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Server wipe, reset economy, fix half the problems


Seeing plenty of people come to the city excited for quality RP and end up running bins so they can get some decent money, then quitting when they realize there's nothing else lucrative going on for new players.
There are so many good changes that can be made to retain new players better. One of them is a server wipe. Wipe everyone's progress, economy, properties, everything. Reset the economy and price things appropriately.
Make things low risk have low reward and high risk have high reward in a balanced way.

I know it sounds obvious and hard, but I've seen it been done before and it has worked and fixed problems for years in advance. If you don't wanna wipe, at least spend some decent time into balancing, because right now it seems like staff has just accepted the problems for what they are and it just caters to people who have spent the most time on the server.
If you want to play with the same old people in the future, then great - keep it this way. But if you want people to actually be drawn to the server and create quality RP, you have to give us reasons and predictaments to do so - a better and more balanced platform.

Before anyone brings the comment "but just do things that aren't bins and you'll have some quality RP and fun, etc." - yes me and a crew of four have done exactly this, but we're all getting drained because it leads nowhere. We spent hours and days dealing drugs, doing some robberies, etc. which provided some fun RP, but in the end - we're actually losing money, so we go back to bins. Watch a movie while doing five or six runs of bins in a row. Then back to the illegal activity. Lose all our money, then back to bins. There should be many sustainable ways to make money since there are plenty of jobs. But really, nothing respects your time - money investment, as much as bins atm.

Wipe the economy already
I’m not against and economy wipe but can I ask your opinion why you feel a wipe would help you? You’ve mentioned you’re stuck in the cycle of bins>illegal>loose>bins which I completely understand that cycle.

How does a wipe stop you doing that again but starting from zero?
I'll put it simply:

Over time, the overwhelming presence of superrich players with the best vehicles, best weapons, monopolies on products like powdered milk, etc. makes it really tough challenge for new players to join. Yes, it's RP but I cannot RP to have 50 mil and RP buying stuff with my 50 mil. I need to have that as the currency in-game. RIght now, the only way to get currency and make it not a waste of time, is through bins. Not only is it incredibly one-sided, but it gets very boring, very fast, and discourages you from playing.
Any other thing that requires your time, is not even close to being worth as much as bins are.

A wipe would level things out, opening it up for new players.
It also gives staff the opportunity for progression balancing and economy balancing.
Adding new stuff in, especially more expensive things or things that require a larger crew, limits new players even more, but things like that would be perfect to add right after a wipe.

In my experience, the only people who are against a wipe, are people who have taken advantage of systems or are very comfortable with what they have or where they are currently at and frankly don't care about new players entering the server. People come and go within days because they realize there's nothing to do except for bins, and I've spoken with multiple new players as a new player myself and this is usually what they say once they've been around for a few weeks.

If a wipe isn't the answer, then a major balancing of economy should be necessary. But generally, it's easier to balance economy with a wipe.
I don't see why it's an issue tbh, most big servers have had wipes throughout their lifetime.
I highly encourage people to try and engage with other players, businesses or groups/factions in order to try and find sources of RP. Local jobs/income is only the first few steps to making bank and shouldn't be the end-game.
Yeah I agree, but I'm not saying that it's the end game - my point is that even getting to engage with other people is difficult due to how inacessible things are when the economy is as shit as it is.
I see you're point and what you mean. and i do agree with some of what you are saying. Bins are still OP. No one really does anything else anymore ie taxis, food drops, drugs. All that RP has gone to waste. But you are too fixated on the new players. What about the long standing players who have put 1000s of hours in to get where they are today within their chars story line and work. Everything they have owned. the rare cars. the very pricey ones.

the ones they have won that no one else can have. the house you have always wanted. All the work in their jobs where they have had to RP to get and not just grind away i.e. mechanics. NHS and police. G6 park rangers and whitelisted gangs/groups. All that wiped? just gone like all that hard work never was done.

I know for a fact a wipe would put more players off that it would bring more in. This discussion has been talked about many times here in the past and many great points made on a wipe is not needed to fix these balancing issues. there is some balancing needed. But a wipe is not the way.
I don't see how we are still on this. The 5 years I have been here people always requesting a server wipe.

People have spent 4 years or how ever long the FiveM server has been up not working towards where they are now. Gaining assets and positions in gangs/ factions and built trust between each other.

Its usually newer people who don't have much money that feel if there was a server wipe they would grind and try own businesses and get assets they otherwise wouldn't have been able to get.

The fact of the matter most people don't want to start again and you would lose more people than its worth and you wouldn't exactly gain new members to replace them through it.

Yes RPUK has a number of issues but this is nothing that cant be fixed with money sinks and other methods to reduce the economy.

