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Salty says goodbye

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Ugh bloody moron, the guy that got me started on the island by robbing a guy at the peach field for me! Youll be back! 

Sad to see you go in this sort of way, you along with @Lecterwere the ones to accept me into my first ever gang on the server, the merchant Union.

Hope to see you again in six months and keep in touch on steam!

Sad to see you go Bud,

i will miss you alot bud and i'll hope to see you back again after 6 months,

But for now goodbye !!

Even though you are a complete moron you shouldn't be perma banned, bloody stupid.
Can't argue , i also love you Paul <3

Good bye Salty! Wlecome back in 6 months eh? Anyways have fun wherever you go! 
6 Months , ill be back (Arnold Schwarzenegger style)

Sad to see you go in this sort of way, you along with @Lecterwere the ones to accept me into my first ever gang on the server, the merchant Union.

Hope to see you again in six months and keep in touch on steam!
Good old times , cya buddy

I still remember when Exile first came out and we grinded for like 1 night until it got a bit boring, entered the ALUK Exile competition together the first time around and took part in the stand-off in Agios as part of LOV. Some amazing memories and I hope to see you back.

I still remember when Exile first came out and we grinded for like 1 night until it got a bit boring, entered the ALUK Exile competition together the first time around and took part in the stand-off in Agios as part of LOV. Some amazing memories and I hope to see you back.
Remember that , was some good times!

Salty babe, Dont leave xoxoxo
6 months babe

As much of a pain in the ass as you was in TI I can't deny that you was a good addition to the gang, farewell mate 

Is there no way you can get unbanned?

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