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San Andreas Royal Park Rangers

Park Rangers Update!!!!

Thought it might be the right time to revive this, as many things have gone on with the Rangers in the last 5-6 months alone.

So lets start at the top;

Silas Green, as Head Ranger, has spearheaded massive change and improvement to the Rangers and with a solid backing from his senior team (Deputy Head Felix Williams, as well as, Ronald Ingram-Marlowe KC, Joe Scrub and Ethan Walker), the Rangers are active and ever improving.

Rangers now conduct many operations with the Rural crime and Policing division of the LSPS, including patrolling fishing spots for illegal fishing and hunting areas for poaching - This has culminated in the arrest of multiple individuals and the successful rescue of a kidnapped solicitor on one occasion.

In addition to working with the police, the Rangers continue to aid the NHS when they are entering hunting areas; protecting them from cougars, aiding in search and rescues and providing medical services if required. With the addition of the brand new Ranger Patrol Helicopter, Search and Rescue attempts have been made massively easier resulting in many more people being saved with less of a reliance on a NHS air ambulance being available.

Rangers now also own Bayview lodge in Paleto, and have rented it out as a venue for private events. As well as Bayview, Rangers own Bait & Tackle fishing shop, committing to making fishing accessible to as many people as possible by dropping the price of fishing rods by over half.

All these improvements and likely many more to come, what a perfect time to join the Royal Park Rangers, wouldn't you say? Find us in game at Beaver Bush and become a Ranger/Hunter :D

Some images from recent months

MPO Joint.png Police lineup.jpgNHS help.jpgRangers.jpegRangering.pngEepy time.gif2f45deb5772964c9d4f6f7be6bca5c06.pngd47838633de27887bef6c03c11ecd588 (1).jpg

The Funeral of our beloved dog, Alpha

Recently the SAPR held a funeral for our beloved ranger husky Alpha, who sadly passed away in November after a solid nearly 4 years of service.

The funeral included a massive ride around the island with the LostMC and a Hearse carrying Alpha, a service outside the ranger station with speeches from @Silas Green and @Nikolai Belski, and Finally a gun salute with hunting rifles

@DI James Turner-Hall also attended with his DSU service dog to pay their respects to our fallen hero!

Here are some photos from the service:


Funeral 4.png
(A massive thank you to @PsianaRama for the dog coffin, fit with "Beware of Dog" sign)
Funeral 1.pngFuneral 2.pngFuneral 3.png

Alpha's gun salute: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jP1TYQJ4bwvTrLCyF?invite=cr-MSxzYmksMjE5NjIyMTAwLA

This funeral had been a long time coming and we are so happy it went off without a hitch!

A massive thank you is in order for @C_Date and @PsianaRama for helping with the set up, the hearse, the music and the coffin - and to @Shriya - Vix - Vee for planning this incredible funeral!!!

A secret thank you to @Duke of Sussex for killing the dog when i requested 5 months ago, this is forever a black stain on both our souls

Alpha always meant to much to me. I'm glad me and him got to spend these moments together.1000032798.png

We will all miss you alpha.
(Also if anyone of you say all these pictures are fake and edited and I actually took them like 2 weeks ago, you have no proof!)