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Server needs some optimization


Well-known member
Black Rose Cartel Holy Land
Is it only for me that the server has more desync, a little higher ping and allot less fps?

I used to get around 60 fps right after server restart now i get 30 at max after restart and it drops very fast down to 20-24 fps, and its not my settings since i have used the same as i had when i used to get 60 fps and i have tried to lower my settings to the lowest but not any change happen. other people has also experienced this too.

Feels like the new hardware for the server needs some optimizing, i just wanted to get that out there so you guys are aware :D

My specs are

I7-3930k 4.00ghz (water cooled by a H100)

Gigabyte windforce 3X GTX 680

16GB Vengance 1600 mhz

256 gb ssd (Arma 3 on)

If i go and play on other servers with altis life, wasteland or king of the hill etc i get usually from 50 to 100+ fps depending on the mod and server.

Thanks for the reports. Keep them coming please. I'd noticed similar increase in ping all the time and desync here and there, but haven't been tracking FPS on my own rig. (Just for the record, I'm not involved in the server setup - that's an admin job atm). But it is under review, and we have a number of options being considered. The most important thing at this stage is to get reliable baseline feedback, like this, from you guys who are playing. Thanks.

I keep killing people with my Hemtt with desync half way through Sophia. Drove past the gas station and killed two guys at the garage so weird. I have to agree on the lower fps since the server switch.

Some changes have been made to the server within the last hour, which *might* improve things. Please continue to keep the reports coming in, so we can see if it's made any effect. Thanks.

Yeah some random FPS drops for me at times also especially in the big cities (my game runs fine on other servers and campaign), was playing this morning until around 04:00 GMT and there was not many problems with it really early in the morning, however this could be down to not many people playing/on at the time. Will report back when it is more populated. :D

i also get crazy desync from players round me most the time for some reason they normally hit my chopper blades and break them or desyncing hemtt's all over we normally play a game of dodge the hemtt it normally happens once the server has been up for a fair few hours...

It's been mentioned in the chat, since the increase to 100 slots, that server restarts should be every 4 hours instead of every 6. Citing that the last two hours of each 6 hour period are the worst in terms of performance. Even syncing gets a bit ropey.

Last night my fps was higher and I hardly had any desync but that could be due to less players, will see how today goes.

Today seems to be quite bad for me, unplayable pretty much, cars were de-syncing on top of me and killing me, while they drove on the road and I was running in a field close to the road. The FPS seems bad also, and that was in one of the less populated towns, I fear to think what Kavala was like. :S

Yep, I'm in the same wagon.

Just now was playing with ~50 other people and almost every car in or near Athira was desyncing - Flying around, teleporting all over the place, the usual desyncyness. I was playing with a friend who seen it aswel. He also ran someone over between the Athira garage and Athira itself, the guy said he was inside the clothes shop.. and was killed.. by a HEMMT.. Also only getting around 20 FPS, less with the fog that seems to be plagueing the server at the moment.

Guys I am looking into this now

Would you say you had more problems with the current server than the old one, this doesn't mean we are switching back to the old provider as we outgrown there managed services

It means I can look into other options in the UK where the majority of us are based

@Wilco have you looked at other server locations from outside the UK, such as French/German hosts. It doesn't make a huge impact for the people from the UK, if anything we wouldn't notice it as our pings will still be low. But this is also great for our European counterparts and they will sync better with the connection.

Yea 15 people got dropped today due to high ping. I suggest we go back down to an 80 slot server. People find it hard to play with the lag and desyncing, and people getting kicked,so going back to 80 should solve it.

Even at 80, without a larger amount of restarts, 80 people somewhat seems like too much at times when I was playing under these circumstances.

80 people was so much better. I'd love if you guys go back to 80 players. The map size is fine when 80 players are online. I rather meet less guys than get killed by 10 trucks because of the desync.

Guys I am looking into this now

Would you say you had more problems with the current server than the old one, this doesn't mean we are switching back to the old provider as we outgrown there managed services

It means I can look into other options in the UK where the majority of us are based
I would say its worse with the new/current one, i think you should try to take the max players down to 80 for a couple of days to see how the server preforms, or possibly other server providers or server locations like denzel mentioned.

@Wilco have you looked at other server locations from outside the UK, such as French/German hosts. It doesn't make a huge impact for the people from the UK, if anything we wouldn't notice it as our pings will still be low. But this is also great for our European counterparts and they will sync better with the connection.
The new server we are on is in Germany... our old server was in the UK 

I would say its worse with the new/current one, i think you should try to take the max players down to 80 for a couple of days to see how the server preforms, or possibly other server providers or server locations like denzel mentioned.
80 Players seems like a good idea but first I am going to implement 4 hour automatic restarts to see if that helps.
