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Rule stopping people murdering hostages who complied with demands

PC Ozzy

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

New Rule to stop people from killing people who complied with demands without a valid rp reason

Detailed Suggestion:

I am suggesting a new rule of making it against the rules to murder people who have complied without a valid rp reason for example I was recently in this situation:

I was downed in a situation and taken by the gang to a hospital where they let me heal and I got up and complied with there demands i was being nice and they then got me to go to a car and they took me to a forest and killed me

I think this should against the rules as it makes people not want to comply with people and I am tired for it as I whenever I try to go more indepth with RP with people it feels like it blows back into my face

However after speaking to a couple people I think you should still be able to kill people who complied if they have a valid rp reason such as:

the hostage was threatening the robbers or being a dick 

but I wouldnt say excuses such as "because were in colours" should count as valid rp reason as everyone's in colours 

But to be clear i want this to stop people from killing people just because of "evidence" like the only reason they should be able to kill the hostage is because the hostage is generally a dick


Makes people want to comply more

The Cons:

Potentially give more Intel to CID about who is killing cops and who isnt

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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Already was a rule in the past but was removed as said rule.

Rule use to be:

(G2.5) Compliance - If someone complies with your demands you may not kill them, unless they were involved in an illegal transaction. (Sale of drugs/weapons/dirty cash)

got removed on the 10th of june for some reason(i am unsure why) 

it is getting silly, you can't even do a simple trafic stop without getting taken hostage, robbed and murdered no matter what you say or how much you comply with them

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I very much agreed with the rule being removed.

But after seeing what it's become without it, I am all for adding it back.

I definitely agree with this suggestion. Before the rule was removed it didn't really bother me but I feel like without the rule people will just rob you, kill you, and ocean dump you so they don't have to deal with any consequences, which is a big concern because I've recently seen an increase in Arma-tier RP of immediately robbing people you see even if they have fuck all to steal.

I was fully against this rule as it made no sense in RP.

However, after it got removed and it was constant - Rob, Kill, Dump, rinse and repeat I can see now why it was such a good rule.

Dumping people constantly after you kill them without having any consequences is completely unfair from a police standpoint when you have gangs teaming up together to overpower the police, shutting down any further RP scenarios.

Definitely in for brining it back!

People can start rping more on hiding and to not just kill after. When you comply they can at least drop you on a remote place or give a hid on the head drop you off at the hospital, rp it more out 😄 the number of dead people rises too much for nothing.
I love a good robbing with a ending that doesn't involve in dead all the time 👈

I would add “without a valid RP reason” on to the end which would make it more case by case basis. If it’s RPd correctly and explained to the hostage why they can’t be allowed to live that should be more ok. If it’s just because you’ve robbed someone and cba with the RP of them remembering and the consequences it could bring then there should be a rule in place. Personally if I robbed cops which is rare tbh I let them walk back with their lives because I know how boring it can be to wait for bleed out re equip stuff and get back on patrol. 

In my opinion there has been a lot of dumping and everyone can see that, but i also see why everyone is dumped and it's because of the fact that everyone is recognized by their voice (sometimes even with voice changer people recognize you) so once you are robbing someone the only way to make sure they don't say anything about it is to dump either it be cop or civ.

From a personal perspective, i only dump civs if they are being absolute dickheads, or if they are robbing either me or my mates as for cops i used to not dump them and started getting warrants out of nowhere which i obviously ended up assuming it was probably because of my voice and i think thats why most people do it.

My suggestion would be to enforce the fact that people shouldn't be recognizing by voice and maybe see how it goes from there.

Also another thing that could be changed is if people actually go trough the problems of bringing people to the hospital (aftter killing them)  just to rob them and then dump them that should honestly be considered shit RP.  I would be fine with just the robbing fact since you cant rob people when they are downed but dumping them after all that shoulnd't be allowed.

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I would add “without a valid RP reason” on to the end which would make it more case by case basis. If it’s RPd correctly and explained to the hostage why they can’t be allowed to live that should be more ok. If it’s just because you’ve robbed someone and cba with the RP of them remembering and the consequences it could bring then there should be a rule in place. Personally if I robbed cops which is rare tbh I let them walk back with their lives because I know how boring it can be to wait for bleed out re equip stuff and get back on patrol. 
Your right mate ill add it to the thingy

I would add “without a valid RP reason” on to the end which would make it more case by case basis. If it’s RPd correctly and explained to the hostage why they can’t be allowed to live that should be more ok. If it’s just because you’ve robbed someone and cba with the RP of them remembering and the consequences it could bring then there should be a rule in place. Personally if I robbed cops which is rare tbh I let them walk back with their lives because I know how boring it can be to wait for bleed out re equip stuff and get back on patrol. 
No because that the problem. Gangs OR people will just rob civs / police and then dump them when they comply. Saying "without a valid rp reason" would just make people finish up by saying we have to dump you so there no evidence making the rule useless

No because that the problem. Gangs OR people will just rob civs / police and then dump them when they comply. Saying "without a valid rp reason" would just make people finish up by saying we have to dump you so there no evidence making the rule useless
I guess RPUK staff are smarter than that, You're very right they can just say that because to try and go away with it but if they are all masked up in a local car, unless you can voice ID them (which is arguable), you wont have any evidence and then the rule will apply and they didnt have a roleplay reason to dump you

I think the rule should come back as "Compliance - If someone complies with your demands you may not kill them, unless you have a strong roleplay reason to justify"

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This isnt my own thought. This is copied and pasted from Bluebird Australian RP discord as a rule for their server.

