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[SCO] Matix (Rejected - Lack of evidence)

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I really thought this was an RP server and not shoot first ask question's later.

My friends, gang members were all involved in this fight so why not give their side of the story?

Only fault you made is shoot without any RP 5 minutes after we robbed ur "client" after that asking me to comp you cuz i cheat? IMO you should be banned, dont even think you are wrong here.. We can shoot on sight when? NO

Don't you play as a cop as well? Should you not know the rules better then civ or new people like me?
Please stop stating it was some shit like 5 minutes after the client was robbed... total BS dont want to have to add rest of recording

I'm not going to argue anymore on this, its the admins choice and its getting pathetic with arguing now - so just leave it for admins. 

I've got better things to do than argue about little nit bits of a report - the evidence was shown that's the end of it... 

I mean i see no point in this anymore either cuz it will just be a everlasting argument where both sides have something to say and have their reasons ....so yeah lets play thr god damn game and foget this shit happened. HOPEFULLY IT WONT GO LIKE THIS NEXT TIME

Its actually 4 minutes to be precise. Still dont have the right to shoot on sight imo.. But ye lets wait for a admin to decide.

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OK, I did not want to comment further on this thread but looks like I need to clear up all these bullshit lies that tries to make it look like a kill without fair reasoning... 

"i was crouched so i was not running full speed at you, i opened a gate at least 50 metres from you"

The video shows the gate was around 4-6 meters and it looks as if you were running but not sure.

"Only fault you made is shoot without any RP 5 minutes after we robbed ur "client"

It was 1 minute 14 seconds not 5 minutes 

"I was no where near the building" 

You were a second or two from coming through the door

"We didn't know at first u were in that building or close to us."  then  "we seen you watching us" and then!  "didn't see you i thought you were behind me"

Get your story straight bro?

"i mean christ our guy gets shot tonight we return fire but yet we are RDM'ing pffffft rant over"

We never once accused you of RDM, i was curious whether it was hacking - all you had to do was post video on other post?

"Its actually 4 minutes to be precise."

It was actually 1 minute 14 seconds to be precise :/

Evidence that proves some of this, otherwise look at above posts:

Reason I slowed down video at beginning is - You can see the guy who got robbed just driving off from PLF top left of video.

NOW hopefully I can leave this thread until an admin reviews it !!

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This shows your view on me, not the guy who killed me, you have cut out the start of the video when we first see you come into Agios watching us at the far end of the town in your ifirte before you turn up the road so yes 4 mins is right " we seen you was watching us" yes as i said we seen you first pull into Agios, The RDM i was talking about wasnt to do with this situation, and as i said i had no clue where you was at, i fell forward when i got shot so i assumed it was from behind.

Don't make me upload the rest of the video it will only make u look like a liar. Continously lie about the timeframe while i got it all on video....

This shows your view on me, not the guy who killed me, you have cut out the start of the video when we first see you come into Agios watching us at the far end of the town in your ifirte before you turn up the road so yes 4 mins is right " we seen you was watching us" yes as i said we seen you first pull into Agios, The RDM i was talking about wasnt to do with this situation, and as i said i had no clue where you was at, i fell forward when i got shot so i assumed it was from behind.
I was looking for client and then seen him and drove up a total of 30 secs maybe? + we were talking about how long we shot you after out client had left... you can see in video he left 1 min 14 secs before we shot so yeah i don't know what you're talking about? 

Don't make me upload the rest of the video it will only make u look like a liar. Continously lie about the timeframe while i got it all on video....
Please do upload the video, it'll be the same time frame? lol

From the moment we send him on his way it takes exactly 4 minutes untill wolf dies. We didn't know you were with him and certainly not that you are trying to protect someone (Revenge for robbing) . Either way shouldn't have RDM without engaging RP first or any other kind of warning. And if so we can all just RDM and said we are protecting someone.. "we had a client"

Ummm I was under the impression your not allowed to make a road block

Please don't post if you don't have any evidence this will just get spammed.

OMFG  just chillout everyone let the admin deal with this and forget about it....if i get banned ill be pissed but shut the .. up and play the game instead of flippin arguing on this the whole day


Would of liked to seen a video from the person who got RDM'ed ... i cannot tell on the video where he was shot... where he was shot from and from his perspective what he was doing before and if anything was said...

Rejected lack of evidence.

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