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Robbing/Killing Rule Change


Elite Donator
Brief Summary:
Suggestion is to add a rule that stops people being robbed and dumped

Detailed Suggestion:
Essentially I would like to see rule added that would stop you killing (Fully killing them, dumping them, not just downing them) someone if you rob them, and vice versa, something along the lines of "You cannot kill a player after robbing them, unless you are forced to. If you are robbing a player or group, you cannot kill/dump the people involved where they will likely have to respawn unless you/your group are attacked".

I think the wording of the rule would need to be different but this is just an idea to stop people taking the boring approach of pocket wiping people then throwing them in the ocean to avoid any consequences. If you want to rob people, be prepared for them to remember it happen and face potential consequences. Obviously it would be different if the player being robbed tried to attack you or whatever, but just a simple robbery shouldn't end in the other party being forced to respawn because people want an easy robbery.

I know there would be a lot of grey areas with something like this and it would be difficult to judge, but just want to gather peoples opinions on this?

Hasn't happened to me, but from what I know it's happened to plenty, and it's very shit.

The Pros:
- Fair situations for everyone involved
- Chance for more prolonged RP

The Cons:
- Not sure, I'm sure people will have some cons

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
couldn't agree more. +1

Essentially I would like to see rule added that would stop you killing (Fully killing them, dumping them, not just downing them) someone if you rob them, and vice versa, something along the lines of "You cannot kill a player after robbing them, unless you are forced to. If you are robbing a player or group, you cannot kill/dump the people involved where they will likely have to respawn unless you/your group are attacked".
I'd say you could make it like this.
You cannot kill a player you have just robbed unless they retaliate after being robbed / begin to attack / start to act hostile towards you.
E.g. If you've just been robbed you wouldnt tell the robbers "Im going to kill you" why would they let you live then.

This is a really good suggestion as it allows roleplay to happen and gets rid of the stupid behaviour where people go on the rob to just dump you after
I'd say you could make it like this.
You cannot kill a player you have just robbed unless they retaliate after being robbed / begin to attack / start to act hostile towards you.
E.g. If you've just been robbed you wouldnt tell the robbers "Im going to kill you" why would they let you live then.
This sounds better yeah
yes, yes, yes
It is way to easy to rob someone or something and getting away scot free.
This change would enable a lot more RP
moved to the rules part of the suggestion pages, as it's a rule change suggestion

I agree on this, robberies happens in the real world all the time. People dont always get killed for it because off the "consequences" that might come back at you.
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Obviously in some rp scenarios with backstory sometimes you need to dump someone to give an end to the scenario.
But overall just the quick rob dump and kill shouldn't be a thing imo its just a pure win mentality and not enjoyable for the party involved.
Brief Summary:
Suggestion is to add a rule that stops people being robbed and dumped

Detailed Suggestion:
Essentially I would like to see rule added that would stop you killing (Fully killing them, dumping them, not just downing them) someone if you rob them, and vice versa, something along the lines of "You cannot kill a player after robbing them, unless you are forced to. If you are robbing a player or group, you cannot kill/dump the people involved where they will likely have to respawn unless you/your group are attacked".

I think the wording of the rule would need to be different but this is just an idea to stop people taking the boring approach of pocket wiping people then throwing them in the ocean to avoid any consequences. If you want to rob people, be prepared for them to remember it happen and face potential consequences. Obviously it would be different if the player being robbed tried to attack you or whatever, but just a simple robbery shouldn't end in the other party being forced to respawn because people want an easy robbery.

I know there would be a lot of grey areas with something like this and it would be difficult to judge, but just want to gather peoples opinions on this?

Hasn't happened to me, but from what I know it's happened to plenty, and it's very shit.

The Pros:
- Fair situations for everyone involved
- Chance for more prolonged RP

The Cons:
- Not sure, I'm sure people will have some cons

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
This makes alot of sense, IRL robbing someone and murdering them are 2 completely separate trains of thought, some serious escalation between robbing and then completely killing them for what a couple smoothies and a shitty gun just because you don't want any comeback from it?

I feel like the comeback from robbing someone is what would create alot more interesting storylines and prevent the braindead actions of just thinking fuck it lets rob this guy his gang etc won't find out because we'll just dump the geezer, BIG +1