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Rules Feedback

Yes i understand that for the RDM rule this is how it works but I disagreed with the name of that rule as shooting is not always killing isnt it?

for 4.1 the ts server hosted by altislife.co.uk has multiple gang channels in which members report what is happening in real time even when dead (this should be monitored and those people should atleast be told to also use the in game mobile to message any info or talk in the provided group chats)
RDM is the universal name for the rule across most altislife servers so there would be no reason to change the name because one person has a problem with it.

With regards to 4.1 I would like to see how you would monitor the whole of TS for people that transmit when they are dead...... Still though a lot of people get banned for it because they report others and leave this kind of activity on the recording.

RDM is the universal name for the rule across most altislife servers so there would be no reason to change the name because one person has a problem with it.

With regards to 4.1 I would like to see how you would monitor the whole of TS for people that transmit when they are dead...... Still though a lot of people get banned for it because they report others and leave this kind of activity on the recording.
If it was up to me I would only do it occasionally (join a random channel for 1 minute or so) because setting up a fully monitored system would be way too hard to make. So if any staff member has a minute, that minute could be spent just listening to some channels. The fact that someone unwanted would be listening should be written somewhere as it isn't nice for ethics to just "spy" on people. This is hard to resolve but it isn't impossible to warn some people that it is possible that they are listened to (makes people think more about what they say)

If it was up to me I would only do it occasionally (join a random channel for 1 minute or so) because setting up a fully monitored system would be way too hard to make. So if any staff member has a minute, that minute could be spent just listening to some channels. The fact that someone unwanted would be listening should be written somewhere as it isn't nice for ethics to just "spy" on people. This is hard to resolve but it isn't impossible to warn some people that it is possible that they are listened to (makes people think more about what they say)
You actually expect us to jump into people's channels randomly in case they are meta gaming? You need to step away from your computer and go outside for a bit friend. 

Any chance we could have some sort of baseline for initiation put into the rules? I understand that every situation is different, but having sort of official lining would be nice.

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 I have a quick suggestion to edit this rule - 

[SIZE=medium](2.12) NHS Medic's The NHS Medics are here to help and revive people and have less than 10 slots on the 125 slot server, Therefore so they can RP as medics during the time they are online it is an ban-able offense to kill a medic or take a medic hostage, It is also ban-able to steal a medic's vehicle or helicopter. [/SIZE]

The suggestion -

Instead of making it banable too kill a medic , there should be situations in which you are able to kill one. For example a medic is combat reviving and they are not listening to the gun shots near them or the warning shots by the feet , so you have too shoot them so they do not revive a mass murderer with a MK 1. Another situation in which you should be able to kill a medic , is if they do not listen to warning about leaving an area and still peruse to be a nuisance and not care about if they are going to be shot or not.
Everyone is pre warned about doing stupid stuff like this, when I passed my interview it was drummed into me and to this day I have never done it. I suggest if you see this again get a name and speak to one of the higher ups :)

I agree +1 when I was a rebel some Medics took advantage. When I said "Do not revive this man!" And I had firearm which was threatening the medics life. This rule should be changed +1 @SPC Hoggie

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If it was up to me I would only do it occasionally (join a random channel for 1 minute or so) because setting up a fully monitored system would be way too hard to make. So if any staff member has a minute, that minute could be spent just listening to some channels. The fact that someone unwanted would be listening should be written somewhere as it isn't nice for ethics to just "spy" on people. This is hard to resolve but it isn't impossible to warn some people that it is possible that they are listened to (makes people think more about what they say)
Do not agree, wrong on so many levels, not that i metagame of course it's a matter of principal and privacy. 

Do not agree, wrong on so many levels, not that i metagame of course it's a matter of principal and privacy. 
I understand that it is a violation of privacy rights but metagaming is a big issue anyways. My example of monitoring is really extreme but ofcourse there are other ways to deal with it.


I think VDM should only be bannable if it is out of roleplay say you are in a police you ram a police car they die that shouldn't be bannable being on the motorway and just ramming someone and them exploding should be bannable as it's out or rp.


I think VDM should only be bannable if it is out of roleplay say you are in a police you ram a police car they die that shouldn't be bannable being on the motorway and just ramming someone and them exploding should be bannable as it's out or rp.
Problem with that is cars blow up so easily in arma.  Ifrits and Hunters down which is why they're allowed to ram each other.    

I believe that as accidents do happen, if you are in a car accident and have a quick chat with the other person, it should be fine. Just as long as you don't intentionally ram people you'll be fine.

