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DR SPC Ex GP Mouldy

Well-known member
Probably getting bollocked in a CMO office
Alright... I've got an Nvidia Graphics card, my computer should be able to work with shadowplay, but even though I've turned it on I do not get any icons on my screen, nor does it save recording. Does anyone have any idea why?

Sorry if I've not told anyone much, I'll give more details if you need.

Alright... I've got an Nvidia Graphics card, my computer should be able to work with shadowplay, but even though I've turned it on I do not get any icons on my screen, nor does it save recording. Does anyone have any idea why?

Sorry if I've not told anyone much, I'll give more details if you need.
Ok so you've gone into GeForce experience, click on shadow play in the top right, then clicked the big ON switch and configured the settings for toggle record, buffer record etc?

On the SP dialog, if you click the Options button you should see at the top options for FPS counter, Status Indicator, and Camera with Top/Bottom Left/Right. The only one you really want is status indicator - i have mine top right.

Enable Desktop Recording if you run arma windowed. 

You should then see the circle icon in the top right  (or wherever) of your screen. Defaults are alt+F9 to toggle on/off recording and alt+F10 to save the last 5/10/15/20 minutes depending on what you set it to.

You need a GTX6xx or higher for shadowplay i believe.

I have a GTX 980 and I absolutely hate shadow play I now use Plays TV. Shadow play works really oddly. So when you launch shadow play you get this 


This means shadow play is recording and you should get a green recording icon in the top left of bottom right corner

By doing ALT - F9 this saves the current recording session to your designated save area. (Make sure to alt F9 again to make sure it has defiantly saved) 

But honestly in my opinion don't use shadow play as the amount of times my recording has not saved or it has bugged with a black screen is unbelievable. Any more questions you are welcome to ask me :) 

@Miniwillows I have done that, but can't see anything on my screen and the recording button won't work.

@Trurb I might hop on teamspeak when I get on my computer.

@Zeito the detailed response is much appreciated, will read through it step by step when I get off my laptop onto my desktop :D

@Miniwillows I have done that, but can't see anything on my screen and the recording button won't work.

@Trurb I might hop on teamspeak when I get on my computer.

@Zeito the detailed response is much appreciated, will read through it step by step when I get off my laptop onto my desktop :D
It should be a piece of cake to get working, and i've never had any issues with it either. Fraps used to kill my performance, so shadowplay was a godsend imo.

If you need any help just let me know and i can take a look.

I recommend you do not set your record key to ALT - F4...... something tells me it might not end great for you.....
