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Server 1 full, server 2 down?


Finland with polar bears and mammoths

I've been reading these forums for a few days now and tried to get to the server a few times also. It's always full when I have some time to play .. :( So, I thought I'd hop to server 2. Nope, it's offline. Still is. Any idea when is it going to be online? I got the impression that you're trying to get that server as popular as server 1? Or is it more just a playground? Looking forward to get to play with you all.

Btw, BIS might want to make a queue system to serverjoining.. :blink: Would be great! (Queueing, 99 ahead of you ;) )

Server 1 has 19 players on...

Server 2 is offline until server 1 is full, its our overflow and you will find it online every single evening, Not sure when you are trying to connect ?

server 2 goes down at a certain time at night and comes back up at a certain time during the day. i think its because during like early hours of the morning only a few people play so if there was 2 servers up like 2 people would be in like each server doing kavala cocaine runs or something. well i thats my opinion atleast

Oh, it woks like that.. Yeah, last time I tried to get online was yesterday about 18:00 (+2UTC). Server 1 was full and Server 2 was offline. Didn't try it though, just looked it from gametracker.. Did see it refresh a few times though.

Btw, is the database same there? If i get paid for a job there does it show up if I get to server 1 later?

Thanks for a fast respond!

the servers keep your stuff so yes you will have everything.
