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Rules Feedback

As in ‘you’ve been caught playing rebel, you are kicked from the police’

when being “caught” means using sidechat in game, using teamspeak channels, using battle metrics. Etc etc. None of which are found within RP but are used to enforce RP punishments.
Agreed massive bs. If the guy who is playing rebel is playing it so good that you have to resort to ooc info then i would rather have in the faction then kicked out

"This list goes on but includes anything that is considered illegal on the RPUK server. If you breach this rule you will be removed from the police Service and blacklisted with a board decision as to whether you can rejoin depending on the severity of the crimes which you commit.*
*You can be caught out of roleplay for breaking this rule."
This is from the police Rules and guidelines

"This list goes on but includes anything that is considered illegal on the RPUK server. If you breach this rule you will be removed from the police Service and blacklisted with a board decision as to whether you can rejoin depending on the severity of the crimes which you commit.*
*You can be caught out of roleplay for breaking this rule."
This is from the police Rules and guidelines

im talking about server rules, not police rules. 

@YoCo yeah i get that im just bringing this up since a lot of staff is police they will have seen this police rule and said nothing so they will say its fine otherwise they would have to gold command to remove it

Well server rules supersede police/Poseidon rules, and metagame is metagame. 

I think if evidence is presented of someone potentially playing rebel for example, the faction leaders should have a duty to investigate within RP. If people are playing rebel it wouldn’t be that hard to capture them and find out with a bit of planning. 

IMO, I think the faction leaders just take the lazy route by using battlemetrics. 

the server constantly says RP Everything. Not RP everything unless it makes it easier for you. 

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I had this conversation with someone around 10 months ago and the conclusion was ranks are OOC, so it isn’t meta game, however it cannot be found using staff tools (I believe)

How are ranks ooc? They are literally your characters in game rank 😳

Because they are given OOC on ts, and all the interviews are OOC on ts etc. they were deemed OOC when I had a similar thing in the police about 10 months ago @YoCo

How are interviews out of character, you’re being asked about police laws. You’re applying for that role in character? 

you think when I applied for the police I’m out of character while in my interview reciting the Miranda rights?  😂 @Simon Ross out of game doesn’t equal out of character 

well i would agree that finding out stuff like that should be done within roleplay, but they have been informed of it so it's their own fault in the end if they risk it

Introduce a rule regarding the ‘remove weapons’ feature.

it was my understanding that this feature was introduced as a way for officers without DLC to confiscate weapons and used only as a last resort (at the pd) as an alternative to transferring weapons to the box and emptying that. Not to be used away from BZ’s to give officers an unfair advantage or to accommodate their laziness.

it’s a feature that is often abused, and creates unfair and unrealistic situations in which weapons can just disappear into thin air. I figured doing this would fall under the common sense rule, but apparently there is nothing except ‘police guidelines’ for its use. Which pretty much don’t mean squat. 

Edit: upon further investigation, it doesn't even appear to be detailed in the police rules and guidelines

Staff viewed compromise, would it not be better to only do this in BZ aka Police stations? (dev fix) instead of 
removing the functions cause there are people in the APS that does not have the DLC(s).

We have approached the ArmA 3 Devs.

Minor spelling/typo

GTA Rules
(G2.8) OOC Help - OOC chat is for help only, extended OOC interactions are forbidd/en.

Would it also be possible for this page to be hyperlinked at the footer/bottom of both rules pages? Unless you check the news/announcements section it is somewhat 'difficult' to find.
Will be looked into^ Thanks Samat!

(4.1) Using out of game information to influence the course of roleplay is considered metagaming and punishable by a ban, In character forum posts are considered in game information

Does metagame not apply to factions removing people? (Genuine question) 
If you can prove a rule is broken and provide us the evidence of this we can deal with this appropriately.

Stavik, regarding the metagaming comment about factions, could we get a definitive answer about that? Some people think faction command can't remove people unless caught in RP but this is clearly not the case due to certain situations recently where people have been removed due to Faction command checking battlemetrics for example. Is this a rulebreak since the factions are technically within roleplay? And if it isn't, to what extent can faction command use out of game information?

