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Rushing makes it senseless

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Banned for PM's
So, one of the best roleplayers this server has was banned. Mental. I didn't even speak with him but from what i've seen:

1. No killing people (even with roleplay)

2. No robbing people (even with roleplay)

3. No kidnapping people (even with roleplay)

4. VIP island is not a safe heaven, If you are wanted and stupid enough to corner yourself the police will enter the island to arrest you however they cannot arrest you here for having an illegal weapon for example if you have just purchased it.
So if you are stupid enough to engage rp with cops, vip island is not a safe heaven. Wich means you can actually kill people from it, or cops are granted godlike powers?

Mental was reported for killing someone from the vip island, shooting to the outside of it.

Yet he got banned for RDM.

I don't understand this anymore. Server is full of trollers and you insta ban good players like Mental?

This was ridiculous, I did play with him, and was playing with him at the time off the incident. The incident full story wasn't posted, just the part that the guy who posted it knew he would be instabanned, probz because Syn, are quite a large rebel group and people don't like it. Yesterday the amount off time the cops just gave up on us because they couldn't kill us was countless. Cops coming on VIP Island and scrapping ifrits, cops should be banned from VIP Island, because it's such a "safe zone"!

VIP island should not be where it is. I'm thinking north east airfield from Sofia. It is literally in the worst spot ever and should be well away from any area were role playing scenarios are going on.

Rules are rules. You cant expect just because (and yes he was a good roleplayer) to be immune, everyone is treated the same. Thats the only way its fair for new and old people alike. 

The rules are clearly stated, from the video he shoots someone at random, even if he was protecting his mate on the other side he should not have got involved. It wasnt his fight and he was in a no fire zone, clearly stated in many places.

This isnt rushing to a perm ban, this is simply acing on information, which it clearly shows. Now then, this is the part where i say he has the right to apply for an unban.

Everyone would have got the same treatment. 

- Mitch

This was ridiculous, I did play with him, and was playing with him at the time off the incident. The incident full story wasn't posted, just the part that the guy who posted it knew he would be instabanned, probz because Syn, are quite a large rebel group and people don't like it. Yesterday the amount off time the cops just gave up on us because they couldn't kill us was countless. Cops coming on VIP Island and scrapping ifrits, cops should be banned from VIP Island, because it's such a "safe zone"!
And at no point is it a safe zone for rebels to sit around shooting widely at people. You are not safe on altis. The cops are here to enforce the law.

While admins are here to enforce the current server rules in place.

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So if you are stupid enough to engage rp with cops, vip island is not a safe heaven. Wich means you can actually kill people from it, or cops are granted godlike powers?

Mental was reported for killing someone from the vip island, shooting to the outside of it.

Yet he got banned for RDM.

I don't understand this anymore. Server is full of trollers and you insta ban good players like Mental?
Effectively saying you are crap RP as you were a cop too........

Cops are not special, we enforce the law and want to save lives... if there were no LTL weapons (that you all call OP) it would just be killing people and we may as well pull this server down and put a CS:GO server up and ask people to RP on there......

When people flee to the VIP Island, normal rules/law applies to them, they're not safe because it's green.... they started the RP outside of the zone, and pulled it in, and only that person is involved.... when people are in the green zone with no part in an RP and then start opening fire/breaking green zone rules, then they are enforced under the green zone rules.

You can bitch and moan all day, nuff said, you cant douse a flame with fuel, and anything I say in the police defence will be a fuel to you.

I totally understand where you are coming from Mitch, but what happens if you are wanted and the police stop check you on VIP Island and as Roleplay you and some friend try and take them hostage and thy don't comply? You can't shoot them but they can still arrest you? You are basically defenceless on that island..

He shouldn't have shot we all know, but what happened to second chances ? As I have seen Wilco post many of times. "We are all adults and all deserve a second chance".

The guy that posted this forum had it in for Syndicate gang. he's just a menace towards some of the community as I have seen on forums and in game, he gives but can't take, SGT Matt is the type of person that is wrecking this server and community. Look at his posts, he's a gob shite towards a number of players.

