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CSI Daniel Snow

Well-known member
south west uk bath
we should have some sort of temp whitlisting so if u try to get onto the server and u have been on the servers for under a week u should have to answer some questions on the rules before u are aloud onto the server the amount of bans i see because people dont read the rules is crazy also people not knowing the controls and asking in game how do i put my hands up so we have to message them witch just messes with the RP i dont mean to moan but my pet hate is VDM RDM and people asking what the controls are on voice chat

love u all

PC Daniel Snow

we should have some sort of temp whitlisting so if u try to get onto the server and u have been on the servers for under a week u should have to answer some questions on the rules before u are aloud onto the server the amount of bans i see because people dont read the rules is crazy also people not knowing the controls and asking in game how do i put my hands up so we have to message them witch just messes with the RP i dont mean to moan but my pet hate is VDM RDM and people asking what the controls are on voice chat

love u all

PC Daniel Snow
Is this a Question? Or a Suggestion?

Would be a lot of effort to implement and would shift the focus from the framework and create lots of extra work for administration!

We shouldn't have to baby sit people, this is a mature community and that shouldn't be something we NEED to implement because of the bad eggs.

I personally don't think that ALUK will ever be a whitelisted server. However I understand why a lot of people would like the server to be whitelisted, due to the amount of new players that are rule breakers. But nearly everyone started out as a hobo, as Frisky once said hobos are the bread and butter of this community due to every hobo has the potential to become a member of this community. Having the server whitelisted could potentially deter people from joining the server, as if the server was whitelisted I would most likely not be writing this post as I probably would have went onto a different server. 

I disagree. Some of our best members started out here as VDMing RDMing hobos and took a ban forcing them onto the forums to read our rules and see how much more there is to altislife and our community as a whole. 

I never played an rp server before this , I didn't know what white listed servers where and I got banned on my second day for vdm, whitelisting would loose us all the rule breaking hobos yes, but it would loose us a lot of hobos with potential aswell

I agree with @Vladic Ka , the secound my arma downloaded i was so pumped to get on , without reading the rules as i didnt know what RP was.

After being had a go at by an admin in game for RDM / VDM and reading names i read the rules and have never broken a rule / been reported / banned since i joined in the begining of May.

I think it just need to be clearer in game that you need to read them.
