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Rule breakers

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Manchester, England
OK so two people have broke the rules today around 14:25 GMT+1 (British time) Their names are Dr. Coast and TungLoa.

RULES BROKEN: NLR x2, DMR x1, Hacking (Removed clothes off my back), Possible spawning (Had a pistol even though i killed him)

So what happened is me and my friend were walking through Athira when a guy called Dr. coast drove up behind us and beeped his horn, we told him to get out as we were about to rob him and that's when he ran me over (my Ingame name FOF| Curtis Swagson) we got out our guns and chased the man, i disabled his vehicle (after he got out of it) from about 150-200m and i saw him coming towards us with a pistol i screamed "GET ON THE GROUND, GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" but he did not comply, i gave him few warning after this to put down his weapon and come out with his hands up while i was semi-close to him but out of view, i murdered him, took his pistol and fled as i saw a police car pull up, me and my friend (my friends Ingame name FOF| AlieN) hid in a nearby compound but suddenly WITHOUT WARNING i was hit by what i suspected was a bullet from a silenced pistol, soon enough i found myself lead behind a truck next to the dead corpse of my friend, i then shot and killed i believe it was Tungloa first who had a pistol, and then Dr. Coast and i killed each other at the same time as he had somehow acquired a pistol again (There was also a medic 314m away not coming any closer to our aid) The two then decided to break the NLR rule once again, returning to our bodies, stealing my gear SOMEHOW! and my friend was able to respawn without them taking too much though he had lost it in the process of the spawn

They broke NLR twice (Tung only broke this once) and DMR once. We also tried to contact the two but they did not reply

http://prntscr.com/6tmghc  http://prntscr.com/6tmg95

I also shouted at them to stop looting my body and to leave the area as they are breaking the rules in direct chat!

On first server

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What was the ingame name: Dr. Coast & TungLoa

What rule did they break: RDM And NLR.

What server did it happen on: The Server #1

What time did it happend: Around 14:25 (GMT +1)

so what happend: Me and mu buddy was close to the car dealer in Athira And a White Suv Use the horn at us and we was saying hey do you have a problem and pull over.. but he just drive a bit to the site in the road and we chase him.. He came out with a gun in the hand and my freind sayed to him he shold stop and the gun in.. but he did not. so my freind (ingame  name : FOF| Curtis Swagson) Shoot the tiers of the suv. Then Dr. Coast Run and we follow him killed him and then we run to a spot close to hospital at athira and then some random guy named TungLoa Shoot me without RP at all no talk or nothing, and curtis killed him then Dr. Coast show up again and curtis killed him and he killed curtis.. we wait for a medic but he did not come before the two same guys show up and they looted FOF| Curtis Swagson´s boddy for every thing close every thing i dont know if that is possibale other wise they are hacking for sure.. im so but we dont have any video. i have 2 screenshoot of a messegae i send them if you want...

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