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Romeo is back


Well-known member
Hi all,

I've been active on the server and forums from the begining and as far as I can see a lot !! has changed.
Like the money laundering is kinda iffy, a lot of money is made with that with eaze....and you need more than 1 rebel licence to get all the weapon choises...

I also see that houses dont have storage boxes anymore....

Overall It is good to be back, had some verry  nice RP in the last 2-3 days since im back.

Have a good day ❤️ 


Couldn't have been at a better timing either xD literally the day before we were talking about that code name 😄
I feel like I screwed up your name i guess ?
Sorry bro, I just have this name since like december 2015 xD

I feel like I screwed up your name i guess ?
Sorry bro, I just have this name since like december 2015 xD
We are just messing about mate, don't take it to heart ^^

We are just messing about mate, don't take it to heart ^^
Same :D, In game i consider the police to be my worst enemy....But it is the police that is welcomming me back ❤️ 

Cant wait to see you guys in game for some nice conversations.

Don't worry mate we are only messing xD enjoy your stay and hope you don't come across myself @Roberts and @Yankee on patrol late at night xD
