mind you blowing steam off on Arma 3, but the fact that there should be a need of a redzone where people can do something else than following the rules, when you rather can go on a fitted server to do this on.. I dont see the sense, again roleplay server.

No, the world is a bitch, didnt say anything else, but there is no place (unless you can clearly prove it to me with evidence) where ie. murder is allowed, and you know exactly what I mean by that, not the fact that you wont be punished for it on the server, but that you are allowed to in this case to RDM.

The last one is simple. Police have to dress themselves after the situations, if theres a lot of shootouts a certain place, wouldnt you see police go around with proper guns and bulletproof vests in real life? Personally I'd prefer not having to go around with rifles and bulletproof vests all the time, but how the server is layed out now with access to guns, the amount of crime etc makes us having to, because I can't remember last time I went on a patrol without being shot at, at least twice.
This is not what im talking about. The redzone has the same rules as for example Kavala. You kill someone in kavala you go to jail, you kill someone in the red-zone you got to prison if you come out of the zone dont you? What I was talking about is, there are places in the world where the goverment just doesnt have the people to do anything about, so they can do whatever they want. Its not allowed, yet nothing will be done unless they move away from there.

Yes you bois in blue have the right to all that in a gunfight, yet I was talking about all that while on a normal patrol, or even just patrolling on foot in kavala. Yet nothing is wrong with that because its a game, and I understand it cant be realistic, so why does the redzone and everything that rebels can enjoy have to be as realistic as if you are walking in the middle of London to buy a donut?

Lets just get to the point here Rebels have less and less to do lately, if we keep taking away everything they love there will be no rebels left all the police will have to do is pull over hobos all day and never have a gunfight.... we still need to remember this is Arma 3 and that is a shooting game. Its fun for gangs to have rivalrys and the redzone allows them to fight somewhere where innocent people arnt in the way..
