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Secret Santa 2015

I'm in, sign me up, all that snazle!

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I'm in but could we get time until 23rd or 24th because steam sale is starting at 22nd and we could buy better games for lower price? :)

"Secret Santa 2015"

I'm in but could we get time until 23rd or 24th because steam sale is starting at 22nd and we could buy better games for lower price? :)

"Secret Santa 2015"
Top of my head dont they start around the 16th?

If its more like the 20th - 22nd I'm sure Steph should be able to allow people to gift a bit later.

Top of my head dont they start around the 16th?

If its more like the 20th - 22nd I'm sure Steph should be able to allow people to gift a bit later.
It's starting December 22nd 18:00 UK time and ending at January 4th 18:00.

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Is it possible to give this in some other form, for example a CSGO skin?

I'm in, I did this with 4-5 of my mates last year and the year before, it is great fun!

"Secret Santa 2015"

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Count me in! should be good fun! 

"Secret Santa 2015"

