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Roleplayer of the Month

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I nominate booth, not sure what his name is on forums but in game his name is booth, the drunk that u can find in Kavala pub most of the time, sick RP, didnt see something like it looong time, most of those arma3 twitch streamers are not even close to RP skill of this guy, im tellin u, but judges are there to judge :)

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I nominate booth, not sure what his name is on forums but in game his name is booth, the drunk that u can find in Kavala pub most of the time, sick RP, didnt see something like it looong time, most of those arma3 twitch streamers are not even close to RP skill of this guy, im tellin u, but judges are there to judge :)

What? Whats the topic here?? Why am I here....eh...eehhhh, nvm, wake me up when someone delivers fresh cider to the bar. Cheers.

@Vladic Kajust give me admin power/god mode for 4 hours, you might see Kavala turn into a peaceful and quiet town with lots of corpses & only one distinguished noise coming from the back alleys - & that noise would be made by a man, who ferociously screams "FREEEDOOM"....over & over. 

Jokes aside, there's no reward needed for best RP player, well how bout a forum award.

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I guess I will nominate @Zippeyfor one of the most fun roleplay I've had in the NHS.

What? Whats the topic here?? Why am I here....eh...eehhhh, nvm, wake me up when someone delivers fresh cider to the bar. Cheers.

@Vladic Kajust give me admin power/god mode for 4 hours, you might see Kavala turn into a peaceful and quiet town with lots of corpses & only one distinguished noise coming from the back alleys - & that noise would be made by a man, who ferociously screams "FREEEDOOM"....over & over. 

Jokes aside, there's no reward needed for best RP player, well how bout a forum award.
I agree a forum award would be pretty cool and have these every month.

Hmm, since you mentioned him @Fused, I've decided to nominate also @Zippey, for his outstanding performance in a situation, which happened 21 months ago. Back then Zippey was an officer, who took Arthur "Ranger" McFriendly into custody for further interrogation. Along with another undercover cop "Simon", he showed some excellent interrogation, extortion, torture & police brutality RP skills, which the "Ranger" had to endure, while being charged with false allegations of arms dealing(+ metagaming :p).

Needless to say, "Ranger" didn't cracked up on those allegations & torture methods, he stayed strong, believing in his innocence. But, along with all those minor scars he received on his body that day, one actually did go deep into his heart, metaphorically speaking of an emotional scar - he lost faith in the local authorities that day & was sad.

A day, a situation, which I can still remember of - recall of, like it happened yesterday.

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I nominate B00th he is a amazing roleplayer and a fun guy <3

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