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Robbery System (Crim 0.75)


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Robbery System (Crim 0.75)

We're excited about the new robbery system launched today, and we want to hear your feedback on it. We've set up a single location where you can share your thoughts, whether they're positive, negative, or anything in between. Your input is essential for us to understand how you feel about the update and make any necessary improvements.

We've seen the value of constructive and honest feedback from previous updates, like the Health update. It helps us identify issues quickly and address them effectively. However, to keep things enjoyable for everyone, please refrain from including spoilers in your comments.

Feel free to share all types of feedback with us. We want to know what's working well and what needs improvement so that we can make meaningful changes based on your experiences. If you come across routine bugs, continue reporting them through the usual channels. For discussions and interactions about this update, please use this thread to engage with others and the development team.

For any concerns about potential game-breaking issues, please raise them on the RPUK Discord ticket system. This will allow us to address them promptly and ensure a smooth gameplay experience for all players.

Thanks for keeping with me on this journey, it means a lot o7. As always I am excited for the future updates that await this project so stay with me <3


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After trying out the store robberies they feel way to quick. You almost have to be at the shop in order to catch the robbers or even get a idea who it is. Feels like you are in and out in 30 seconds. Can imagine it is especially unfair for the shop owners up in Sandy and above. 

One other thing, would be a idea to add a security cam system like you have at Pillbox etc. Snatches a picture of the robber, and sends the image on the shop's discord webhook. As I believe most shops already have a CCTV cam. Especially now that there is a extreme increase of robberies!

I feel like the cost to fix each till every cooldown period is to much, if you go into fix it there's a very short time till its robbed again people seem to already know the cooldowns so maybe this could be a bit random or maybe the shop could be usable before it could be robbed again. 

I feel like the cost to fix each till every cooldown period is to much, if you go into fix it there's a very short time till its robbed again people seem to already know the cooldowns so maybe this could be a bit random or maybe the shop could be usable before it could be robbed again. 
To add to this. I have made hardly any sales due to people learning  the times on the tills and the shop being constantly shut. 

I died last night and couldn't buy any food phones or medical supplies until I checked half the map. The entire norths shops are desolate because of the features current state. 

I love this feature and have had good RP with it already! I feel like the store should be less affected after a robbery has taken place. 

Legit watched people (Normally non crim characters) just smash a shop after buying their snacks because they get their cash back and it's not that risky right now. 

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probably need to spend more time in the shops as owners/employees to look after the place, or hire g6/security to look over the places

Not sure if I'm the only bar with this issue, but since The Kraken was robbed, I've been in, fixed the till, the shop is closed for cool down, and it has been for about 3 hours now? 
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?


Not sure if I'm the only bar with this issue, but since The Kraken was robbed, I've been in, fixed the till, the shop is closed for cool down, and it has been for about 3 hours now? 
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?

15 minutes it should be I think has been with Galaxy.

Not sure if I'm the only bar with this issue, but since The Kraken was robbed, I've been in, fixed the till, the shop is closed for cool down, and it has been for about 3 hours now? 
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?

i've had simliar issues.

i've had simliar issues.
+1 on this with multiple businesses, also noticed it cost's £5k per till to repair each time on top of whatever was lost from the robbery causing the damage...

I was never a huge shop robbery kind of person before the update, but I did do the pharmacy as often as possible for, well, reasons!

The pay out from the pharmacy it terms of materials seems significantly lower than before, and with how fewer times this can be done now, it makes progressing further using these materials even slower then before. This would be my only recommendation, besides that the new system is a breath of fresh air and enjoyable!

As above I think Police should be notified earlier or smashing tills take longer, and I think when breaking into the safe, the police notification should be within in the last minute of the process maybe? Rather than when the *work* is done, just to give a bit more roleplay opportunities. 


I just witnessed the shop I work at get robbed. While I was in the mines. I got the alert that the tills were getting attacked and instantly got the alert that the till got fixed. That happened to both tills, how you can see with the time stamps of the msg. I then drove to the shop and inspected the tills my self and found that they were not fixed. So I fixed the till and got the g6 alert again. Are we getting double and triple charged for the alert?