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I think VDM should only be bannable if it is out of roleplay say you are in a police you ram a police car they die that shouldn't be bannable being on the motorway and just ramming someone and them exploding should be bannable as it's outbann
@Shaie TT

Can some moderator delete this spesific comment im bugged here


I think VDM should only be bannable if it is out of roleplay say you are in a police you ram a police car they die that shouldn't be bannable being on the motorway and just ramming someone and them exploding should be bannable as it's out or rp.
Hello @Shaie TThis is what wii trying prevent how can you rp in car chase its not rp like one of the rules saying if police siren on its not start of rp so also i not see how can its call rp to be vdmed and also i may sound rude but i have to be honest that rp mean to solve stuff by creating and "Streaming" with the situation so for summury this is quality role play server rather then combat well This II quality rp community and rp mean alot of stuff but basic is to speak and not blow up stuff and i cant see how you count rp vdm or better to say devide it to 2 vdms ? Rp and not rp?l vdm?

Do not delete that one

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I agree +1 when I was a rebel some Medics took advantage. When I said "Do not revive this man!" And I had firearm which was threatening the medics life. This rule should be changed +1 @SPC Hoggie
To be honest last time I did this and that was when i was a rebel a fairly long time ago, I killed 3-4 medics followed by an immidiate report to the CMO they failed to comply on an order at gunpoint. 3 was reviving after told at gunpoint second was combat reviving cops told to go away but failed and got shot, was told (back then, things might've changed) if it was inevitable to not you had to stay in character.

To be honest last time I did this and that was when i was a rebel a fairly long time ago, I killed 3-4 medics followed by an immidiate report to the CMO they failed to comply on an order at gunpoint. 3 was reviving after told at gunpoint second was combat reviving cops told to go away but failed and got shot, was told (back then, things might've changed) if it was inevitable to not you had to stay in character.
Its a rare thing that should not occur  , but thats why the rule should be edited for some rare cases ?

How do I explain this.. I see that many, many people are not quite sure what exactly RP is and how you should act while RPing, this is a serious RP server so I suppose one should RP emotions, fears, and so on.. ( seen that very rarely and appreciated the effort )

Now, I've  seen several times, same while RPing or on videos, that people barely use their common sense when it comes to them having to comply to a situation, example here. I saw a video about a guy being under gunpoint, the robber was like, "Put your hands up", he kept saying that 20 times, and the guy was simply replying "Or what, what you gonna do exactly if I don't". Now, I've seen this so many times, people actually expect you to explain them word by word "what happens if", and if you don't and let's say you shoot them or whatnot, you will get reported.

So what happened to common sense? Aren't you supposed to act like IRL while RPing? Then why is everyone crying and complaining with "he didn't tell me I would get shot if I didn't put my hands up". I don't want to offend anyone here, but if you get a gun pointed at IRL, would you ask the guy what would happen if you didn't? That would be stupid.

I have seen people taking advantage of this and use it as an excuse to win player reports, so my suggestion is that you should put a rule about "RPing fear" and get rid of this nonsense. Especially because in most situations you don't even have the time to explain yourself, that they already pointed a gun at you.

How do I explain this.. I see that many, many people are not quite sure what exactly RP is and how you should act while RPing, this is a serious RP server so I suppose one should RP emotions, fears, and so on.. ( seen that very rarely and appreciated the effort )

Now, I've  seen several times, same while RPing or on videos, that people barely use their common sense when it comes to them having to comply to a situation, example here. I saw a video about a guy being under gunpoint, the robber was like, "Put your hands up", he kept saying that 20 times, and the guy was simply replying "Or what, what you gonna do exactly if I don't". Now, I've seen this so many times, people actually expect you to explain them word by word "what happens if", and if you don't and let's say you shoot them or whatnot, you will get reported.

So what happened to common sense? Aren't you supposed to act like IRL while RPing? Then why is everyone crying and complaining with "he didn't tell me I would get shot if I didn't put my hands up". I don't want to offend anyone here, but if you get a gun pointed at IRL, would you ask the guy what would happen if you didn't? That would be stupid.

I have seen people taking advantage of this and use it as an excuse to win player reports, so my suggestion is that you should put a rule about "RPing fear" and get rid of this nonsense. Especially because in most situations you don't even have the time to explain yourself, that they already pointed a gun at you.
Yeah but Theldrax there will always be people like this no matter what happens

(2.7) Combat storing vehicles is bannable, If you are being chased then loose the tail before going to a garage.

Append "Combat Removing" to this. E.g. If you rob a truck, and the guy is salty enough to remove all the cargo while you are asking him to get out.

(2.7) Combat storing vehicles is bannable, If you are being chased then loose the tail before going to a garage.

Append "Combat Removing" to this. E.g. If you rob a truck, and the guy is salty enough to remove all the cargo while you are asking him to get out.
How would you prove this though?

I bait theives with empty trucks all the time.

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