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Sam Seeley says goodbye for now

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Sam Seeley

Well-known member
Hi guys as my computer is being sent away now to be fixed or replaced i won't be able to check in on Altis for a bit and i probably won't return until after Christmas and new year 

I will still be on the forums though. 

Just want to say Thanks to the community and all the friendly guys i met on this server for being so welcoming.

Just gonna do a bit of shoutout to some of the great people i met (Too many to remember :()

 @Sonicz I'm worried by the time i return you're be too tempted to the rebel life and will be in the UNMC stick to Marmite and No killing  :)  (I would have to help you escape and try to put you in Witness Protection again)

@DR Milo Thanks for being really friendly!

  @Reece Smurf Thanks for being friendly to a curious BBC journalist and supporting my stories :)  Please don't carry on robbing houses  Reece! And  @Drew Thanks all  for welcoming me to the Miners apart from Simsy wanting me in prison :(  

 @Henry Kiely if you still work for the police good luck rising up the ranks :)  keep flying the helicopters!! Keep watch for any police dodgy deals for the BBC!!

 @WhoisDan  Just don't accuse any other people of crimes they didn't do! 

@DainMK Hope to see Cecil's high budget flim soon  :D


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@Sam SeeleyHopefully see you around after chirstmas bud have a good one fella! 


Come back soon mate, don't worry I'll start trying to get @Frisky Hen thrown in jail rather than you until you're back  ;)


Come back soon mate, don't worry I'll start trying to get @Frisky Hen thrown in jail rather than you until you're back  ;)
You know the lengths I will happily go to in order to destroy you Daniel. Be careful young man. If you're confused about what you mean "I haven't .... I am" 

Well Sam it has been great talking and playing Altis with you Have a good christmas and a happy new year see you when your back good luck.


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No no no no no no no no


I should be back when u r bk lol. can't wait to see u again my friend

Glad you're only going temporarily! I'm sure by the time your back I will have moved on to preproduction... If I'm lucky. If I'm "Unlucky", then it will taker forever.

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