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Set - Unban Appeal (Perm ban)

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Mark Josh

Your In-game name:Set

Your Steam Profile ID:it was on ts

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:

<20:01:48> 15/05/15

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

18A) [SIZE=medium]Common Sense[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This is an adult community and a lot of the rules come down to common sense, do not swear at people, troll people, bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from teamspeak.[/SIZE]

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

i will never say the couple words that i sayed for a new player it just came out of my mouse i dont know why

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:


You said something that got you banned. I want to know what it was.

Who was the admin that banned you? What message are you getting when you try to log in?

So from this I have got swearing trolling and common sense? Which is it?

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