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sgt. Joe & Amir

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TheTitan (Chris)

Well-known member
So I'll keep this as brief as possible I've rolled the compensation request and player report into one. I hope you don't mind. 

Time & Date this happened:              7:30PM( give or take)  02/Nov/2014

Description of what happened:

I was playing today and I robbed a guy. I stole like 10k give or take from the guy and legged it. All good. At the time of the incident, I was wearing a blue and white polo and a brown canvas shorts. 

 Immediately after robbing the guy, I ran to the cloths shop and bought a black shorts and white T-shirt. I was wandering around the town when a bounty hunter (Tampax) came up and wanted to ask me a few questions. I said yeah, that's cool and gave him a fake name Tom. He really didn't get to ask me much because out of no where "Sgt. Joe" appeared out of no where, screaming " WHITE T, BLACK SANDALS AND SHORT!"  knocked me out and restrained me. He wouldn't let me speak and kept speaking over me and dragged me off to the Police station and immediately sent me to jail with out letting me say one word.

Now, he claims that Amir sent me to jail and I think it may very well have been Amir because Amir replied with "He gave me his name and he had a bounty" which was a 100% lie.

Now, I feel that on both of their parts it was terrible RP and I've heard bad things about Joe in particular before. I mean, lets put this in a real world context. I get mugged by a guy in a grey tracksuit and black t-shirt. If I gave that to the police, does that give them the right to go around and bludgeon every person with these cloths on?

It was serious ability abuse and they were 100% in it for the bounty and not the RP value.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:

I messaged them on side chat telling them I recorded everything (which I have) and that I wanted the value of my stuff back. They both said something to the affect of "good luck on the forums" as well as what I said above

Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
Okay, I have the video but it may take a while to upload. My upload speed is horrible but bear with me while I do that. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this. 



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I'm uploading the video from my point of view as we speak but due to my slow internet you'll probably have to wait till tomorrow. In the video we clearly spoke to the guy you robbed and he gave the perfect description of you. Right after I escort you to the HQ the stupid bounty hunter Amir sends you to jail out of nowhere. Not only he did send you to jail without roleplay or any sort of processing at the HQ, but he also stole my bounty which is trolling to the max.

Again, I did arrest you for matching the description but I wasn't the one that sent you to jail without roleplay, I was gonna first process and prove your identity but then another bounty hunter ruined my day.

here's the proof it was amir

my video from my POV will be uploaded by tommorow cause of slow internet, I'm gonna be reporting Amir + a combat logger in that video too.

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I'm uploading the video from my point of view as we speak but due to my slow internet you'll probably have to wait till tomorrow. In the video we clearly spoke to the guy you robbed and he gave the perfect description of you. Right after I escort you to the HQ the stupid bounty hunter Amir sends you to jail out of nowhere. Not only he did send you to jail without roleplay or any sort of processing at the HQ, but he also stole my bounty which is trolling to the max.

Again, I did arrest you for matching the description but I wasn't the one that sent you to jail without roleplay, I was gonna first process and prove your identity but then another bounty hunter ruined my day.

here's the proof it was amir

my video from my POV will be uploaded by tommorow cause of slow internet, I'm gonna be reporting Amir + a combat logger in that video too.
I just watched my video back, and I can clearly hear you say in it "There's a guy name Chris robbing people in kavala"... How on earth did you get my name? 

I just watched my video back, and I can clearly hear you say in it "There's a guy name Chris robbing people in kavala"... How on earth did you get my name? 
Because I'm paying 2.5k tips to civilians to give me a name and a location of the famous kavala robber, it's a bounty hunter ability and it's not metagaming.

Again Chris, I was gonna process you and identify you at the HQ but then the troll amir strikes, as a bounty hunter I have right to arrest anyone who matches the description told by the victim but I cannot send them to jail before I prove their identity. I was just about to do that the HQ but after you watch my video you're gonna see I was interrupted by Amir who sent you to jail thus breaking roleplay, stealing my bounty, then being a complete troll by lying about you admitting your real name.

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Amir got banned for spamming voice in loading screen waiting for 5.1 update

So heres the video
Watching my video back, I realize I did confuse "white guy blue shirt with gun" and thought he said "white t shirt white guy with gun". You can clearly see that at around 2:17 in the video, I did actually recognize the guy before seeing his name ingame (Chris) so I clearly wasn't metagaming and that I did actually confuse the victim's original description. While I do apologize for this mistake, I would have roleplayed and rewatched my recording before sending you to jail so I can make sure it was you. However, you can clearly see I wasn't the guy who sent Chris to jail without warning, it was Amir, he was trolling all around all the time, accusing a wanted person of lying about their names with no proof at 1:20 in the video (metagaming) and sending Chris ( my suspect ) to jail at around 2:54 in the video without my consent, roleplay or any type of warning.
While I do apologize for the mistake I did, I'm not going to compensate Chris since I wasn't the guy who sent him to jail without roleplay in the first place. I would have double checked my recording of the witness's description before sending to jail first but then  troll Amir striked.
Thank you.

