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Rules Feedback

Well I thought it was a splendid idea. 

RDM is rampant in Kavala it like an addiction. 

Reverse psychology is the best way (in my opinion) to reduce the number of murders committed by psychotic hobo's.

I will take you're warning point with a pinch of salt.      Hashtag: I Can't Breathe
This idea is just as bad as the hobos RDMing man,you can be better then that,Just wait for the RDMing hobos to look away,Run up behind them,Inform them ever so kindly to place their hands above their head & since they never comply,Pistol Whip the Shit out of them,Tie them up & make them sing you Dancing in the Street by Bowie & Jager,then everyone gets some fun lol

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(9.1.8) Police are not allowed to execute players. This was abolished in UK law in 1965 . (Punishment is a ban) Roleplaying as a Medic is a special non-combat role. While on duty within the NHS, your only focus should be on your NHS roleplay. There are some rules to follow.

It seems that the next rule and 9.1.8 have been merged together.

(7.1.6) Spike strips - When spike strips are used by any player RP has not been initiated, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.

I don't quite understand what this rule means. Also would this apply to Police, as it is in the Rebel Roleplay section?

[SIZE=medium](2.7) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. [/SIZE] 

Perhaps, you missed out the examples, and there also used to be a lot more rules under this rule in the section.

(9.2.4) Combat Reviving - If combat is in effect, or shots have been fired within the last 5 minutes, the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time. UNMC are the servers official whitelisted rebels. They recruit high quality roleplayers and focus all their gameplay around serious RP, therefore they have some rules surrounding RP/Combat with them.

Once again two different rules seem to be blended together.

(9.2.4) Combat Reviving - If combat is in effect, or shots have been fired within the last 5 minutes, the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time.

Unclear if this applies to police? or just medics, as it is in the medic section.

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(9.2.4) Combat Reviving - If combat is in effect, or shots have been fired within the last 5 minutes, the area is not safe to enter for rescuing the injured. Therefore, you cannot revive at this time.
Five minutes? :O

Three minutes feel like ages if you only sit there but five? Idk about that one...

(7.1.6) Spike strips - When spike strips are used by any player RP has not been initiated, if you shoot without engaging in RP then this is classed as RDM.

I don't quite understand what this rule means. Also would this apply to Police, as it is in the Rebel Roleplay section?
read the actual rule page, I've updated the changelog post...

This was from whoever wrote the changelog originally #not the best engwish!

Perhaps, you missed out the examples, and there also used to be a lot more rules under this rule in the section.
yeah, they've been cut off, but common sense really.

Unclear if this applies to police? or just medics, as it is in the medic section.
anyone with the ability to revive... when NHS are online, cops cannot revive, no option...*

*Only exception is RDM/VDM

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anyone with the ability to revive... when NHS are online, cops cannot revive, no option...*

*Only exception is RDM/VDM
Just to confirm. If cops are dead and there are no medics. Are dead cops able to confirm that there are no medics on. And another question does this mean that cops cannot revive anyone at all even if there are no medics? I'm confused about the way It's ordered.

Dead people don't speak, but 9 times out of 10 people sit there and say "FFS NO MEDICS ON"...

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Dead people don't speak, but 9 times out of 10 people sit there and say "FFS NO MEDICS ON"...
Not cops :p They say "YES!! No medics on :D"

(Not saying this as a rebel or unmc recruit, saying this as ex popo)

(8.3.5) ARAC Members are exempt from rule 3.4 when on duty. I think this rule could do with clearing up a little bit because rule (3.4) Sidechat Roleplay - Roleplaying or discussing players locations is not allowed in sidechat. Anyone caught doing this will be banned. Example (There are 6 players from gang X about to rob the bank, I need help i am being chased by the police, police/rebels are camping drug dealer, etc) While I think I understand what (8.3.5) means is that you can type on side chat saying "ARAC ONLINE" but for some others they might be silly enough to think they can post on sidechat saying there's a bank op going on with so many people etc.

[SIZE=medium]1.1) Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.2) Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.4) Any threat to any person, or the community, will not be tolerated and a permanent ban will be issued. Depending on the context of the threat we will fully assist the UK police with their enquires. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.5) Any attempts to harm or otherwise disrupt our infrastructure will not be tolerated. We take attacks and threats to attack seriously. We will work with the UK police and other law enforcement authorities and supply any evidence necessary to lead to a conviction. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.6) The Staff Team may ban any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers. [/SIZE]

1.7 is just a repeat of 1.1-1.3,without adding anything extra,Just a small ADD issue i noticed.

The main big issue which needs to be resolved immediately is that players are being permanently banned from the server from even breaking the minor rules such as threatening to report someone because that person is griefing the community which is apparently equivalent to DDoSing a server when it comes to punishing. Players often wait longer or up to a week due to a very very very very very slow admin response.

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The main big issue which needs to be resolved immediately is that players are being permanently banned from the server from even breaking the minor rules such as threatening to report someone because that person is griefing the community which is apparently equivalent to DDoSing a server when it comes to punishing. Players often wait longer or up to a week due to a very very very very very slow admin response and they just stall you with questions to make your ban time longer.
Which is why people need to read the rules BEFORE they play.  If they follow the rules they wouldn't need to wait.  And remember, "Please note that this is a punishment, not an inconvenience.".

Above quote is from the support page.

Admins need to be more prompt on the forums as loyal players are suffering days and days from being restricted from the servers so admins NEED to no longer neglict the un-ban appeals for long periods of time.

Admins need to be more prompt on the forums as loyal players are suffering days and days from being restricted from the servers so admins NEED to no longer neglict the un-ban appeals for long periods of time.
I understand where your coming from but the un-ban appeal is the lowest priority in the forums. In my mind anyway

Admins need to be more prompt on the forums as loyal players are suffering days and days from being restricted from the servers so admins NEED to no longer neglict the un-ban appeals for long periods of time.
Loyal players should know the rules.

The current system is fine, because they had to wait a long time to to get unbanned they're  (hopefully) less likely to make the same mistake again.  

Anyways, this post is for rules suggestions. Not how quickly people get unbanned.

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Unb-ban appeals should have the same priority all around as these are still players within our community and they should be respected.

Unb-ban appeals should have the same priority all around as these are still players within our community and they should be respected.
The reason unban appeals are the lowest priority is because we don't have a set time for bans. therefor the time to process your unban appeal IS your punishment time.

And how is it disrespectful to give low priority to people who broke very straight forward rules? I think its more them being disrespectful for breaking the rules...

Basically if you want to play here there's rules you need to respect, if you don't respect the rules, then your punishment isn't too bad (if you're a first time offender that is) it's only the time it takes to process your unban appeal.