If someone is down you are not permitted to rob.kidnap or take any other hostile action towards them. This includes taking them to hospital or waiting around the hospital for the purposes of immediately engaging them again in a theft/interrogation etc. If a person has been killed that is the end of the roleplay so if you plan to get any infomation or value from the interaction them you must avoid killing them.

Please note this does not prevent you from being a good Samaritan and taking someone directly to the hospital so they do not need to wait out their timer. It just means you can't immediately kidnap, rob or otherwise act in a hostile manner to them. Nor does it prevent police from taking injured/downed suspect's to the hospital prior to charging.

Thoughts on this one?

This isnt my own thought. This is copied and pasted from Bluebird Australian RP discord as a rule for their server.

If someone is down you are not permitted to rob.kidnap or take any other hostile action towards them. This includes taking them to hospital or waiting around the hospital for the purposes of immediately engaging them again in a theft/interrogation etc. If a person has been killed that is the end of the roleplay so if you plan to get any infomation or value from the interaction them you must avoid killing them.

Please note this does not prevent you from being a good Samaritan and taking someone directly to the hospital so they do not need to wait out their timer. It just means you can't immediately kidnap, rob or otherwise act in a hostile manner to them. Nor does it prevent police from taking injured/downed suspect's to the hospital prior to charging.

Thoughts on this one?
Not a bad one. I really do feel like RPUK has took a direction in roleplay where everyones life means more and the constant robbing and dumping has ruined how someone sees their life. Being killed should be spontanious and deserved.

This isnt my own thought. This is copied and pasted from Bluebird Australian RP discord as a rule for their server.

If someone is down you are not permitted to rob.kidnap or take any other hostile action towards them. This includes taking them to hospital or waiting around the hospital for the purposes of immediately engaging them again in a theft/interrogation etc. If a person has been killed that is the end of the roleplay so if you plan to get any infomation or value from the interaction them you must avoid killing them.

Please note this does not prevent you from being a good Samaritan and taking someone directly to the hospital so they do not need to wait out their timer. It just means you can't immediately kidnap, rob or otherwise act in a hostile manner to them. Nor does it prevent police from taking injured/downed suspect's to the hospital prior to charging.

Thoughts on this one?
Personally, I like the direction of this however I don’t know about the ‘end of the role play part’, it seems a little counter intuitive to me since the whole point is roleplay, roleplay and more roleplay obviously. It also leaves situations open to turn very dangerous for your character if you leave someone alive and then get NHS help then report what you’ve done back to a gang and/or police etc… which I believe is why people get dumped sometimes. 

Bear in mind, I mainly play cop & I think since I joined this server my civ character has dumped a whole 1 time I’m sure - this isn’t my jaded opinion so I can continue dumping loads of people 🙂 Just my opinion that while I think that’s a good way of explaining it, I don’t think it’s exactly what RPUK needs, I believe there is certain situations where roleplay should be able to continue if someone is injured instead of just a total shutdown on it. 

A person remembering something would always lead to more rp as story lines don't get halted due to lack of memory so there's that. Could, if anything, increase the quality of rp instead of decreasing it.

Perhaps allowing people to take people to hospital regardless of if they downed them in the first place would be an idea. Just dump them in the car park for example. It would cut out the continuous "pump and dump" and potentially keep the rp more in check as people would be even more liable for the consequences of their actions. 

Food for thought anyway. If someone does get dumped they can still record it and report as necessary. 

I realise this puts it back on staff but I'd hope for a reasonable level of maturity from the community. Might be asking a bit much but im an optimist. 🧐

I would add “without a valid RP reason” on to the end which would make it more case by case basis. If it’s RPd correctly and explained to the hostage why they can’t be allowed to live that should be more ok. If it’s just because you’ve robbed someone and cba with the RP of them remembering and the consequences it could bring then there should be a rule in place. Personally if I robbed cops which is rare tbh I let them walk back with their lives because I know how boring it can be to wait for bleed out re equip stuff and get back on patrol. 

No because that the problem. Gangs OR people will just rob civs / police and then dump them when they comply. Saying "without a valid rp reason" would just make people finish up by saying we have to dump you so there no evidence making the rule useless
I agree with this. It would be another *smashes panic alarm/cuts radio* situation.

If people don't want quality RP then this is what it is. Kind of strange with all the MMO's and free-roam style servers that RPUK is flooded with winhard-grindhard midsets.