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As I said earlier, the discription you gave me was wrong to what the guy gave you. If you didn't take me in, in the first place, I wouldn't have lost any of my stuff. I hold you 100% responsible for this and expect compensation but I'll leave that up to an Admin to determun. The guy said blue and white strip T-Shirt... Nothing to do with black anything. You said hte guy gave a perfet discription which was 100% false.. The tip you got from the "Civilian" didn't have a good enough description either. Just said my general radius in relation to you.

To be honest it appears to me that you just wanted the bounty and didn't really care about the particulars after that.

I'll leave hte verdict down to an admin but I think you should 100% be held responsible for this. you never even gave me hte chance to RP and defend my self. just constintly spoke over me.

As I said earlier, the discription you gave me was wrong to what the guy gave you. If you didn't take me in, in the first place, I wouldn't have lost any of my stuff. I hold you 100% responsible for this and expect compensation but I'll leave that up to an Admin to determun. The guy said blue and white strip T-Shirt... Nothing to do with black anything. You said hte guy gave a perfet discription which was 100% false.. The tip you got from the "Civilian" didn't have a good enough description either. Just said my general radius in relation to you.

To be honest it appears to me that you just wanted the bounty and didn't really care about the particulars after that.

I'll leave hte verdict down to an admin but I think you should 100% be held responsible for this. you never even gave me hte chance to RP and defend my self. just constintly spoke over me.
1st, you can see in the video clearly that I did recognize you from a distance before your name above your head actually appears so I didn't metagame, it was a clear misidentification, I messed up "blue and white strip T-shirt" with "White T-shirt".

2nd, I'm wasn't gonna send you to jail in the first place without rewatching my recorded victim's description so if it hadn't been for this troll Amir who sent you to jail without any roleplay or warning, this topic would have never happened. Because I wouldn't have sent you to jail in the first place, I'm not gonna refund you a penny.

Again, I'm sorry for the misidentification but you would have been released right after I rewatch my victim's description. so I'm not refunding you a single penny for your items. Go take it from the troll bounty hunter Amir.

Someone please close this topic, we'll wait for the admin.

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It's not for you determine if the topic should be closed. I'd rather I got an answer from an Admin.
If you actually knew how forums work, you'd know that admins can reply to closed topics. Usually moderators close topics and wait for admins to reply to avoid reports from becoming too much drama.

If you actually knew how forums work, you'd know that admins can reply to closed topics. Usually moderators close topics and wait for admins to reply to avoid reports from becoming too much drama.
Yeah alright mate calm down and yes I did know that. Lets just wait for an admin to come along and sort this then. I just realized you took down your video and you've been editing some of what your messages said above... wow, that says a lot to me.  I'll have my own video up tomorrow morning anyway (My upload speed is terrible). I'd just like to highlight the fact that above, he had typed that he 100% made a mistake with the description and that no one had actually given him a description that fitted mine.

Anyway, in terms of what happened in game, you'll see it all tomorrow anyway.

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Yeah alright mate calm down and yes I did know that. Lets just wait for an admin to come along and sort this then. I just realized you took down your video and you've been editing some of what your messages said above... wow, that says a lot to me.  I'll have my own video up tomorrow morning anyway (My upload speed is terrible). I'd just like to highlight the fact that above, he had typed that he 100% made a mistake with the description and that no one had actually given him a description that fitted mine.

Anyway, in terms of what happened in game, you'll see it all tomorrow anyway.
Excuse me but what do you mean by this? I never took down my own video? It appears you're trying to lie now to try to make up some story about me covering up my "mistake" but in fact the only proof this report has right now is MY own video.

I'm not trying to cover up anything, I'm not hiding from anything and a lier like you shouldn't get any compensation.

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Excuse me but what do you mean by this? I never took down my own video? It appears you're trying to lie now to try to make up some story about me covering up my "mistake" but in fact the only proof this report has right now is MY own video.

I'm not trying to cover up anything, I'm not hiding from anything and a lier like you shouldn't get any compensation.
Look, I'm not getting into this. You just made it public again and changed what you had typed again. That's pretty low tbh man. i'm done with this until an admin comes along... 

Look, I'm not getting into this. You just made it public again and changed what you had typed again. That's pretty low tbh man. i'm done with this until an admin comes along...
I'm done with your false accusations that have no proof. I'm waiting till an admin comes along.
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jeeeez all of this fighting over a 30k gun. Funny part is that the offender (Amir) is already banned so I don't know what you two are trying to accomplish here.

jeeeez all of this fighting over a 30k gun. Funny part is that the offender (Amir) is already banned so I don't know what you two are trying to accomplish here.
Plus 50k for license. But honestly, I don't even care anymore. it was more so about the principle at this stage and how sgt.Joe was being ratty and calling me a liar.

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