I don't see a single benefit to a wipe. Nobody ever got 100 million by accident. They earned it or spent years earning it. It isnt something you cannot do now you just need to be motivated. If you cant get motivated to do it now, nothing will changed with a wipe.

Massive -1
Sure, I get that, but as a new player you can barely experience any of that since everything just becomes about bins. And fixing bins isn't the only solution.
As an alternative, taxi rewards should be raised to match. Anything illegal and high-risk should yield high reward if executed well.
I'll give two examples:

I spent some time trying to cut coke and using paracetamol and I lost money instead of making it because you need two paracetamol for each pile you create. Fine, you can use powdered milk. But it's all gone in the city. We're talking about MILK, not diamonds. It's sold for £4 in stores (someone else told me this so not sure if it's 100% true), but it's sold for 400 a piece by the people who have it. And it's mainly the bigger crews that have it.

I spent some time with a friend trying to rob stores. We got a total of 12k from three different stores. In the fourth store, we got caught. But if I ran bins, I'd make more money in less time with less risk. Makes no sense to me.

Server wipes helps other servers, why would it not help this server? Most people seem to disagree so I'll rest my case, but seeing how this is progressing I will probably move somewhere else but nonetheless, thanks for hearing me out!
I highly encourage people to try and engage with other players, businesses or groups/factions in order to try and find sources of RP. Local jobs/income is only the first few steps to making bank and shouldn't be the end-game.
Teej out here at end-game waffle throwing shade at my entire playstyle.
Sure, I get that, but as a new player you can barely experience any of that since everything just becomes about bins. And fixing bins isn't the only solution.
As an alternative, taxi rewards should be raised to match. Anything illegal and high-risk should yield high reward if executed well.
To me this comes down to 2 factors.

1) Yes the economy isn't great with bins, but that can be adjusted and that's that. No wipe needed.

2) In regards to you cutting coke. This is character development, if you are losing money because you cant get things cheep enough you can work that down within roleplay. There isn't a server wipe needed because you buy coke to expensive.

Server wipes helps other servers, why would it not help this server? Most people seem to disagree so I'll rest my case, but seeing how this is progressing I will probably move somewhere else but nonetheless, thanks for hearing me out!
This is why people don't want it. Its been suggested countless times. People don't want it, if it happens people will stop playing not get motivated to start again. If this was going to bring a whole new player base maybe but it wont. We would just lose players when we could just fix a few things and continue as is.

Leaving a server because they wont wipe it is ridiculous, why would you not accept that the community wants to go in a different direction and make suggestions regarding your thoughts about how jobs can be changed. There are so many ways to fix the server why tunnel vision on one that's going to thin out the player base
To me this comes down to 2 factors.

1) Yes the economy isn't great with bins, but that can be adjusted and that's that. No wipe needed.

2) In regards to you cutting coke. This is character development, if you are losing money because you cant get things cheep enough you can work that down within roleplay. There isn't a server wipe needed because you buy coke to expensive.

This is why people don't want it. Its been suggested countless times. People don't want it, if it happens people will stop playing not get motivated to start again. If this was going to bring a whole new player base maybe but it wont. We would just lose players when we could just fix a few things and continue as is.

Leaving a server because they wont wipe it is ridiculous, why would you not accept that the community wants to go in a different direction and make suggestions regarding your thoughts about how jobs can be changed. There are so many ways to fix the server why tunnel vision on one that's going to thin out the player base
Not leaving because there isn't a wipe necessarily, but rather because I'm having more fun elsewhere honestly. Balancing has a lot to do with that to begin with. Although, I accept that the community wants to go that direction, it just isn't for me then, and that's fine. :)
With the powdered milk it's a aquward one few months back the backstock of all items was mental as it have been building for ages so a shop could buy say 50k of it and the general would still have over 2mil in stock so it would never run low, the general had some changes done and reset the stocks to make it more real and i guess as a side effect it has created some shortages on certain items not just the milk but when it comes to cocaine its not the only drug to sell
I spent some time trying to cut coke and using paracetamol and I lost money instead of making it because you need two paracetamol for each pile you create. Fine, you can use powdered milk. But it's all gone in the city. We're talking about MILK, not diamonds. It's sold for £4 in stores (someone else told me this so not sure if it's 100% true), but it's sold for 400 a piece by the people who have it. And it's mainly the bigger crews that have it.
For this you've got some info wrong but that's how it goes haha, and as for the £4 in stores makes me think you haven't really looked around in all the shops, but that's just my guess

Reading this bit about loosing money and some other bits from coke without trying to sound like a dick but it sounds like you have bought it off someone who probably ripped you off and you've gone well that's it, so if you paid over let's say 600 per individual uncut then add in those paracetamol, there's pretty much no way you would be losing money on it

Personal opinion is if the server was reset we would loose a massive chunk of the player base and the issues you raised would be back within a few months