We know events are popular and we know you want more, and so do we! To this end, we now have a small but perfectly formed events team who will be working with the community to ensure we can approve more events, more often (With quicker approval.) It’s our hope that having this dedicated ‘resource’ will enable us to achieve this.
Your events team will be; @JohnJoeegan , @Robbie , @Gurlanin , @Oliver V2 , @ConnorTheGreatt and @Gregory with the support of the Community Managers @FriendlyFireGuy and @Edgar Ville
To request an event, please post below in the following format. Note: Provide as much information as possible and expect to be involved in the planning and running of the event. You need to be the driving force behind your event. It's your event and you need to do the legwork, the volunteers are there to HELP not DO.
If you have any questions about your event ideas, look for the above Staff members on TS - They'll have the 'E' Event Team tag.
Please post in the following format:
Your event title:
Required date (will be confirmed):
Description of event (Please go into detail or it may be rejected):
Requirements (E.G. Admin support, will it involve any factions?)
Please put plenty of thought into your event idea and provide detailed information
NOTE: You will be required to organise the event with help from the events team. The events/staff team will offer advice and assistance where appropriate and ensure the smooth running of your event however you are expected to actively help organise it as necessary.
If your event is approved, it will be prominently displayed on the forum with a confirmed date. Please allow at least 21 days prior to the event for submitting this form.
Events that require modification of Mission Files etc may not be approved (But may be considered for the future if time allows). The intention of this post is to request community-based RP events which can be run on the main servers quickly and reasonably easily.
PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC TO KEEP THIS STRAIGHTFORWARD. Posts may be hidden if they offer no value.
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