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Rushing makes it senseless

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"Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Syn. Mental

Description of what happened: I was in a firefight with some his mates at the checkpoint and he shot me in the arsecheek from VIP island
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sort of, he said it was a mistake, I said bullshit.
Value of item/money lost: Around 300 - 400k
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)"

If he was in a firefight with some of his mates, its not RDM. 
The VIP island is a clear no fire zone, if he wanted to help his friends he should've moved out of the island and opened fire from out of the zone. Instead he took shots and killed someone from inside the zone and has paid the price for it, he's broken the rules and now he has to make up for it. Honestly, I'm rather ashamed you guys are trying to say he didn't break any rules, I know he's your friend and all but it just goes to show how far you are willing to go to bend the rules so that you don't get banned. Acceptance is key in this situation, accept that he broke the rules and deserved his punishment and he now needs to better himself so that this doesn't happen again.

We told him we were in a firefight, he spawned in, went and got a weapon, an bam your dead, you don't like that so now you cry like a little bitch. Would have been diff if it was your friends in a fire fight wouldn't it?

No it wouldn't have been different for our friends, because we actually got shot 2 days ago from VIP island. But we accepted the RP and dont decided to be a bitch about it.

So you saw someone breaking the rules, decided it's okay to do the same and then complain because Mental was reported and the other folk wasn't? Doesn't make sense to me, the report section is there - if you see someone breaking a rule, use it.

Neo you are a big pile of crap. You never knew me as cop, and you dont know me as roleplayer. And the disrespect you show towards me simply

blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar, blar....

Just to say Neo, i never interected with you in game, its funny how you hate resignated cops :D .

you said:

So if you are stupid enough to engage rp with cops

all I said was "you were a cop, guess it makes you the same"

then I get all that.... lol... I pity the fool that goes mental on something that wasn't really aimed at him, lol

--- edit---

At the end of the day Goa, he can speak for himself and post his own un-ban request, As the admins said, it's equal footing for everyone who is banned...

still can't believe how much you blew up on me.. I have no problem with resigned cops, go ask zippey... and anyone else that's an ex-cop still on the server. My only problem is you refereed to the ENTIRE police force as crap RP. if you have a problem with the way a police officer acts, there's the Police complaints commission....

wow... I actually should read your post other than the first line...... :)

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I dont to the same and if he RP's it good I wont report it, the server is about RP. And as some admin said to us yesterday: "Mistakes happen"

*Edit by Mitch*

Mistakes happen in terms of desync and close driving while your in a car chase.

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We got vdm'ed by cops yesterday, 2hemmt boxed with 11million in them. They were "mistakes" no compensation and no cops getting banned. This guy loosed 400k and reports it. Is this server always gunna be one rule for cops, one for civs? The situations need to be looked into a little more, everytime it's the cops it's like "the officer didn't mean to drive into that massive ass hemmt box that was infront of him that turned" mental "didn't mean to shoot this noob in the ass"

We got vdm'ed by cops yesterday, 2hemmt boxed with 11million in them. They were "mistakes" no compensation and no cops getting banned. This guy loosed 400k and reports it. Is this server always gunna be one rule for cops, one for civs? The situations need to be looked into a little more, everytime it's the cops it's like "the officer didn't mean to drive into that massive ass hemmt box that was infront of him that turned" mental "didn't mean to shoot this noob in the ass"
 It was 14.5 Million? And as far as i know there is being looked at.

We told him we were in a firefight, he spawned in, went and got a weapon, an bam your dead, you don't like that so now you cry like a little bitch. Would have been diff if it was your friends in a fire fight wouldn't it?
What do you mean? How does one "spawn"?

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We got vdm'ed by cops yesterday, 2hemmt boxed with 11million in them. They were "mistakes" no compensation and no cops getting banned. This guy loosed 400k and reports it. Is this server always gunna be one rule for cops, one for civs? The situations need to be looked into a little more, everytime it's the cops it's like "the officer didn't mean to drive into that massive ass hemmt box that was infront of him that turned" mental "didn't mean to shoot this noob in the ass"

Once again, here is my view of the "VDM". The HEMMT turned so quickly and so sharply to the left there was no way for me to avoid it, even at the low speed I was going.

Could we please put that behind us now or is it something you are going to moan about all the time from now on?

Jesus ok, your all proving time and time again your all kids, and for that reason im locking.

Mental can deal with this himself, he broke a server rule, he got banned. None of you are involved except mental in his unabn request. Thats if he posts one.

If you cant grow up dont post and thats to all of you.

- Mitch

We got vdm'ed by cops yesterday, 2hemmt boxed with 11million in them. They were "mistakes" no compensation and no cops getting banned. This guy loosed 400k and reports it. Is this server always gunna be one rule for cops, one for civs? The situations need to be looked into a little more, everytime it's the cops it's like "the officer didn't mean to drive into that massive ass hemmt box that was infront of him that turned" mental "didn't mean to shoot this noob in the ass"

And you are getting on my nerves, post a comp request. Me and 3 - 4 other admins saw every video of that hemmit crash that i was sent, and we all came to the same conclusion. 

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