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"scrapping" police cars


Active member
today i was in a police chase, my car broke down and i managed to steal the officers unmarked BMW and manged to get away.

shotly after i send a police dispatch saying that i d like to negotiate with them and swap their BMW for my CLA45 (which broke down during the chase) in return.
2 Officers called me and just threatent me with a long impound time and a very high relase cost, without any attempts to negotiatie and value their police assets (the unmarked BMW)

Obviously cops have absolutly nothing to lose in this sit as always because they can once a week just go and retrieve their lost cars from impound which RP wise doesnt make a lot of sense, i think there should be a way to "scarp" police cars

this would work in a similar way it does for civs with the difference between impound and inssurance

Civs lose their cars to storm (500 pounds for retieve) or they lose it to impound (500+ pounds). 

Same could be done for police:

Police lose their assets to storm they should only need to pay a small amount from the police budget 

BUT it should be possible to lose them to criminals scrapping police cars, in this case they would have to pay a much higher price to get their "scrapped" cars back 

The process of "scrapping" could be done on a scrap yard or something similar civs would have to go to a place (maybe in sandy or paleto) with tools like wrenches and hammers in their inventory and it can only be done at those "scrap yards" and civs could then destroy those vehicles there with some sort of interaction bar like repairing or impouding. 

obviously scrapping mean permantly gettind rid of something for server balance and gameplay it would however as i said above work like a impound with a much higher release cost for police. 

Also this would only work with police cars. 

maybe it doesnt even have to be a scrap yard but a criminal out of city syndicate that buys the cars or smth like that and police in RP would buy those cars back hence the higher cost. 
And maybe you could get a little reward for that from the syndicate like 5k or 10k for each car, depending on what kind of car it is.

this is just a basic idea and it can be ajusted and worked on let me know what you think. 

Police lose their assets to storm they should only need to pay a small amount from the police budget 
we already have to do that, and it's only when police command is around we can get cars back
if you want them to lose their car for a storm, drive it into the ocean? won't be able to use until next storm then.

don't really see a need for police to need to pay more, believe the budget is tight anyway from what i've heard, unless that has changed

today i was in a police chase, my car broke down and i managed to steal the officers unmarked BMW and manged to get away.

shotly after i send a police dispatch saying that i d like to negotiate with them and swap their BMW for my CLA45 (which broke down during the chase) in return.
2 Officers called me and just threatent me with a long impound time and a very high relase cost, without any attempts to negotiatie and value their police assets (the unmarked BMW)
this is why its needed mate

we already have to do that, and it's only when police command is around we can get cars back
if you want them to lose their car for a storm, drive it into the ocean? won't be able to use until next storm then.

don't really see a need for police to need to pay more, believe the budget is tight anyway from what i've heard, unless that has changed

The way it works right now is if a police vehicle is not returned to the garage, police command have to go in and retrieve the vehicle from the impound, iirc it equates to about half the total price of the vehicle, which is already ridiculously expensive for some cars

If this was possible then shouldn't it be made so the civs can scrap each others cars? It also means that there would be a massive imbalance with scrapping, as police would be required to present lengthy evidence and meet specific criteria and civs would just need to whack it with a wrench.