Im just looking for some clarafucation regarding 

(G2.5) Compliance - If someone complies with your demands you may not kill them, unless they were involved in an illegal transaction. (Sale of drugs/weapons/dirty cash)

By the implication of MAY does this mean that you can still kill someone even if they are complying with your requests 

but I presume from the way the initial part of this rule is layed out it would make more of an implication that it's leaning towards the side of you can not kill someone if they are complying with your requests/demands 

again just looking for some clarification regarding the wording of this rule.

(7.1.7) Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action.

This rule details the correct way of issuing warning shots to an aircraft, by issuing 3 tracer rounds front and back, and to my understanding would  other ways be considered incorrect. 
It has come to my attention that people are using 100 round 'reload tracer' magazines which fires a tracer round every third shot (even .50 cal Off-roads have been used for this purpose). 

My own understanding of this rule would imply that if someone attempts to tracer an aircraft with a 100rnd 'reload tracer' magazine, every non-tracer round would be considered RDM as the person shooting is firing upon someone without engaging in any form of RP.

If this is the case, could it be clarified by stating that the warning shots must only be tracer rounds, otherwise considered as RDM


(7.1.7) Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action. Firing anything other than tracer rounds towards the aircraft is considered RDM.

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even .50 cal Off-roads have been used for this purpose
wonder who did that...

every non-tracer round would be considered RDM
How is it RDM if no shots are hitting the vehicle or the occupant. 

TBH tracers or not if its obvious that someone has shot infront and behind your heli, its common sense for them to shoot you down anyway and if you complain after sitting around thinking "they didnt give me TRACERS" its just ruleplaying. 

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play is considered RDM.
You’re not shooting AT them, you’re shooting in front and behind.

I think the rule is fine as it is, it’s ruleplaying to say otherwise. If somebody shoots 9 bullets of 100 round mags at the front and back of your heli. You’ll have had your 3 tracers. It’s pretty obvious of their intentions. 

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Im just looking for some clarafucation regarding 

(G2.5) Compliance - If someone complies with your demands you may not kill them, unless they were involved in an illegal transaction. (Sale of drugs/weapons/dirty cash)

By the implication of MAY does this mean that you can still kill someone even if they are complying with your requests 

but I presume from the way the initial part of this rule is layed out it would make more of an implication that it's leaning towards the side of you can not kill someone if they are complying with your requests/demands 

again just looking for some clarification regarding the wording of this rule.
You dont't kill them. 

(7.1.7) Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action.

This rule details the correct way of issuing warning shots to an aircraft, by issuing 3 tracer rounds front and back, and to my understanding would  other ways be considered incorrect. 
It has come to my attention that people are using 100 round 'reload tracer' magazines which fires a tracer round every third shot (even .50 cal Off-roads have been used for this purpose). 

My own understanding of this rule would imply that if someone attempts to tracer an aircraft with a 100rnd 'reload tracer' magazine, every non-tracer round would be considered RDM as the person shooting is firing upon someone without engaging in any form of RP.

If this is the case, could it be clarified by stating that the warning shots must only be tracer rounds, otherwise considered as RDM


(7.1.7) Warning shots must be issued with 3 tracer rounds past the front and rear of the aircraft. Enough time should be given to comply before taking action. Firing anything other than tracer rounds towards the aircraft is considered RDM.
After a discussion in the rulesmeeting the rule is fine. It's up to the party issuing the warning shots to make sure that it's been done properly.

Current NLR Rules

[SIZE=medium](5.4) When you are revived/downed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 5 minutes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This does not apply if your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM/VDM.[/SIZE]

Focusing on the last part "This does not apply if your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM/VDM." Seems to be saying that if you were downed and revived that you can get involved in a situation if you are being RDM'd or VDM'd and you are able to divulge tactical information in Team Speak when downed if you were VDM'd or RDM'd. Was this intended? 

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Current NLR Rules

[SIZE=medium](5.4) When you are revived/downed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 5 minutes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This does not apply if your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM/VDM.[/SIZE]

Focusing on the last part "This does not apply if your character has been the victim of a clearcut case of RDM/VDM." Seems to be saying that if you were downed and revived that you can get involved in a situation if you are being RDM'd or VDM'd and you are able to divulge tactical information in Team Speak when downed if you were VDM'd or RDM'd. Was this intended? 
Well it makes sense that you should be able to inform others that you have been RDMd/VDMd and you need saving. Also it helps locate the culprit to prevent further damage and rule breaks.
