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Roles within Altis

The Jack Daniels

Active member
Northern Ireland
I was wondering is it possible to become a rebel and a cop or would you have to choose like I understand in the same life you cannot just suddenly switch to a cop from  a rebel but if you have no bounty and no illegal gear etc could you log (once passed all the police requirements of course) as a police officer even with a separate in game character perhaps?

I was just  quite interested as I am not the age to join the Police Force (yes I am aware of the Young Recruits Programme) yet but I would like to join but at the minute my friends and I would like to be rebels for a time just wondering as I would like to know before I have to decide and possibly getting stuck with a role.

Regards Jack

Mmm, I believe you can take a cop holiday for a week or so and in that time you can play as a rebel. Aside from that, I don't think so.

As a cop you are not allowed to play as a rebel, after you have been in the police for 3 months you will qualify for a police holiday, where for a week you are able to play as a civilian only (excluding medics), where you can do what ever you want.

So if you are a cop you can't do anything illegal or be involved.

@CI Voltzso during the police holiday you can play as a rebel? and also what about becoming a rebel playing around with it then applying for police?

Do you mean like if you play as rebel for how ever long, will you be allowed in the police? If that is the question then the answer is yes, your role ingame doesn't define if you can join the police or not.

@CI Voltz awesome I was asking as I am currently not old enough to join the APC but I would like to play as a Rebel with my friends for a while then perhaps join the Police Force in the future

Many Thanks Jack

@CI Voltz awesome I was asking as I am currently not old enough to join the APC but I would like to play as a Rebel with my friends for a while then perhaps join the Police Force in the future

Many Thanks Jack
Thanks fine, good luck with getting into the police!

Yea I did a application like a year ago and the guy said the only thing wrong was my age but at that time I didn't have any friends to play Altis Life with so I wanted just to become a cop and roleplay but thanks

Regards Jack
