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Roleplay UK Clothing (Limited Time)

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I mean if you don't  want a T-Shirt then don't buy one simple as but don't go around saying how ridiculous it is. If I want to wear a T-shirt or if anybody else does its up to them and we don't need your opinion on what we should and shouldn't wear. Judging from your comments you don't seem so stylish yourself "Football jerseys".

Celtic ? .... Who... means nothing down here :)

Leave it there... its not for you but do not judge others!, and yes I will enjoy wearing it! 

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@SignificanceFirst off, I'm a little fat blonde kid. I don't do sport nor do I wear "Football jerseys"... I don't even follow football. I was just a little bit bewildered as to why people wanted to buy RPUK shirts...

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ill see if i buy one later but ive already spent 600£ this week on clothes.. i dunno if i have space lol

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Can't wait to get my order in! Better get it in before June the 7th!

Going to Barcelona this summer so need a chilling shirt for the beach

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somebody buy us one, then send me it once I get paid yeah? haha jk :)

Why would anyone in the right fucking mind go around wearing a "ROLEPLAY UK" T-Shirt...
Your a lifetime donator yet you question buying a tee shirt? My nan was a very wise woman, and she once told me something that sticks with me to this day, it's a simple life lesson that applies to many aspects of life, and I quote the inspirational  woman her self 

"Don't be a cunt" adster's nan 1911-2005

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You say we have no history on this server... I've been here for 2 years although I was inactive for a while I have watched this community grow and grow and become one of the best if not the best they is and without a doubt I would support this server through thick and thin apart from I don't have a credit card or PayPal. Next time you think of talking about a server in such a way when you've donated 160 pounds I would think again 

Im in Tenerife ATM on holiday, so I will probably get a few shirts when I get home :p Loving the design though

Why would anyone in the right fucking mind go around wearing a "ROLEPLAY UK" T-Shirt...
Same reason you have donated £160 to a community. You're supporting it.

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I think if you buy a T-Shirt and post it onto the galley, you should be able to get a special reward :)

I was about to buy 4 shirts but it just doesn't let me go into checkout. I click the button and nothing happens any ideas?

Gonna try to get myself one of the fancy hoodies :D 

Need to make some money one way or another :D


Can't wait! Love the logo!

I was about to buy 4 shirts but it just doesn't let me go into checkout. I click the button and nothing happens any ideas?
Refresh the page, I had the same issue.

Your a lifetime donator yet you question buying a tee shirt? My nan was a very wise woman, and she once told me something that sticks with me to this day, it's a simple life lesson that applies to many aspects of life, and I quote the inspirational  woman her self 

"Don't be a cunt" adster's nan 1911-2005
Fucking savage lad ?

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