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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Why the fuck does the server go down randomly all the fucking time? Lost so much shit over the past days because of it.

Why the fuck does the server go down randomly all the fucking time? Lost so much shit over the past days because of it.
As deleter said, maybe a browse of the forums for literally 1 minuets and you'd have your answer. Or maybe one simple sidechat message?

Take the time to research before making s topic that is worded as a moan rather than an innocent question.

Why the fuck does the server go down randomly all the fucking time? Lost so much shit over the past days because of it.
Why the fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck are not reading announcements fuck fuck sake fuck

Shhh chill pill time :)

Bohemia are back tomorrow and we have a case full of logs waiting for them.

I've only been here a few days and I think I have missed any announcements but yes, I have lost a lot of stuff because of this. What were these announcements or where can I find them?

Why the fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck are not reading announcements fuck fuck sake fuck
why the fuck you fucking swearing so fucking much its fucking abnnoying could you maybe fucking stop im fucking sick and tired of fucking people swearing so fucking much. fuckin hell

I've only been here a few days and I think I have missed any announcements but yes, I have lost a lot of stuff because of this. What were these announcements or where can I find them?
There hasn't been, the 1.54 patch came out at the end of November and this issue has been around since that release, It got a lot better on a 7th server side fix Bohemia released before XMAS but its not quite there.

Hopefully in the next week or two we will see a more stable arma3server release.

why the fuck you fucking swearing so fucking much its fucking abnnoying could you maybe fucking stop im fucking sick and tired of fucking people swearing so fucking much. fuckin hell
Because he put fucking fucking fuck so many fucking times now if my fucking mum sees this she's going to fucking beat me so fuck off yeah? Fuck sake.

Shhh chill pill time :)

Bohemia are back tomorrow and we have a case full of logs waiting for them.
If you're still in contact with BI please please please can you get them to put back the range or what ever the hell they did to the direct comms.. so many times rebels / cops are having to comp because the range has changed drastically. Sometimes its that bad im stood 2m away from someone and i can barely hear them

Impossible to RP on an RP server if the sound doesnt work properly.

Yeh it's like trying to roleplay in a boat...and we know how that's ended for MPU

If you're still in contact with BI please please please can you get them to put back the range or what ever the hell they did to the direct comms.. so many times rebels / cops are having to comp because the range has changed drastically. Sometimes its that bad im stood 2m away from someone and i can barely hear them

Impossible to RP on an RP server if the sound doesnt work properly.
I do believe they communicated in yesterdays sitrep about a sound issue, We will see a fix for this no doubt in the next update as i believe this is on the dev branch.

I do believe they communicated in yesterdays sitrep about a sound issue, We will see a fix for this no doubt in the next update as i believe this is on the dev branch.

I do believe they communicated in yesterdays sitrep about a sound issue, We will see a fix for this no doubt in the next update as i believe this is on the dev branch.
  • Some players are seeing performance issues connected to audio, especially during intense fire fights. A fix for this is being tested on Dev-Branch, but it's being reported that you can use this work-around: try configuring your Windows sound Default Format to 16 bit, 44100 Hz.
This doesn't work for me since mine is always been 44100 Hz.

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Shame we cant incorporate TFR for comms, pretty decent direct comms and exceptional radio communication too. 
