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RPUK Blackwake Server

lmao, still server 2, unless im being stupid which is likely xD
In that case, I'd try the ingame direct connect option with the info above.

Welp, I've been debating whether to buy this game for a week now. 

I think it's time to buy it...

I joined the server mid battle, spawn on the galleon which is sinking with @CI Busterguy trying to Captain. Galleon sinks and he is mutinied, I get chosen as Captain randomly by the server because I have the highest level, people start trying to mutiny me before I even spawn in again.

Starts going well, get off a couple of good shots until suddenly we become a submarine and sail around half submerged while the other captains start yelling at their crew in faction chat.

10/10 would recommend server lol

I wish you would use those "ressources" on a arma 3 RP modded server, or upgrading the server, so less lag and bugs. :)

Rear-Admiral Chee of HMS City Wok is looking for some hefty young sailor for great battle against the noodle smuggling pirates! 5 shirrings per voyage. No Mongolians need apply! 

I wish you would use those "ressources" on a arma 3 RP modded server, or upgrading the server, so less lag and bugs. :)
Firstly we are not solely an arma community we are a Roleplay community and are always exploring avenues we can Roleplay in, so our resources will be managed and put where needed.

I can see you are someone who clearly does not know anything about Arma 3 and how limited it is in using a dedicated servers resources, but that's fine unless you run an arma server yourself that fills to the brim in a couple of seconds at peak time you can be excused.

The blackwake setup was done in less than 10 mins and the decisions based on it was about 6 lines, If you think that was too much time spent then you obviously don't appreciate the hundreds of hours of development our Arma 3 mission has had.

Bugs and lag, Not worth commenting about as you haven't taken time to submit detailed reports or feedback, So instead of hijacking a thread that isn't about Arma, I invite you to head to the appropriate forum and do what is needed.
