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Russai Vs Finland


Well-known member
A large group of Russian soldiers in the border area in 1939 are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a small hill: "One Finnish soldier is better than ten Russian". The Russian commander quickly orders 10 of his best men over the hill where Upon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes, then silence. The voice once again calls out: "One Finn is better than one hundred Russian." Furious, the Russian commander sends his next best 100 troops over the hill and instantly a huge gun fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again Silence. The calm Finnish voice calls out again: "One Finn is better than one thousand Russians from: The enraged Russian commander musters 1000 fighters and sends them to the other side of the hill. Rifle fire, machine guns, grenades, rockets and cannon fire ring out as a terrible battle is fought... Then silence. Eventually one badly wounded Russian fighter crawls back over the hill and with his dying words tells his commander, "Don't send any more men...it's a trap. There's two of them."


Finland for the win! Actually if you heard of Simo Häyhä He was true soldier!

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USSR won the war anyway,for man like Stalin victory at all cost is the way to go.How great of finns who allied to nazis, they could kill men with no officers assaulting heavily fortified positions in snow and ice,wohooo

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USSR won the war anyway,for man like Stalin victory at all cost is the way to go.How great of finns who allied to nazis, they could kill men with no officers assaulting heavily fortified positions in snow and ice,wohooo
Actually who won the war can be looked into from so many perspectives. USSR objective was to just take Finland back in the war. I would think that southern part of Finland would have had been a great place to deploy to mid europe from north. Finlands  objective was to stay independent. USSR did not reach their objective however Finland is still independent country. Alliance with Nazis also is not exactly true. We received military aid from Germany, we did receive help from many other countries also like Sweden. There where a pact betwean Germany and Finland that Germany would not attack Finland as long as we would fight against soviet russia.

Afterall USSR deployed nearly 1mil troops against Finlands betwean years 1939-1940. Finlands had manpower of 345 000 from what nearly 12 000 was from different countries. In 4 months during the winter war (what is mostlikely the most known) Finland humiliated USSR army with nearly 126 000 KIA and 188 000 WIA. For finland these stats where quite opposite 25 000 KIA and 43 000 WIA. 

So yes, wohoo, I would say Fins where relatively good killing men in snow and ice. But FYI most of russian casulties where not from attacks to "heavily fortified positions" but with guerilla warfare and ambushes. 

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Actually who won the war can be looked into from so many perspectives. USSR objective was to just take Finland back in the war. I would think that southern part of Finland would have had been a great place to deploy to mid europe from north. Finlands  objective was to stay independent. USSR did not reach their objective however Finland is still independent country. Alliance with Nazis also is not exactly true. We received military aid from Germany, we did receive help from many other countries also like Sweden. There where a pact betwean Germany and Finland that Germany would not attack Finland as long as we would fight against soviet russia.

Afterall USSR deployed nearly 1mil troops against Finlands betwean years 1939-1940. Finlands had manpower of 345 000 from what nearly 12 000 was from different countries. In 4 months during the winter war (what is mostlikely the most known) Finland humiliated USSR army with nearly 126 000 KIA and 188 000 WIA. For finland these stats where quite opposite 25 000 KIA and 43 000 WIA. 

So yes, wohoo, I would say Fins where relatively good killing men in snow and ice. But FYI most of russian casulties where not from attacks to "heavily fortified positions" but with guerilla warfare and ambushes. 
So standing army fighting like partisans due to it's lack of strength?USSR had no competent officers due to Stalins' purges,after they came back Finland lost the war and it would've been puppeted if not the German invasion of 1941.