After a few days of this update as a manager and employee of businesses I'd like to put some input in.

So with this new update with robbing shops/restaurants it's created yes a way for criminals to make money and a new activity however from a business perspective especially one in Paleto Bay or Sandy Shores it's created this pause for any business to stay open or make money because even if someone were to be on all day repairing the shop from being hit that's £5,000 each time which is stopping businesses from really making any profit at all.

I feel as if this robbing system needs to be balanced in a way that businesses aren't constantly being used as vending machines for money, the amount of people that are blacked out in local cars or on bikes just constantly going round as well is an issue because it doesn't feel like a role-play experience it feels as if it's cops and robbers constantly and just the robbers part.

I wanted to also add that I love this update and other things it has to offer and I am looking forward to the updates in the future!

- Another thing that bothers is that we don't know how much money we are losing. 
If a store was robbed irl, the money in the till would be counted and you'd know how much you'd lost.

I'd love for the webhook to log it.
And the repair cost for the till as well to be in the webhook.

I feel like something def needs to be adjusted, with how every shop is almost closed, people are struggling to find food and bandages and so on.

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We are still getting double G6 notifications for repairs. That didnt happen.

So feedback on the system. Overall, i think its a very nice system and has a lot of positives in terms of contributing to new players and experienced players having more activities. However I am finding that the timings involved require tweaking.

I've not taken part in actually robbing a shop, this is being written from the perspective of a lost member trying to protect the businesses and as a police officer trying to respond to the alerts.

Essentially, I feel the robbery time is a little too quick, in as much as there is barely any response time for either an employee or police to get there in time, before the robber has disappeared. The only defence i see for this would be to setup in a shop and assume that the person is going to rob you. However the downside to this is, if youre the shop owner and youre caught protecting your shop, you risk losing the business.

I also feel that the cooldown, post repair of the till is a little excessive. Many shops being closed for prolonged periods, means that its costing more money to repair the tills ,than the shops could potentially be making.

And finally, I believe that the pharmacy having a cooldown is causing a massive detriment. They are the sole provider of medical products within the city, and with them being closed, it means that those products can't flow out into the city.

Conclusion, I'd like to see the till attack time increased, to give the responders a chance to interact with the robbers. Id like to see the cooldown reduced to give a chance to actually earn money to replenish whats taken. I'd like to see the pharmacy cooldowns be reduced massively or removed.

So feedback on the system. Overall, i think its a very nice system and has a lot of positives in terms of contributing to new players and experienced players having more activities. However I am finding that the timings involved require tweaking.

I've not taken part in actually robbing a shop, this is being written from the perspective of a lost member trying to protect the businesses and as a police officer trying to respond to the alerts.

Essentially, I feel the robbery time is a little too quick, in as much as there is barely any response time for either an employee or police to get there in time, before the robber has disappeared. The only defence i see for this would be to setup in a shop and assume that the person is going to rob you. However the downside to this is, if youre the shop owner and youre caught protecting your shop, you risk losing the business.

I also feel that the cooldown, post repair of the till is a little excessive. Many shops being closed for prolonged periods, means that its costing more money to repair the tills ,than the shops could potentially be making.

And finally, I believe that the pharmacy having a cooldown is causing a massive detriment. They are the sole provider of medical products within the city, and with them being closed, it means that those products can't flow out into the city.

Conclusion, I'd like to see the till attack time increased, to give the responders a chance to interact with the robbers. Id like to see the cooldown reduced to give a chance to actually earn money to replenish whats taken. I'd like to see the pharmacy cooldowns be reduced massively or removed.
Tbf I think many have given up now on responding, we decided to test the timing and managed to do around 8 stores and nobody came untill we went to a place with 3 tills as you can do each one so doing all 3 gave time to respond but I can't imagine responding to the single till ones, if you've got good reflexes to get the spins then your in and out in a few, and you know the police are fed up when you do 4 shops next to eachother and they aren't there by the 4th