Neo you are a big pile of crap. You never knew me as cop, and you dont know me as roleplayer. And the disrespect you show towards me simply because i left the cops shows me how immature you are. Now piss of your crying moaning im a super cop posts. Now you are a SI you are all powerfull to say whatever and you feel you can talk about what you have no fucking clue about.

This is what i feel about how you deal with cop issues Neo :


To clear out small minds like Neo, i was not complaining about the server rule where cops can go in vip island. I agree with it.

What im stating is, mental was banned, while he didnt RDM. end of story. He was in a group that had roleplay engaged with that guy (as far as you can tell from the videos).

You rushed the ban with lack of evidence.


Just to say Neo, i never interected with you in game, its funny how you hate resignated cops :D .

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Wow. mental was an awesome player .always role played very well . played with him a lot . he knows the rules very well don't get what made him kill someone from VIP. 

 He was in a group that had roleplay engaged with that guy (as far as you can 
I'm not sure what your gang's definition on role play is but the only reason I was in a firefight was because a member of Syn. was shooting our chopper from the checkpoint for no reason and at which point I got out and started firing back.

During this time Syn. NoNonsense ran up to me probably telling the other guy where I was so he could kill me so I kidnapped NoNonsense and told him to get in my chopper (which he eventually did but later combat logged in the chopper, something he has a habit of doing). Then I was shot in the back from VIP island by another Syn. member (in this case mental who just deciding to join in and kill me) You can see this clearly from the video.

Rules are rules. You cant expect just because (and yes he was a good roleplayer) to be immune, everyone is treated the same. Thats the only way its fair for new and old people alike. 

The rules are clearly stated, from the video he shoots someone at random, even if he was protecting his mate on the other side he should not have got involved. It wasnt his fight and he was in a no fire zone, clearly stated in many places.

This isnt rushing to a perm ban, this is simply acing on information, which it clearly shows. Now then, this is the part where i say he has the right to apply for an unban.

Everyone would have got the same treatment. 

- Mitch
I'm sorry Mitch i need to clear this out. How is he ment to not get involved? If i saw my friends getting shot i will shoot back from wherever i am. Is that lack of roleplay? Should i just let my friends die because i saw them getting killed and i felt i should have roleplayed it out?

I remember being in a TFU mission and getting involved just like this into fights. I really start questioning the RP rules on this server. Things start making no sense.

Im not making a war, i dont know how people read my words, whatever. Maybe i should start adding some nature and wave sounds so people read my words and dont feel hatred. Like crybaby Neo that everypost comes and gives his so valuable opinion.

I'm sorry Mitch i need to clear this out. How is he ment to not get involved? If i saw my friends getting shot i will shoot back from wherever i am. Is that lack of roleplay? Should i just let my friends die because i saw them getting killed and i felt i should have roleplayed it out?
Yes he shouldn't get involved, that's the rules. Syn. Mental even stated to me on team speak that he knew he was breaking the rules as he said it was a mistake...something which from the video seems very hard to believe

"Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Syn. Mental

Description of what happened: I was in a firefight with some his mates at the checkpoint and he shot me in the arsecheek from VIP island
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sort of, he said it was a mistake, I said bullshit.
Value of item/money lost: Around 300 - 400k
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)"

If he was in a firefight with some of his mates, its not RDM. 

There is a video of him shooting from VIP Island and killing someone.

Its a undefendable clear-cut rule break, he has the right to appeal but he must understand and re-read the rules 

"Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Syn. Mental

Description of what happened: I was in a firefight with some his mates at the checkpoint and he shot me in the arsecheek from VIP island
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sort of, he said it was a mistake, I said bullshit.
Value of item/money lost: Around 300 - 400k
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)"

If he was in a firefight with some of his mates, its not RDM. 

"Name of player your reporting (ingame name): Syn. Mental

Description of what happened: I was in a firefight with some his mates at the checkpoint and he shot me in the arsecheek from VIP island
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Sort of, he said it was a mistake, I said bullshit.
Value of item/money lost: Around 300 - 400k
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)"

If he was in a firefight with some of his mates, its not RDM. 
Well maybe I should of phrased it diferently. I was in a firefight with some of his fellow Syn. members, but Syn. Mental was not involved at all, he was on VIP island and he decided to shoot me from the island in the arse.

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